R.I.P Michael Jackson

Kundihan todettiin syyttömäksi niin turha tässä kaverin kuoleman jälkeen on ruveta jossittelemaan. Kyllä kritisoida saa mutta se että tuut tänne kirjoittamaan "hahhah pedo potkas tyhjää" tai jotain muuta yhtä järkevää niin kertoo että etpä omaa hirveen kypsää ajatusmaailmaa, ja myös sen että et ole perehtynyt kyseiseen artistiin muuta kuin seiskan lööpeistä 2000 luvulla.

amen to that. Ylläri kun ketju muuttui pedo vai ei keskusteluksi. Ei kyllä omaa sukkaa hirveesti purista jos joku väittää tietävänsä ihan oikein aikuisten oikeesti mihin se Jacko oikeesti koski, hyvä heille, mutta oikeuden todettua hänet syyttömäksi minä diggailen vain hyvää musiikkia mitä mies teki ja paljon.
Piina alkoi nöyryytyksestä

Syytökset alaikäiseen sekaantumisesta tulivat julki 29. elokuuta 1993. Viisi päivää sen jälkeen Jackson pyörtyi lavan takana ennen Singaporen toista konserttia. Hän oli onnistunut tekemään Aasian kiertueella kolme loistavaa konserttia, mutta kolme oli peruutettu.

Michaelin lempisisko Janet pakkasi kasseja matkatakseen veljensä tueksi. Elizabeth Taylor halusi mukaan.

Kujanjuoksu alkoi: joulukuun 20. päivänä tutkijaryhmä kokoontui Los Olivosin maatilan portilla määränään kuvata Jacksonin sukupuolielimet.

Jordan Chandler,12, Santa Monicasta oli kertonut psykiatrille, että Jackson oli koskenut häntä usein niinä kuukausina, kun poika perheineen matkusteli Jacksonin kanssa ja myös oleskeli Neverlandissä. Hän piirsi Jacksonin sukupuolielimet ja kertoi tummasta läikästä peniksen alla.

Jackson odotti tutkijaryhmää kylpytakki yllä. Hänellä oli tukenaan lääkäri, joka oli hoitanut häntä lääkevieroituksessa. Läsnä oli myös iholääkäri, joka päivittäin antoi potilaalleen ihoa vaalentavaa voidetta.

Iholääkärin palveluksessa oli muuan hoitaja Debbie Rowe, sittemmin Jacksonin kahden lapsen äiti.

Jackson nosti penistään, jolloin tutkijaryhmä totesi tumman läikän olemassaolon, mutta kuvaa siitä ei saatu.

Jackson raivosi ja huusi kimakasti, mutta operaatio vietiin päätökseen.

Isä tai äiti sen enempää kuin sisaruksetkaan eivät rientäneet pikkuveljen tueksi. Isosisko La Toya antoi haastattelun ja vaati Michaelia jättämään pojat rauhaan. Hänen mukaansa äiti Katherine sanoi poikaansa hintiksi. Molemmat olivat La Toyan mukaan mitätöineet sekkejä, joilla Michael maksoi poikia ja näiden perheitä hiljaisiksi. Varhaisimmat sekit olivat 1980-luvun puolivälistä, jolloin Michael oli 25-vuotias.

Lopulta äiti sanoutui irti La Toyan lausunnoista, joilla tämä hänen mukaansa rahasti.

Jacksonien pojat tottuivat varhain seksiin: jo teini-ikäisinä he kierrättivät tyttöjä. Ihailijan sai ensin Jackie, sitten Joe ja lopulta Jermaine, jos tyttö enää kiinnosti. Michael varoitteli nuoria ihailijoita veljistään, mutta joutui itse tyttöhyökkäykseen 14-vuotiaana, minkä arvelleen muovanneen hänen suhtautumistaan seksiin.


Tiedä sitten mikä on totuus tossakaan.

Tuottajat tuntevat systeemit. Itsekin musiikkimiehenä tiedän, että on olemassa monia rytmisiä ja harmonisia juttuja joilla saadaan hyvän kuuloista musiikkia. Noilla tempuilla kikkailemalla ei koskaan tehdä mitään mahtavaa, mutta semihyvää listakamaa syntyy kyllä. Kun tuottaja tuntee kaikki tuollaiset kuviot hän osaa tehdä iskevää musiikkia. Vaikka nykyajan pop on mielestäni ihan paskaa, kyllä sitäkin kuunnellessa välillä tulee sellainen olo että "hei täähän on hyvää musaa". Se fiilis häipyy kyllä kiireen vilkkaa ja sitten sitä huomaa kuinka tyhjää musiikkia se onkaan, mutta ne jutut saavat ihmisen tykästymään musiikkiin.
Niin ja sit kun palattaisiin väännön alkuun eli jacksoniin.

Oiskohan king of pop - arvonimi tullut semihyvällä listakamalla?

Vai olisiko jackon taiteellisen vision aika vaan ollut upota massoihin?

Kyllä kikkailemalla saadaan jotain aikaan mutta levykaupalla se ei onnistu. Yleensä edes biisikaupalla ei onnistu vaan tulee tunne että pari sinkkuhittiä plus kymmenen täytebiisiä. Päteekö tämä kuvaus jackoon? Entä metallicaan? Metallikan pojillakin käsittääkseni oikeasti laskelmoivat biisit (vanhat fanit kyllä pysyy ikuisesti, eikun populäärisuuntaan jee jee saadaan faneiksi koko maailma) alkoi loadin paikkeilla...
Kundihan todettiin syyttömäksi niin turha tässä kaverin kuoleman jälkeen on ruveta jossittelemaan. Kyllä kritisoida saa mutta se että tuut tänne kirjoittamaan "hahhah pedo potkas tyhjää" tai jotain muuta yhtä järkevää niin kertoo että etpä omaa hirveen kypsää ajatusmaailmaa, ja myös sen että et ole perehtynyt kyseiseen artistiin muuta kuin seiskan lööpeistä 2000 luvulla.

Ja missäs mä olen tollasta sanonut? Luepa mun aiemmat kommentit uudestaan.

Todettiin syyttömäksi kerran. Mutta hän myös maksoi 25 miljoonaa (ja muistaakseni jonkun pienemmän summan sen jälkeen jollekulle toiselle, korjatkaa jos oon väärässä) jotta hänen ei tarvitsisi mennä oikeuteen. Jos joku muu tekis noin (kuka tahansa) niin kaikki tuomitsisivat hänet pedofiiliksi. Mut ilmeisesti jacko on liian ihQ.

En väitä mitään. Sanon vaan että ei ole mitenkään "epäkypsää" olla sitä mieltä että hän oli pedofiili. Kuten sanoin, kuka tahansa muu olisi sellaiseksi tuomittu jos olisi samat asiat tehny. Ja jos hän oli pedofiili, niin on mielestäni epäkunnioittavaa hänen uhrejaan kohtaan surkutella asiaa.

Vielä kerran: en tiedä. Esitän vain toisen näkökulman.
Ja missäs mä olen tollasta sanonut? Luepa mun aiemmat kommentit uudestaan.

Todettiin syyttömäksi kerran. Mutta hän myös maksoi 25 miljoonaa (ja muistaakseni jonkun pienemmän summan sen jälkeen jollekulle toiselle, korjatkaa jos oon väärässä) jotta hänen ei tarvitsisi mennä oikeuteen. Jos joku muu tekis noin (kuka tahansa) niin kaikki tuomitsisivat hänet pedofiiliksi. Mut ilmeisesti jacko on liian ihQ.

En väitä mitään. Sanon vaan että ei ole mitenkään "epäkypsää" olla sitä mieltä että hän oli pedofiili. Kuten sanoin, kuka tahansa muu olisi sellaiseksi tuomittu jos olisi samat asiat tehny. Ja jos hän oli pedofiili, niin on mielestäni epäkunnioittavaa hänen uhrejaan kohtaan surkutella asiaa.

Vielä kerran: en tiedä. Esitän vain toisen näkökulman.

Komppaan tätä toista näkökulmaa. En ymmärrä miksi jacksonista ei sais nyt puhua mitään negatiivisa asioita.. Koska se kuoli? Niinku jo aikasemmin sanottiin se voi olla jollekkin perheelle tai jollekki lapselle lottovoitto ettei tämä häiriintynyt epämuodostunut sairas mulkku enään kulje maan päällä. Ja varmasti kaikki jotka kattoo MJ:tä ymmärtää ettei kaikki ollut ihan kunnossa.:piis:
Ja missäs mä olen tollasta sanonut? Luepa mun aiemmat kommentit uudestaan.

Todettiin syyttömäksi kerran. Mutta hän myös maksoi 25 miljoonaa (ja muistaakseni jonkun pienemmän summan sen jälkeen jollekulle toiselle, korjatkaa jos oon väärässä) jotta hänen ei tarvitsisi mennä oikeuteen. Jos joku muu tekis noin (kuka tahansa) niin kaikki tuomitsisivat hänet pedofiiliksi. Mut ilmeisesti jacko on liian ihQ.

En väitä mitään. Sanon vaan että ei ole mitenkään "epäkypsää" olla sitä mieltä että hän oli pedofiili. Kuten sanoin, kuka tahansa muu olisi sellaiseksi tuomittu jos olisi samat asiat tehny. Ja jos hän oli pedofiili, niin on mielestäni epäkunnioittavaa hänen uhrejaan kohtaan surkutella asiaa.

Vielä kerran: en tiedä. Esitän vain toisen näkökulman.

En tarkottanu nyt sua. Toi mun aikasempi kommentti on passiivi muodossa kirjoitettu. Ja ei ollut edelleenkään kyse siitä etteikö kaveria saisi pitää pedofiilina vaan näistä lapsellisista kommenteista tyyliin "vitun pedofiili toivottavasti joutuu saatana raiskaamaksi helvetissä" jota jotkut on viljelly.
Ja missäs mä olen tollasta sanonut? Luepa mun aiemmat kommentit uudestaan.

Todettiin syyttömäksi kerran. Mutta hän myös maksoi 25 miljoonaa (ja muistaakseni jonkun pienemmän summan sen jälkeen jollekulle toiselle, korjatkaa jos oon väärässä) jotta hänen ei tarvitsisi mennä oikeuteen. Jos joku muu tekis noin (kuka tahansa) niin kaikki tuomitsisivat hänet pedofiiliksi. Mut ilmeisesti jacko on liian ihQ.

En väitä mitään. Sanon vaan että ei ole mitenkään "epäkypsää" olla sitä mieltä että hän oli pedofiili. Kuten sanoin, kuka tahansa muu olisi sellaiseksi tuomittu jos olisi samat asiat tehny. Ja jos hän oli pedofiili, niin on mielestäni epäkunnioittavaa hänen uhrejaan kohtaan surkutella asiaa.

Vielä kerran: en tiedä. Esitän vain toisen näkökulman.

Itte asiassa ellen aivan väärin muista, Jacko olis kyllä menny oikeuteen... mutta levy-yhtiö tai manageri teki tuon miljoonasopimuksen niiden lasten vanhempien kanssa sillä miten päin tahansa pitkässä jenkkioikeudenkäynnissä oliskaan lopulta tapahtunut, negatiivisia vaikutuksia sillä olis ollu piiiiitkän aikaa, verrattuna siihen että maksetaan ja homma sillä ohi.

Syyttömäksi todettu, riittää meikäläiselle. Lehdet sitä asiaa sitten pui oikein urakalla ja faktat siinä matkan varrella vähän muuttuivat.

Kuuntelin kyllä Jackon musiikkia teininä, mutta en nyt mitenkään ihmeellisesti fanittanut. Siellä se oli playlistissä yhdessä Eppu Normaalin kanssa. :D
Jo kolmatta päivää iltalehdet huuta Jackonkuolemasta. Huoooh. Ihmisiä kuolee joka päivä muutenkin. Sitäpaitsi, jätkä näytti ainekin viimeiset 10 vuotta kuolleelle, joten ei tullu kovin yllätyksenä.
Ja, mä pidän sitä miestä lastenahdistelijana. Se on mun mielipide ja turha kenenkään on lynkata mua arvostelemalla ajatusmaailmaani (tuli vaan mieleeni tuosta penkkihirmun kommentista mungille).
Voi voi että jaksaa naurattaa nämä "sinne meni taas yksi pedofiili" kommenttien kirjoittajat. Nimimerkin takana todennäköisesti pieni 15.v ressukka joka ei omaa edes sen vertaa avarakatseisuutta että pystyisi näkemään sen mitä MJ sai aikaan musiikin saralla, vaan ainoastaan sen mitä lehdet ovat hänestä viimeiset 5 vuotta kirjoittaneet.

Vaikka eipä se sinänsä yllätä, jos ko. kommenttien kirjoittajat on ollu vain tuskasia kipuja isänsä palleissa kun Jacko tehtaili hittejä ja veteli moonwalkkeja koko maailman edessä.

Helppohan se on jokaisen lukea viimesen 7 vuoden seiskat ja tehdä johtopäätöksiä "kääk palstan" perusteella.

Juu kyllä, olen 22 ja syntynyt vasta kun "Bad" nousi listaykköseksi, mutta kun katson aikaa taaksepäin, pystyn silti muistamaan MJ:n siitä mitä hän teki musiikillisella saralla, enkä siitä mitä lehdet ovat hänestä viimeset vuodet kirjoittaneet.

E. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TK0dhanq-Lo onhan toi jätkä nyt kone! :)

Tässä oli taas nii paljo asiaa! katto ton videon jumalauta koko kropassa meni kylmätväreet!! Toi suosio on ollu jotai aivan käsittämätöntä!
Mikäköhän mj oli sitte mennyt vikaan että hän sekaantu lapsiin jos näin on käynyt? miks ei naiset kiinostanut? Ja sen lapsen vanhemmat ei olisivat suostuneet mihkään 25millin maksusta että pitäs pitää suukiinni, yleensä vanhemmat haluua oikeidenmukaisuutta ja tekijä lukkojen taakse, ja oisitvathanne kuitenki saanu korvauksia jos mj olisi syytetty.
Niin ja sit kun palattaisiin väännön alkuun eli jacksoniin.

Oiskohan king of pop - arvonimi tullut semihyvällä listakamalla?

Vai olisiko jackon taiteellisen vision aika vaan ollut upota massoihin?

Kyllä kikkailemalla saadaan jotain aikaan mutta levykaupalla se ei onnistu. Yleensä edes biisikaupalla ei onnistu vaan tulee tunne että pari sinkkuhittiä plus kymmenen täytebiisiä. Päteekö tämä kuvaus jackoon? Entä metallicaan? Metallikan pojillakin käsittääkseni oikeasti laskelmoivat biisit (vanhat fanit kyllä pysyy ikuisesti, eikun populäärisuuntaan jee jee saadaan faneiksi koko maailma) alkoi loadin paikkeilla...

Jacksonin menestys ei perustu turvallisiin sointukliseisiin sen enempää kuin ajan sattumanvaraiseen otollisuuteenkaan. Jacksonin musiikillinen lahjakkuus puree ihmisiin oli aika ja tilanne mikä hyvänsä. Ei hän tietenkään olisi menestynyt musiikillaan vuonna 1000, mutta mietipä: oliko tuolloin edes vehkeitä joilla Jacksonin musiikkia olisi voitu tehdä saati sitten toistaa? Kun kehityttiin sen verran, ettei moinen musiikki enää ollut mitään täysin avaruuskamaa, sen menestys tuli mahdolliseksi. Jackson olisi menestynyt millä tahansa 1900-luvun vuosikymmenellä.

Taitava biisintekijä väsää pop-staroille kaupallista musiikkia. Hän tietää, millaisilla musiikillisilla jutuilla saadaan aikaan menevää musiikkia - en siis puhu mistään Sex Machine -menevyydestä, vaan Rihanna-kamasta -, ja tuntee ajan muotivirtaukset. Näin hänellä on eväät tehdä myyvää musiikkia. Mestariteoksia, edes "hyvää" (sen verran epämääräinen käsite että lainausmerkit lienevät tarpeellisia) musiikkia ei noin saada aikaan, mutta hetken menestyksiä kyllä. Mistä sitten johtuu, etteivät kaikki kappaleet nouse listojen huipuille vaan jäävät vain fanien tuntemiksi? En usko, että kyse on tuurista. Ennemminkin siitä, että myös näissä teknisesti tehdyissä pop-renkutuksissa on musiikillisesti hyviä juttuja, sitä taiteellista puolta. Varsin hyvin tämän kuulee vanhan ajan biiseistä; moni artisti (mm. Jackson 5 ja Michael soolouransa alussa!) on tehnyt levy-yhtiön, tuottajan yms. tossun alla semihyvää poppia, joka on menestynyt kohtalaisesti. Esim. joku Jacksonin Ben. Hempeä lälläri, aika mitäänsanomaton biisi. Siinä on kuitenkin hyviä koukkuja ja muusikko löytää sieltä hyviä aineksia. Perusjannu ei niitä huomaa, mutta tämä Ben iskee kuitenkin paremmin kuin joku muu vastaavalla tavalla tehty kappale; siinä kappaleessa ei niitä Benin taiteellisia juttuja löydy.

Mikäköhän mj oli sitte mennyt vikaan että hän sekaantu lapsiin jos näin on käynyt? miks ei naiset kiinostanut? Ja sen lapsen vanhemmat ei olisivat suostuneet mihkään 25millin maksusta että pitäs pitää suukiinni, yleensä vanhemmat haluua oikeidenmukaisuutta ja tekijä lukkojen taakse, ja oisitvathanne kuitenki saanu korvauksia jos mj olisi syytetty.
Ei kai siinä mitään outoa ole, jos ei naiset kiinnosta?? :D Ja olihan Michael naimisissakin mm. Lisa Marie Presleyn kanssa. Mutta tais Michael elää vielä viisikymppisenäkin menetettyä lapsuuttaan. Kyllähän jossain niissä dokumenteissakin näki, Jacko oli kuin pikkupoika karkkikaupassa, kun kiersi kauppoja ja "tuhlasi" miljoonia kaikenlaiseen krääsään.

Jos ne vanhemmat haluaa rahastaa jollain syytöksillä, niin luulis tommonen 25 miljoonaa kelpaavan. Ja jos eivät noita syytöksiä ihan omasta päästä olleet keksineet, niin luulis, että pystyvät turvaamaan lapsilleen aika hyvän elämän tolla rahalla. Monelle sekin voi riittää sen virallisen tuomion sijasta. Ja Ameriikassa ei oo aina niin varmaa miten ne julkkisten tuomiot menee.
hyvä ja valaiseva artikkeli MJ:n persoonasta ja ongelmista

'I'm better off dead. I'm done': Michael Jackson's fateful prediction just a week before his death

*Genetic condition had ruined his lungs and left him unable to sing
*He became so skeletal, doctors believed he was anorexic
*He had nightmares about being murdered – and wanted to die
*He used swine flu as an excuse to avoid coming to England
*He thought he was agreeing to 10 concerts – it was 50

Whatever the final autopsy results reveal, it was greed that killed Michael Jackson. Had he not been driven – by a cabal of bankers, agents, doctors and advisers – to commit to the gruelling 50 concerts in London’s O2 Arena, I believe he would still be alive today.

During the last weeks and months of his life, Jackson made desperate attempts to prepare for the concert series scheduled for next month – a series that would have earned millions for the singer and his entourage, but which he could never have completed, not mentally, and not physically.


Ailing: Michael Jackson may have worn a mask in public to protect his diseased lungs

Michael knew it and his advisers knew it. Anyone who caught even a fleeting glimpse of the frail old man hiding beneath the costumes and cosmetics would have understood that the London tour was madness. For Michael Jackson, it was fatal.

I had more than a glimpse of the real Michael; as an award-winning freelance journalist and film-maker, I spent more than five years inside his ‘camp’.

Many in his entourage spoke frankly to me – and that made it possible for me to write authoritatively last December that Michael had six months to live, a claim that, at the time, his official spokesman, Dr Tohme Tohme, called a ‘complete fabrication’. The singer, he told the world, was in ‘fine health’. Six months and one day later, Jackson was dead.

Some liked to snigger at his public image, and it is true that flamboyant clothes and bizarre make-up made for a comic grotesque; yet without them, his appearance was distressing; with skin blemishes, thinning hair and discoloured fingernails.

I had established beyond doubt, for example, that Jackson relied on an extensive collection of wigs to hide his greying hair. Shorn of their luxuriance, the Peter Pan of Neverland cut a skeletal figure.

It was clear that he was in no condition to do a single concert, let alone 50. He could no longer sing, for a start. On some days he could barely talk. He could no longer dance. Disaster was looming in London and, in the opinion of his closest confidantes, he was feeling suicidal.

To understand why a singer of Jackson’s fragility would even think about travelling to London, we need to go back to June 13, 2005, when my involvement in his story began.

As a breaking news alert flashed on CNN announcing that the jury had reached a verdict in Jackson’s trial for allegedly molesting 13-year-old Gavin Arvizo at his Neverland Ranch in California, I knew that history had been made but that Michael Jackson had been broken – irrevocably so, as it proved.

Nor was it the first time that Michael had been accused of impropriety with young boys. Little more than a decade earlier, another 13-year-old, Jordan Chandler, made similar accusations in a case that was eventually settled before trial – but not before the damage had been done to Jackson’s reputation.


Frail: In a wheelchair last year, Michael Jackson looked in no state to perform 50 tough gigs

Michael had not helped his case. Appearing in a documentary with British broadcaster Martin Bashir, he not only admitted that he liked to share a bed with teenagers, mainly boys, in pyjamas, but showed no sign of understanding why anyone might be legitimately concerned.

I had started my investigation convinced that Jackson was guilty. By the end, I no longer believed that.

I could not find a single shred of evidence suggesting that Jackson had molested a child. But I found significant evidence demonstrating that most, if not all, of his accusers lacked credibility and were motivated primarily by money.

Jackson also deserved much of the blame, of course. Continuing to share a bed with children even after the suspicions surfaced bordered on criminal stupidity.

He was also playing a truly dangerous game. It is clear to me that Michael was homosexual and that his taste was for young men, albeit not as young as Jordan Chandler or Gavin Arvizo.

In the course of my investigations, I spoke to two of his gay lovers, one a Hollywood waiter, the other an aspiring actor. The waiter had remained friends, perhaps more, with the singer until his death last week. He had served Jackson at a restaurant, Jackson made his interest plain and the two slept together the following night. According to the waiter, Jackson fell in love.

The actor, who has been given solid but uninspiring film parts, saw Jackson in the middle of 2007. He told me they had spent nearly every night together during their affair – an easy claim to make, you might think. But this lover produced corroboration in the form of photographs of the two of them together, and a witness.

Other witnesses speak of strings of young men visiting his house at all hours, even in the period of his decline. Some stayed overnight.

When Jackson lived in Las Vegas, one of his closest aides told how he would sneak off to a ‘grungy, rat-infested’ motel – often dressed as a woman to disguise his identity – to meet a male construction worker he had fallen in love with.

Jackson was acquitted in the Arvizo case, dramatically so, but the effect on his mental state was ruinous. Sources close to him suggest he was close to complete nervous breakdown.


Death scene: The rented home in Bel Air where Michael Jackson passed away

The ordeal had left him physically shattered, too. One of my sources suggested that he might already have had a genetic condition I had never previously come across, called Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency – the lack of a protein that can help protect the lungs.

Although up to 100,000 Americans are severely affected by it, it is an under-recognised condition. Michael was receiving regular injections of Alpha-1 antitrypsin derived from human plasma. The treatment is said to be remarkably effective and can enable the sufferer to lead a normal life.

But the disease can cause respiratory problems and, in severe cases, emphysema. Could this be why Jackson had for years been wearing a surgical mask in public, to protect his lungs from the ravages of the disease? Or why, from time to time, he resorted to a wheelchair? When I returned to my source inside the Jackson camp for confirmation, he said: ‘Yeah, that’s what he’s got. He’s in bad shape. They’re worried that he might need a lung transplant but he may be too weak.

‘Some days he can hardly see and he’s having a lot of trouble walking.’

Even Michael Jackson’s legendary wealth was in sharp decline. Just a few days before he announced his 50-concert comeback at the O2 Arena, one of my sources told me Jackson had been offered £1.8million to perform at a party for a Russian billionaire on the Black Sea.

‘Is he up to it?’ I had asked.

‘He has no choice. He needs the money. His people are pushing him hard,’ said the source.

Could he even stand on a stage for an hour concert?

‘He can stand. The treatments have been successful. He can even dance once he gets in better shape. He just can’t sing,’ said the aide, adding that Jackson would have to lip-synch to get through the performance. ‘Nobody will care, as long as he shows up and moonwalks.’

He also revealed Jackson had been offered well over £60million to play Las Vegas for six months. ‘He said no, but his people are trying to force it on him. He’s that close to losing everything,’ said the source.


Forced: Michael Jackson thought he was agreeing to 10 concerts at London's O2 Arena not 50

Indeed, by all accounts Jackson’s finances were in a shambles. The Arvizo trial itself was a relative bargain, costing a little more than £18million in legal bills.

But the damage to his career, already in trouble before the charges, was incalculable. After the Arvizo trial, a Bahraini sheikh allowed Jackson to stay in his palace, underwriting his lavish lifestyle. But a few years later, the prince sued his former guest, demanding repayment for his hospitality. Jackson claimed he thought it had been a gift.

Roger Friedman, a TV journalist, said: ‘For one year, the prince underwrote Jackson’s life in Bahrain – everything including accommodation, guests, security and transportation. And what did Jackson do? He left for Japan and then Ireland. He took the money and moonwalked right out the door. This is the real Michael Jackson. He has never returned a phone call from the prince since he left Bahrain.’

Although Jackson settled with the sheikh on the eve of the trial that would have aired his financial dirty laundry, the settlement only put him that much deeper into the hole. A hole that kept getting bigger, but that was guaranteed by Jackson’s half ownership of the copyrights to The Beatles catalogue. He owned them in a joint venture with record company Sony, which have kept him from bankruptcy.


Legacy: Michael Jackson wanted to ensure the future of his children by leaving them 200 unpublished songs

‘Jackson is in hock to Sony for hundreds of millions,’ a source told me a couple of months ago. ‘No bank will give him any money so Sony have been paying his bills.

‘The trouble is that he hasn’t been meeting his obligations. Sony have been in a position for more than a year where it can repossess Michael’s share of the [Beatles] catalogue. That’s always been Sony’s dream scenario, full ownership.

‘But they don’t want to do it as they’re afraid of a backlash from his fans. Their nightmare is an organised 'boycott Sony' movement worldwide, which could prove hugely costly. It is the only thing standing between Michael and bankruptcy.’

The source aid at the time that the scheduled London concerts wouldn’t clear Jackson’s debts – estimated at almost £242million – but they would allow him to get them under control and get him out of default with Sony.

According to two sources in Jackson’s camp, the singer put in place a contingency plan to ensure his children would be well taken care of in the event of bankruptcy.

‘He has as many as 200 unpublished songs that he is planning to leave behind for his children when he dies. They can’t be touched by the creditors, but they could be worth as much as £60million that will ensure his kids a comfortable existence no matter what happens,’ one of his collaborators revealed.

But for the circle of handlers who surrounded Jackson during his final years, their golden goose could not be allowed to run dry. Bankruptcy was not an option.

These, after all, were not the handlers who had seen him through the aftermath of the Arvizo trial and who had been protecting his fragile emotional health to the best of their ability. They were gone, and a new set of advisers was in place.

The clearout had apparently been engineered by his children’s nanny, Grace Rwaramba, who was gaining considerable influence over Jackson and his affairs and has been described as the ‘queen bee’ by those around Jackson.

Rwaramba had ties to the black militant organisation, the Nation of Islam, and its controversial leader, Louis Farrakhan, whom she enlisted for help in running Jackson’s affairs.

Before long, the Nation was supplying Jackson’s security detail and Farrakhan’s son-in-law, Leonard Muhammad, was appointed as Jackson’s business manager, though his role has lessened significantly in recent years.

In late 2008, a shadowy figure who called himself Dr Tohme Tohme suddenly emerged as Jackson’s ‘official spokesman’.

Tohme has been alternately described as a Saudi Arabian billionaire and an orthopaedic surgeon, but he is actually a Lebanese businessman who does not have a medical licence. At one point, Tohme claimed he was an ambassador at large for Senegal, but the Senegalese embassy said they had never heard of him.


Misguided: Michael Jackson showed no sign of understanding why anyone might be legitimately concerned about him sharing a bed with young boys

Tohme’s own ties to the Nation of Islam came to light in March 2009, when New York auctioneer Darren Julien was conducting an auction of Michael Jackson memorabilia.

Julien filed an affidavit in Los Angeles Superior Court that month in which he described a meeting he had with Tohme’s business partner, James R. Weller. According to Julien’s account, ‘Weller said if we refused to postpone [the auction], we would be in danger from 'Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam; those people are very protective of Michael'.

He told us that Dr Tohme and Michael Jackson wanted to give the message to us that 'our lives are at stake and there will be bloodshed'.’

A month after these alleged threats, Tohme accompanied Jackson to a meeting at a Las Vegas hotel with Randy Phillips, chief executive of the AEG Group, to finalise plans for Jackson’s return to the concert stage.

Jackson’s handlers had twice before said no to Phillips. This time, with Tohme acting as his confidant, Jackson left the room agreeing to perform ten concerts at the O2.

Before long, however, ten concerts had turned into 50 and the potential revenues had skyrocketed. ‘The vultures who were pulling his strings somehow managed to put this concert extravaganza together behind his back, then presented it to him as a fait accompli,’ said one aide.

‘The money was just unbelievable and all his financial people were telling him he was facing bankruptcy. But Michael still resisted. He didn’t think he could pull it off.’

Eventually, they wore him down, the aide explained, but not with the money argument.

‘They told him that this would be the greatest comeback the world had ever known. That’s what convinced him. He thought if he could emerge triumphantly from the success of these concerts, he could be the King again.’

The financial details of the O2 concerts are still murky, though various sources have revealed that Jackson was paid as much as £10million in advance, most of which went to the middlemen. But Jackson could have received as much as £100million had the concerts gone ahead.

It is worth noting that the O2 Arena has the most sophisticated lip synching technology in the world – a particular attraction for a singer who can no longer sing. Had, by some miracle, the concerts gone ahead, Jackson’s personal contribution could have been limited to just 13 minutes for each performance. The rest was to have been choreography and lights.

‘We knew it was a disaster waiting to happen,’ said one aide. ‘I don’t think anybody predicted it would actually kill him but nobody believed he would end up performing.’

Their doubts were underscored when Jackson collapsed during only his second rehearsal.


Hidden life: It was 'clear Michael Jackson was gay' but he married twice, firstly to Lisa Marie Presley, above

‘Collapse might be overstating it,’ said the aide. ‘He needed medical attention and couldn’t go on. I’m not sure what caused it.’

Meanwhile, everybody around him noticed that Jackson had lost an astonishing amount of weight in recent months. His medical team even believed he was anorexic.

‘He goes days at a time hardly eating a thing and at one point his doctor was asking people if he had been throwing up after meals,’ one staff member told me in May.

‘He suspected bulimia but when we said he hardly eats any meals, the doc thought it was probably anorexia. He seemed alarmed and at one point said, 'People die from that all the time. You’ve got to get him to eat.'’

Indeed, one known consequence of anorexia is cardiac arrest.

After spotting him leave one rehearsal, Fox News reported that ‘Michael Jackson’s skeletal physique is so bad that he might not be able to moonwalk any more’.

On May 20 this year, AEG suddenly announced that the first London shows had been delayed for five days while the remainder had been pushed back until March 2010. At the time, they denied that the postponements were health-related, explaining that they needed more time to mount the technically complex production, though scepticism immediately erupted. It was well placed.

Behind the scenes, Jackson was in rapid decline. According to a member of his staff, he was ‘terrified’ at the prospect of the London concerts.

‘He wasn’t eating, he wasn’t sleeping and, when he did sleep, he had nightmares that he was going to be murdered. He was deeply worried that he was going to disappoint his fans. He even said something that made me briefly think he was suicidal. He said he thought he’d die before doing the London concerts.

‘He said he was worried that he was going to end up like Elvis. He was always comparing himself to Elvis, but there was something in his tone that made me think that he wanted to die, he was tired of life. He gave up. His voice and dance moves weren’t there any more. I think maybe he wanted to die rather than embarrass himself on stage.’

The most obvious comparison between the King of Pop and the King of Rock ’n’ Roll was their prescription drug habits, which in Jackson’s case had significantly intensified in his final months.

‘He is surrounded by enablers,’ said one aide. ‘We should be stopping him before he kills himself, but we just sit by and watch him medicate himself into oblivion.’

Jackson could count on an array of doctors to write him prescriptions without asking too many questions if he complained of ‘pain’. He was particularly fond of OxyContin, nicknamed ‘Hillbilly heroin’, which gave an instant high, although he did not take it on a daily basis.

According to the aide, painkillers are not the only drugs Jackson took.


Performer: Michael Jackson was unable to dance and sing like he once could due to his illnesses

‘He pops Demerol and morphine, sure, apparently going back to the time in 1984 when he burned himself during the Pepsi commercial, but there’s also some kind of psychiatric medication. One of his brothers once told me he was diagnosed with schizophrenia when he was younger, so it may be to treat that.’

His aides weren’t the only ones who recognised that a 50-concert run was foolhardy. In May, Jackson himself reportedly addressed fans as he left his Burbank rehearsal studio.

‘Thank you for your love and support,’ he told them. ‘I want you guys to know I love you very much.

'I don’t know how I’m going to do 50 shows. I’m not a big eater. I need to put some weight on. I’m really angry with them booking me up to do 50 shows. I only wanted to do ten.’

One of his former employees was particularly struck by Jackson’s wording that day. ‘The way he was talking, it’s like he’s not in control over his own life any more,’ she told me earlier this month. ‘It sounds like somebody else is pulling his strings and telling him what to do. Someone wants him dead.

'They keep feeding him pills like candy. They are trying to push him over the edge. He needs serious help. The people around him will kill him.’

As the London concerts approached, something was clearly wrong. Jackson had vowed to travel to England at least eight weeks before his first shows, but he kept putting it off.

‘To be honest, I never thought Michael would set foot on a concert stage ever again,’ said one aide, choking back tears on the evening of his death.

‘This was not only predictable, this was inevitable.’

On June 21, Jackson told my contact that he wanted to die. He said that he didn’t have what it would take to perform any more because he had lost his voice and dance moves.

‘It’s not working out,’ Jackson said. ‘I’m better off dead. I don’t have anywhere left to turn. I’m done.’

Michael’s closest confidante told me just two hours after he died that ‘Michael was tired of living. He was a complete wreck for years and now he can finally be in a better place. People around him fed him drugs to keep him on their side. They should be held accountable.’

Michael Jackson was undoubtedly a deeply troubled and lonely man. Throughout my investigation, I was torn between compassion and anger, sorrow and empathy.

Even his legacy is problematic. As I have already revealed, he has bequeathed up to 200 original songs to his three children, Prince Michael, aged 12, Paris Katherine, 11, and Prince Michael II (also known as Blanket), seven. It is a wonderful gift.

Yet I can reveal that his will, not as yet made public, demands that the three of them remain with Jackson’s 79-year-old mother Katherine in California. It promises an ugly row.

Ex-wife Deborah Rowe, the mother of the eldest two, has already made it clear to her legal team that she wants her children in her custody, immediately.

The mother of the third child has never been identified. I fully expect that it will emerge that the children had a ‘test tube’ conception, a claim already made by Deborah Rowe.

Michael Jackson may very well have been the most talented performer of his generation, but for 15 years that fact has been lost to a generation who may remember him only as a grotesque caricature who liked to share his bed with little boys. Now that he’s gone, maybe it’s time to shelve the suspicions and appreciate the music.

Michael Jackson nanny says star had stomach pumped 'many times'

Nanny gives grim account of singer's final months, detailing drug abuse, out of control spending and nomadic lifestyle


Grace Rwaramba worked as a nanny for Michael Jackson's three children.

The nanny who looked after Michael Jackson's three children said today the star had his stomach pumped "many times" after taking a dangerous cocktail of prescription drugs.

Grace Rwaramba, 42, said : "I had to pump his stomach many times. He always mixed so much of it. There was one period that it was so bad that I didn't let the children see him ... He always ate too little and mixed too much."

The revelations, in an interview with the journalist Daphne Barak, came as as a second postmortem was believed to have taken place on the orders of the Jackson family in an attempt to answer many of the questions surrounding the pop star's death.

Los Angeles police yesterday confirmed news reports that Jackson had become "heavily addicted" to the powerful painkiller OxyContin and had received an injection of Demerol, another opiate, an hour before his death.

Detectives are expected to interview Rwaramba about whether she helped administer the drugs. Coroners in the case said yesterday there was no suspicion of foul play but toxicology tests would take several weeks.

The nanny said she once called in Jackson's mother, Katherine, and sister, Janet, to attempt an "intervention" to persuade the singer to recognise his addiction to painkillers.

But she said Jackson accused her of betraying him: "He didn't want to listen; that was one of the times he let me go."

Rwaramba, who is from Rwanda, worked for Jackson for more than a decade, first as an office assistant and then as the nanny to his children, Michael Jr, known as Prince, aged 12; Paris, 11; and Prince Michael II, seven, nicknamed Blanket.

Her grim account of Jackson's final months is detailed in an interview with Barak, published in the Sunday Times and the News of the World.

She said the singer's lavish spending was out of control, and that he led an increasingly nomadic lifestyle, moving from country to country and hotel to hotel.

She was dismissed for a final time last December but still visited the children. When she saw them in April she claims Jackson was so broke she had to buy "happy birthday" balloons for Paris on her own credit card.

On an earlier occasion the singer had sent her to Florence to buy antiques for $1m. "We didn't even have a home to live in. So we had to put the antiques in storage," she said.

Rwaramba, who flew from London to Los Angeles yesterday in the hope of being reunited with the children, could potentially find herself at the centre of the billion-pound custody battle for. There are conlficting reports as to whether the mother of the eldest two, former nurse Debbie Rowe, is seeking custody. The Jackson family are reported to be offering Rowe visitation rights.

"I took these babies in my arms on the first day of each of their lives. They are MY babies," Rwaramba told Barak.

She claims she was sacked by Jackson because she was getting too close to the children but had fully expected to be reinstated soon.

She said would reguarly fire her then beg her to return as he was unable to look after the children or himself.

She told Barak: "These poor babies. . . I was getting phone calls that they were being neglected. Nobody was cleaning the rooms because Michael didn't pay the housekeeper.

"I was getting calls telling me Michael was in such a bad shape. He wasn't clean. He hadn't shaved. He wasn't eating well. I used to do all this for him and they were trying to get me to go back."

One theory behind Jackson's massive drug regimen is that he was taking them to combat the stress of his forthcoming 50 shows at the O2 arena in London. The nanny said: "Fifty performances! I told him ... what are you doing? He said, 'I signed only for 10.' He didn't know what he was signing. He never did."

Rwaramba also claims the Nation of Islam gained a growing influence over the singer's financial and personal affairs. She says the sect told the singer it cost $100,000 (£60,000) a month to rent the mansion he was living in until his death, but she believes similar properties were on the market for no more than $25,000 a month.

The sect supplied bodyguards to the singer and allegedly intimidated auction houses that were selling Jackson memorabilia.

"Michael had no idea about money," Rwaramba said. "He got a proposal to make an appearance in Japan for $1m ... By the time everyone took their share, he ended up with $200,000."

Whatever money Jackson had he would hide in black rubbish bags and under the carpets at the Los Angeles house, according to Rwaramba. She said Katherine Jackson rang her in London at 7am on Friday to ask where the money was, possibly to stop it being stolen.

The children will stay with their grandmother and grandfather Joe at the family home in Encino, California, sources close to the Jacksons yesterday told the TMZ entertainment website, which broke the news of his death,.

They said: "We're told the family is 100% behind this, feeling that Katherine and Joe Jackson are the only people who can help the children understand who their father was, help them grieve, and teach them to deal with life in the spotlight."

But US legal experts speculate that the mother of the two eldest children would stand the best chance of winning any custody battle. Iris Finsilver, the lawyer for Jackson's former wife, Debbie Rowe, stated that her client would seek to look after the children.

Rwaramba claims the children had a difficult relationship with their father. She said: "I used to hug and laugh with them. But when Michael was around they froze. I really miss Blanket. He makes me laugh. Only recently, he decided to do a concert for me. He was so cute, singing Billy Jean and other songs by his father.

"I was laughing so hard. Prince and Paris were playing around. It was such a happy moment. Then suddenly Michael walked in and the kids just looked frightened. Michael was so angry.

"Michael always got angry. But what was most shocking to me is that the children don't even have a teacher. They can't play with other children and don't have a teacher to help them learn about the world."

Deepak Chopra, a close friend of Jackson, told the News of the World: "The kids love Grace and kids called her mum. And she was the only person that told Michael the truth about his life."


Loppupeleissä MJ oli mediapyörityksen, pedofiliasyytösten, geneettisten tautien ja lääkkeiden loppuunajama yksinäinen todellisuudesta vieraantunut rassukka, jolla tehtiin bisnestä toisten taskuun.
"Phillippiiniläsvangit kunnioittavat edesmenneen Michael Jacksonin muistoa uusimalla vankilatanssin. YouTube-palvelussa levinneellä videolla hytkyy 1 400 oranssipukuista vankia Thriller-hitin tahtiin."

Katso video tästä. Kuvattu vankilassa Cebu Cityssä.
Nythän on paljastunu ruumiin avauksessa, että kaveri paino 51kg :( maha taynnä pillereita ja letti oli lähtenyt, harmi kaikki nämä ois voinu estäää. Miten hitossa se napsi vaan pillereitä? ja ainiin neulanki pistoja kuulemma :(. Ketään puuttunut asiaan.
Vaikken oo koskaan mitenkään erityisemmin MJ:sta välittänyt, niin aika traagisella tavalla tässä tuli taas kerran esille se, ettei kuuluisuus tuo onnea. Ja aikamoista retostelua taas yhden ihmisen tragediasta saadaan vedettyä ja lehtiä myytyä. Varmastikin joku Usalainen tv-kanava pian kyhää kokoon jonku tv-draaman Miihkaili Jaksosen elämästä...

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