Sopinee kuitenkin paremmin tänne kuin vitsiketjuun.Tuon Shiban ajatuksenjuoksua kun on oppinut tulkitsemaan, niin väittäisin, että tämä on hyvinkin paikkansapitävä.
3 dogs die and meet God at the gates to heaven. God asks each of them what they believe. He first asks the doberman who answers, I believe in discipline, hard work and loyalty to my master. God says, “Good! Here is a seat on my left.” Next, he asks the poodle. The poodle answers, I believe in love, compassion and peace on earth. God says, “Good! Here is a seat on my right." Lastly, he asks the shiba inu who looks him in the eye and says, "I believe you’re in my seat."