BB PRO Samson Dauda

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Get ready to blast your legs with Samson Dauda's intense mass-building leg session at Factory Gym.

IFBB Pro Samson Dauda takes you through a shoulder workout as he preps for the 2023 Olympia.



Samson Dauda and his wife arrive in NY at the Airbnb to set up shop for the next few days. Samson does some training, cooking, posing, and talks about strategy for content creation with Fouad Abiad.

Arnold Classic Champion IFBB Pro Samson Dauda takes you through a full day of eating as he gets ready for the 2023 Olympia.

Pure Creatine 300 g -25%

Puhdaslaatuinen kreatiinimonohydraatti


IFBB Pro Samson Dauda travels to the 2023 T.R.U. Athlete Pro Show to catch up with his teammates and meet fans.

Daudalla painoa yli 136 kiloa.

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Kysykää vaan multa, kuuleman mukaan kaikki mun kuvat on huijausta, videotkin. Mut koska oon pro, niin osaan kyllä jos haluun.


Arnold Classic Champion Samson Dauda trains arms and traps 8 weeks out from the 2023 Mr. Olympia.

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