Sage Northcutt

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Sagen oikea faija :david:


Sage Northcutt Leaves Tristar MMA Becuase His Father Didn't Like It

During a recent trip to the famed Tristar Gym in Montreal, Northcutt began tiring after a few days. He has cardio for days—he can run a sub-five-minute mile, and his father says he can fight five five-minute rounds without breaking a sweat—but the pace of Tristar’s training was more than he was used to handling.

That difference in training style is why Northcutt won’t be utilizing Tristar to prepare for his December 10 fight against Cody Pfister. His father is worried about allowing Sage to go to Canada without being there to monitor him. He’s afraid Sage would return from training without his usual levels of energy, and that could affect him greatly in the fight."

"couldnt handle the riddum" <-- hurtasta, vitun hyvin sanottu. GSP comebackpäissään siellä ni tais olla liikaa riddumia.
Niii sanoppa muuta. Taitaa Tietäjän faija olla sellainen seppä, että tietää mitä pitää milloinkin ottaa ja tehdä et palautuu oikein ja jaksaa. Liekköhän jotain laitonta?

Liekkö myös sattumaa se, että samoihin aikoihin kuin Vitor's Finest terttutehtaan resepti huutokaupattiin brasiliassa, niin hetkeä myöhemmin alkoi Northcutt laittaan porukkaa pinoon.

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Todella tykki viherjauhe

"Sage's dad - Mark Monroe Northcutt has quite the history:

In the fall of 1989, a federal grand jury in the Southern District of Texas returned an indictment against Mark Monroe Northcutt (Northcutt) charging him with possession of cocaine with intent to distribute and conspiring to commit the same offense in violation of 21 U.S.C. §§ 841(a)(1) and 846. Northcutt was also facing state felony drug charges in San Marcos, Texas, as well as state forfeiture proceedings against his property. In January of 1990, Northcutt agreed to cooperate with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and identified several targets for federal prosecution. One of those targets is a defendant in this case, John Michael Wilson (Wilson). Wilson was a criminal defense attorney practicing in Dallas who handled mostly drug cases.
Mike (Wilson) was charged with taking the cocaine in lieu of legal fees to represent thirty-year-old Mark Monroe Northcutt. Known in gyms around the state as a steroid dealer, Northcutt was a body builder and power lifter who had been arrested six months before in Houston for possession of twenty-five kilos of cocaine. After his arrest, he had called a Dallas body builder named John Hoffman, whom Mike was representing on steroid charges, and asked his opinion of Wilson, apparently at the instigation of the DEA. "I loved Mike," Hoffman says.
Northcutt agreed to set up Wilson.
All this was before Sage was born of course. Perhaps his dad has changed his criminal ways and even the way he views steroids...."

Mark on siis ilmiselvä vasikka. Erittäin todennäköistä että saman asian takia on aloitettu "Experiment Sage" projekti jo ennen Sagen syntymää.

Bobby Green voisi olla Sagelle hyvä ensimmäinen testi, mikäli se jatkaa samaa rataa et on siinä top15-20 paikkeilla rankingeis. Sagen pitää kuitenki otella sitä ennen ja kehittyä roimasti. Mutta mietin et sopival kehittyksel Green olisi voitettavissa!

Täl hetkel pitää varmaan kuitenkin antaa sille niitä oman potentiaalin tasoisia, eli top50-top80 kanistereita. UFC:n kannattais valikoida jotain kestäviä kavereita sieltä, että saisi maileja mittariin. Hypen kannalta tietenki olisi parempi saada naksautus hightlightreel kamaa. Mutta liian äkkiä tulee kyl tossa divarissa taso vastaan jos meinaa hoputtamalla Sagesta tehdä uuden GSP:n.

Jossain vaiheessa "superfight" Notorious Artem Lobovin kans olis kova.

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