BB PRO Seth Feroce

3 kpl Basic Nutrition EAA -25%
Kovaa settii jaloille:

Rise and Shine !! Can't beat a Saturday Morning Full of Squats and Squats and Squats!!! Had a workout that was as basic as they come..... Squat til you PUKE!
Leg Extensions..........5 X 15
Leg Curls ..................5 X 15
SQUATS ....................14 X 20, 20, 20, 15, 15, 15, 10, 10, 10, 5, 5, 5, 5/10/15/20 , 20/15/10/5 - I didn't make it to my 15th set.....the Intra-MD came up and I went down.
Killer workout, nothing intricate, just wanted to go and in and squat ( need better overall leg development - SQUATS will help)
And sure enough, legs are Jello!


M-Nutrition Sports Greens 1, 210 g, Lemon-Lime

Todella tykki viherjauhe

Vanhempaa videomatskua, jossa Levrone vetäsee Sethille jalkajumpan.

In light of Kevin Levrone's comeback, here is a video shot in 2011 featuring the Maryland Muscle Machine. This is probably one of the most hardcore video series that MD had ever published. Seth Feroce had just trained back 20 minutes earlier with Jay Cutler before this video was shot. In this video, Kevin Levrone puts Seth Feroce thru a leg workout, the way he used to train! Levrone Leg Style.

Tää on kyllä mielenkiintoinen jamppa, eipä tuu enää avattua, kuin tätä Sethin ketjua näistä pro ukoista. Vaikuttaa hirveen fiksulta ja pitää asiat yksinkertaisina.
Siis oikeasti mahtavaa settiä! Btw tuleeko kenelläkään mieleen "karhuksi"-ketju?

Täytyy myös todeta että katselin kaverin videot läpi, ja kyllä musta vähän fani tais tulla :rock:

Täytynee lisätä kokonaisuuden vuoksi disclaimeri: "Ei homolla tavalla" :pano:


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