- Liittynyt
- 21.8.2004
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- 2 970
Mielenkiintoinen artikkeli tuoreimmassa Scientific Americanissa koskien ravintotietoutta, maailmanlaajuista ylipainoepidemiaa ja äskettäistä tutkimusta, jossa vertailtiin eri diettimuotoja (Zone, Ornish, Standard ja Atkins).
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The examples I have discussed illustrate why nutrition science seems so controversial. Without improved methods to ensure compliance with dietary regimens, research debates are likely to rage unabated. Opposing points of view and the focus of studies and food advertising on single nutrients rather than on dietary patterns continue to fuel these disputes. While we wait for investigators to find better ways to study nutrition and health, my approach—eat less, move more, eat a largely plant-based diet, and avoid eating too much junk food—makes sense and leaves you plenty of opportunity to enjoy your dinner.
James Hill, a psychologist and authority on weight loss, agrees that the Atkins approach has virtues. “The Atkins diet is a great way to lose weight,” he says. But it “is not a way to keep weight off,” he asserts. “There’s no way you can do it forever.”
The key, he continues, is exercise. “Activity becomes the driver; food restriction doesn’t do it. The idea that for the rest of your life you’re going to be hungry all the time—that’s just silly.”
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