BB PRO Seth Feroce

3 kpl Basic Nutrition EAA -25%
Ojentajan kuntoutuksen takia vähän kato käynyt varsinkin selkälihaksien osalta.
Vajaa 100kg, kroppa kuosiin... kuitenkaan palaamatta lähellekään Pro massoja. :LOL:


1. Pull-Ups (4:16) - 7-10 Sets X 10-15 reps (This is a warmup exercise to get the blood flowing. 100 pull-ups wide grip, reverse grip, don't give a f*ck grip. You want to do every different grip in order to hit all different parts of your back.)
2. Bent Over Barbell Rows (11:28) - 4x8-12 (Pyramid up in weight as sets progress)
3. T-Bar Rows (14:28) - 4x8-15 (Make sure you are pulling up, not back - in order to hit the upper back not your lats)
4. Single Arm Dumbbell Rows (16:06) - 4x8-12 (This is a rowing motion. Row the weight, don't pull up - we want to hit the lats not the upper back)
5. Reverse Grip Pulldowns (19:23) - 4x8-12 (Make sure you are keeping your elbows in close, and chest up)


1. Dumbbell Side Laterals (4:33) - 5-6 Sets X 10-15 reps (last set drop set)
2. Viking Press (9:53) - 4x8-12 Superset
3. Bent Over Rear Delt Raises with Dumbbells (13:11) - 4x8-15
4. Rope Face Pulls (13:16) - 4x8-12 (envision rear double bicep pose while doing this exercise)
5. Dumbbell Front Raises (16:49) - 4x8-12
6. Shrugs (19:06) - 4x8-12
7. Machine Shoulder Presses (20:39) - 4x8-12 (alternate between a neutral grip and a regular grip)
Hany Rambod aloittanut myös podcast ja ensimmäinen vieras, hänen entinen valmennettava
silloinen amatööri 24v, nykyisin eläköitynyt IFBB Pro Seth Feroce.


Seth Feroce Joins the Truth Podcast 00:56 Seth and Hany's History 05:46
Seth's water buffalo dilemma at the Pittsburg Pro 07:28 Hany Evaluates Seth's Coachablity 19:11
Seth witnesses Hany's Magic 25:46 Seth Turning Pro 38:21 Being Pushed to Feroce Shredded 47:02
Seth Understanding Hany's Method 50:50 Using the bodybuilding mindset into business 52:49
Seth's Frustrations when competing 01:01:21 Seth and Hany's fall out 01:05:26
Seth and Hany Reuniting 01:14:22 Hany's Untold Stories 01:24:25 Looking about at past accomplishments 01:32:22
Lisää vaatteita:

Syksyn vaatemallistoa:


1. Dumbbell Side Laterals (10:31) - 5-6 Sets X 10-15 reps (last set drop set)
2. Hammer Strength Shoulder Press (13:26) - 3 Warm Up Sets - 12,10,8 2 Work Sets - 8, 8/Failure (Drop Set last set)
3. Bent Over Rear Delt Raises with Dumbbells (14:04) - 4x8-15 - SuperSetted with - Rope Face Pulls (16:27) - 4x8-12 (envision rear double bicep pose while doing this exercise)
4. Dumbbell Front Raises (20:05) - 4x8-12
5. Shrugs (21:55) - 4x8-12
Keep Shit Simple!!! Just be as INTENSE as Possible. Controlled Chaos!
DONT BE A PUSSY!! All these sayings run through my head as I am training. Keep me on point! haha Love you Guys! Keep Fuckin Shit Up!!
Mitäs helvettiä, edellinen video tuli lauantaina ja kohta perjantai. 😅
Mihin tuo aika oikein rientää noin kovaa vauhtia, kohta ollaan jo marraskuussa.

Käsien kasvatus alkaa Seth!


1. Rope Press Downs (6:06) - 4 Sets X 10-15 reps
2. Alternating Dumbbell Curls (6:12) - 4 Sets - 12,10,8,8

3. V-Bar Press Downs (6:18) - 4x15,12,12,10,10 (Don't forget you can change up your elbow placement during this exercise to hit a different part of your tricep.)
4. EZ Bar Cable Curls (8:16) - 4x15,12,10,10 (Close grip and or wider grip)

5. Seated Cable Curls (8:22) - 4x8-12
6. Plate Loaded Dip Machine Press Downs (8:26) - 4x8-12 (Do one arm then the other, then burnout at the end with both arms - Just keep going! More Reps!!!)

7. Dumbbell Hammer Curls (14:48) - 3x8-12
8. Cable Kick Backs (15:04) - 3x8-12

9. Dumbbell Concentration Curls (17:39) - 4x8-12 (use the Arnold method, little bit of swing but control the movement and get a good contraction at the top or each rep)
10. One Arm Tricep Press Down (17:48) - 4x8-12 (Do this exercise from across the body, I like this method for this exercise and also given the fact that I have done a couple different variations of one arm press downs already. Different angle with a different Grip!)

M-Nutrition Sports Greens 1, 210 g, Lemon-Lime

Todella tykki viherjauhe

Vaihteeksi vaatteita:


Warm-up - Pull-ups, Pulldowns, Band Work
1. Old School T-Bar Rows (07:26) - 7 Sets X To Failure, Pyramid up in Weight
2. T-Bar Rows (10:38) - (1 Warmup Set) 3x8-10 Pyramid up in Weight
3. One Arm Dumbbell Rows (12:10) - (1 Warmup Set) 3 Sets X To Failure
4. Wide Grip Pulldowns (17:05) - 3x12 5. Reverse Grip Cable Rows (17:19) - 3x10 (Squeeze Each Rep) 6. Hyperextensions (17:46) - 4x12
Keep Shit Simple!!!
Just be as INTENSE as Possible.
Controlled Chaos! DONT BE A PUSSY!!
Viimeksi muokattu:

As Always....Make sure your shoulders are nice and warmed up!
1. Hammer Strength Shoulder Press (01:56) - 4X10 (Last Set Strip set - Stripping Plates MFer)
2. Dumbbell Laterals (07:22) - 4x10 (Last Set Dropset)
3. Viking Press (10:25) - 3x8-12 (If you don't have a Viking Press you can do some other type of Press - DB, Barbell or Machine)
4. Reverse Pec Deck (12:58) - 4x8-12
5. Upright Rows (15:30) - 4x8-12
6. Shrugs (19:18) - 4x Failure (Shrug until you can't shrug anymore!!)

View: use code "YOUTUBE" for 10% off all supplements
The HWMF Transformation Challenge - $25,000 in prizes
TWO CHALLENGES 1. Overall Body Composition Transformation - 2 Winners
Male Winner - $10,000 Female Winner - $10,000

2. Most Shredded Challenge - 1 Winner $5,000
All expense paid trip to Axe and Sledge HQ (photo + video shoot) Go to now to register for the HWMF Transformation Challenge.

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