Stan Efferding joins Mind Pump and reveals a ton into his bodybuilding career, his vertical diet, and more about his business.
0:30) What got you started (
3:00) How he was successful in Bodybuilding (
5:45) When did you learn about your potential for bodybuilding (
7:45) How to GROW in the Gym (
8:40) Genetics in Bodybuilding (
11:00) Career before Bodybuilding (
13:00) Training Methodology Changes (
16:30) How much Bodybuilding helped Powerlifting (
24:00) Monster Mash Explained! (
28:00) Gut Health (
32:00) Rehydration Program (
34:00) Bodybuilding sodium plan (
38:00) Phil health (
41:00) Sodium (
43:00) Women creating nutrient deficiency (
45:00) Walking after a meal (
48:00) If you want to be healthy don’t Compete! (
52:00) Fasting? (
57:00) Most people have gut issues (
1:04:50) Why you cannot compensate sleep, diet, nutrients for a pill. (
1:10:29) What does he have to take now to manage his hormone levels? (
1:11:40) Have the trends changed in programming then vs. now? The importance of tackling the big rocks first (EAT, SLEEP and TRAIN). (
1:17:56) What has he learned about himself and business through his experience? (
1:23:50) Why meal prepping and planning is the #1 predictor of success. (
1:27:20) Why meal prepping and planning is the #1 predictor of success. (
1:30:03) His take on the evolution of social media and how it has affected his business (
1:36:07) Why all diets work when they are inherently followed. (
1:43:09) The power of broke” mindset and always giving more than he gets. (
1:45:57) How anything you give for free has no perceived value. (
1:48:00) What does he do to break his “checklist” style of living? (
1:51:15) What is the proudest moment he has had in his career? (
1:56:54) How has his relationship with his mom impacted him as an adult? (
2:01:48) When you change the why you look at things, the things you look at change (
2:05:40) Stan's tip of the day!