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Miksi saan tämmöisen errorin kun yritän filua laittaa lataukseen, ennen toimi ok?

Unauthorized download

We're sorry, but this downlod request cannot be authorized. There could be several reasons for this:

1) You clicked on a link on an *unofficial* mirror. We do not allow that kind of external hotlinking. This site creates a great deal of traffic and it's hard to find a good hosting. We will not provide the bandwith for other sites. Please visit and you can download all the torrents you want.

2) You're using a download manager. But there's a solution to this problem:

Set up your download manager to send a HTTP referer, and when you click on a link on the site the download will be authorized. Here's how you can do this in Getright:

Go to Getright Configuration, under Advanced/Protocol check Send "Referer" in HTTP Request and then select Calculated from open web browser page.

The setup should be similar for other download managers.

3) Your browser did not send a referer. This normally happens if you right click on a link and select save-as, or if you copy and paste a link into a new browser window and press Enter. It may also be that your browser is set up to not send any referer. But left clicking on a link works just fine and has been tested in IE6, Netscape 6, Opera6, Firefox and Safari

Some software firewalls, for instance the Norton Personal Firewall (which is also part of Norton Internet Security) or ZoneAlarm remove the referer from HTTP requests which will block any downloads on any site that does a referer check. Hence such options should always be turned off. In Norton you have to go to the Privacy Settings and disable browser privacy (which doesn't really protect your privacy anyway as your IP address will always be logged regardless of that setting), in ZoneAlarm you have to go to Privacy -> Cookie Control -> Custom and uncheck "remove private header information".

Software like AdSubstract also blocks the referer and makes downloads impossible.

We're sorry for any inconvenience this may cause and hope you understand our reasons for doing so. Bandwith doesn't come cheap and we have to do all we can to keep the bandwith usage down.
Käytä vain virallisia mirroreita,eli osoitetta. Jotain ongelmia oli epävirallisten paskasti koodattujen mirroreitten kanssa.
ainakin toi 1. kohta on ihan yksinkertaisesti se että kun täällä pakkiksellakin on tarjottu jotain sivustoa joka käyttää suprnovan linkkejä ilman lupaa niin nyt on sitten vaan poistettu tämä mahdollisuus... eli ainut tapa ottaa filuja on mennä "viralliselle" sivulle eli
Mike sanoi:
No tuollahan minä aina olenkin käynyt, ei vain toimaa enää.

Täällä toimii ihan normaalisti. Selaimena firefox.

Onko käytössä kumpaakaan siinä virheilmotuksessa mainittua palomuuria?
Entä oletko kokeillut toisella selaimella?

Referer check ei nyt ilmeisesti mene perille.

Sen verran lisäystä vielä että default asetuksilla selaimet ei yleensä noita blokkaa. Palomuurin privacy optionsseista ratkaisu saattaa löytyä.
Tulipahan taas englantisuomi siansaksaa.
Eipä toimi täälläkään.


Juups eli tässä oli syy:
"Some software firewalls, for instance the Norton Personal Firewall (which is also part of Norton Internet Security) or ZoneAlarm remove the referer from HTTP requests which will block any downloads on any site that does a referer check. Hence such options should always be turned off. In Norton you have to go to the Privacy Settings and disable browser privacy (which doesn't really protect your privacy anyway as your IP address will always be logged regardless of that setting), in ZoneAlarm you have to go to Privacy -> Cookie Control -> Custom and uncheck "remove private header information"."
Mike sanoi:
Eri selaimilla koitettu ilman palomuuria ja sen kanssa.

Mjahas. No sitten multa on kyllä ideat lopussa. Keksien säätöjen kanssa voisi tietysti yrittää säätää. Accept third party coocies yms. Saman virheilmoituksen saan itse aikaan kun linkaan suoraan torrent tiedostoon. suprnova sivulta tulee sitten ihan normaalisti kaikki perille.

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