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Olipahan tapahtuma. Joe Schilling is the New GLORY Middleweight Champion of the World |

Tonight was a huge night for GLORY and for Kickboxing as a whole, as GLORY 10 Los Angeles featured a Middleweight tournament to declare a new Middleweight Champion and who the best fighter at Middleweight is within GLORY. The opening rounds of the tournament saw Artem Levin bring the fight to Jason Wilnis and Joe Schilling pummeling Kengo Shimizu for three rounds. This set up the fight that fans were waiting to see for years now; Joe Schilling vs. Artem Levin.

Both men were tired, but without injuries and ready for action when the bell rung. What transpired was a fight that had to be seen to be believed, full of drama and some crazy action. Levin fought the fight that he wanted to throughout the first round, keeping his tight clinch work and knees as his main mode of offense. Levin is known to smother his opponents and that is exactly what he did here. Then in the second round he was starting to do more of the same but Joe started to get his distance figured out and was keeping Levin at bay. Joe landed a few solid shots early on, but it was midway through the round where things got truly crazy, as Joe landed a Superman punch on Levin and caught him with a knee on the way down, almost putting Levin's lights out. Levin somehow beat the count and got back to his feet and was able to survive the round.

The third round saw Levin start to get his groove back a little, but Joe looking confident. Levin landed a few good shots on Joe which rocked him but didn't put him down. When they both walked back to their corners you could feel that there was going to be an extra round, but both men looked upset when they called it a Majority Draw. This led to round four kicking off, with both guys tired and beaten down, Joe was keeping his distance and controlling most of the action, but Levin's defenses are almost air tight. Joe was able to get in close and land a right hand that sent Levin stumbling to the mat, ruled a flash knockdown (it is in Glory's rules, look it up). Levin protested, but what was done is done, as he got up and found Joe confident and ready to defend until the final bell, tasting victory.

When the bell rang, Schilling knew that it was his, while Levin looked upset and dejected. When Schilling was announced as the new GLORY Middleweight Champion the arena erupted (as did Twitter, by the by) as Joe's kids got into the ring with him and Schilling announced that he was going to use his prize money to put a down payment on a new house for his family. Congratulations go out to Joe Schilling for an amazing win and to Artem Levin for putting on a great fight.

Glorylle Schillingin voitto oli tietysti parasta mitä saattoi tapahtua. Jenkki mestariksi ja vielä suurisuinen jenkki. Tuloshan oli hiukan kiistanalainen. Toisen erän superman punchin jälkeen Schilling veti Leviniä vielä polvella päähän tämän ollessa maassa, mitä tuomari ei huomannut. Ekstraerän luvunlaskusta voi kiistellä. Levin oli huonossa tasapainossa, mutta lyönti osui korvan taakse ja Levinin pää tärähti selvästi. Jos siitä putoaa niin ei se ainakaan automaattisesti ole liukastuminen. Mutta eipä mitään, vasta Liverkickissä oli artikkeli "Kickboxing is a sport of rematches".

En ole ollut oikein innoissani neljän miehen turnauksista, mutta kenties olin sittenkin väärässä. (Sitä ei tapahdu usein ;) ) Tapahtuma oli joka tapauksessa erittäin toimiva. Lähetys kesti noin 2,5h ja osa matseista oli ilmaisia facebook-esiotteluita. Tuohon lähetysaikaan ei oikein pystyisi puristamaan 8 miehen turnausta reservi- ja superotteluineen.

Schilling puhuu turnauksesta ja kertoo mm. olleensa sairaana ennen matsia.

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Glory 12:n turnausottelijat alle 70-kiloisiin on julkaistu: GLORY Announces GLORY 12 Lightweight Tournament Match Ups |

This past weekend's GLORY 10 event featured a few key Lightweight fights in the GLORY hierarchy, just how important they were wasn't officially revealed but implied, but now we know for sure what to expect on Saturday, November 23rd in New York as GLORY's Lightweights are set to take the stage. The GLORY 12 Lightweight tournament was always going to featured Giorgio Petrosyan, the consensus #1 at 70kg (GLORY's Lightweight), but the rest were up in the air.

Andy Ristie's win over Niclas Larsen secured his spot within the tournament, as did Davit Kiria's big win over Murthel Groenhart. Robin Van Roosmalen was able to keep his spot secure with his win over Shemsi Beqiri as well. So without further ado, here are the GLORY 12 Lightweight tournament match-ups.

Giorgio Petrosyan vs. Andy Ristie
Robin Van Roosmalen vs. Davit Kiria

Petrosyan on tietysti ennakkosuosikki ja on aika vaikea nähdä että kukaan muista pystyisi häntä haastamaan. Parhaat mahdollisuudet on ehkä Davit Kirialla. Mutta selviääkö Kiria edes finaaliin?

Mike Passenier is a kickboxing coach of some repute. Aside from his own stable of fighters - Badr Hari, Gokhan Saki and Murthel Groenhart among them - he has also been a go-to coach for MMA names like Paul ‘Semtex’ Daley.

Recently the former DREAM and Strikeforce heavyweight champion Alistair Overeem also retained Mike's services. Training sessions have been conducted at The Blackzilians gym in Florida and at Mike's Gym in Amsterdam. Its early days but Passenier is confident he can help reverse Overeem's fortunes.
For a couple of months now I have been the head coach for Alistair's camp and that's been a lot of fun. We train in Miami, that's nice. We train in Amsterdam, that's good. Alistair is making good development with his stand up, he tells Fighters Only. He's getting strong again, he's hard-hitting again. Not that he wasn't hard-hitting but you know how it is with MMA fighting, its a different kind of striking. He has a fight with Frank Mir in February and we will see what happens.

Is Alistair still a Blackzilian or is he joining the yellow-and-black mafia of Mike's Gym?
Yes, well, he's a Blackzilian. By contract he is with Glenn Robinson, the manager. He lives in American and trains at The Blackzilians. But when I am there I like to train outside (separate) from everybody because I am the type of trainer who likes to scream and shout. I like to push and shove and demonstrate. I don't want to embarrass Alistair, I don't want to embarrass the other Blackzilians, training while I am loud-mouthing on the other side [of the room]. I don't want to interfere with other trainers, so we train at night when everybody is out. That's what we do when I am there. At my gym… well at my gym I do what I want, because its my gym, haha! Nobody is looking back and forth when I scream at somebody. I am building a new [training] room with half a cage and one ring, just one treadmill, one cross-trainer. All different types of bags. Its so I can retreat [from the main room] and take my fighters to the side. As you know I have a lot fighters. I had a working relationship with King Mo but its difficult because of the distance its off and on. Because of the time and things he has to do in America its difficult.

Is there now a formal alliance between Mike's Gym and The Blackzilians?
When I started training with Alistair I wanted it to be right for everybody, including The Blackzilians and also for Glenn because he put a big effort in Alistair's career. People who know me know that before I commit myself to anything I rather take it slow first. Glenn and I just started out so we will see what happens and take it from there. I was in Miami and I saw some good things and I saw some flaws, I just pointed out to Glenn ‘If it was my gym I would do it like this…’ But you know, The Blackzilians are also working with Dennis Krauweel because Rico Verhoeven has been staying there. Also Robin Van Roosmalen has been staying there. So that's what holds me back. I can be friendly and I can be nice but I don't want to be too friendly with opponents.

Where would you draw the line in terms of being ‘friendly’?
We can say ‘hi’ but I don't want to your friend because then I can't fight against you. And if I can't fight against you then it costs money. And if I don't bring money home I can't feed my children and that's a problem. Because a man is supposed to feed his children and support his family. And if you are too friendly to each other you cannot give a good fight. Well, if you look at the K-1 MAX fight between [my guys] Murthel Groenhart and Arthur Kyshenko, there you have a rare example of two guys who can be friends and beat each others’ heads in. But most of the time its ‘Oh I don’t want to fight him. He's my friend, I talk to him on Facebook, I was playing with his children’, you know? Don't get soft man. Stay on point. Just give the audience what they deserve, a good fight. Its not about one friend saving another friend's life.

Is this why your team has this reputation for hostility towards outsiders? They are very much a clique and keep to themselves compared to a lot of other teams. That's where this ‘black and yellow mafia’ label arose.

So lets get back to my previous statement - we don't want to be too friendly to anybody. If I am going to tell a joke I would rather tell it to people I love than tell it to some strangers. They don't seem to get it anyway. You can be friendly, like colleagues, but its nothing more than this. ‘Yeah he’s my friend,’ - OK, but then you fight him and you don't want to knock him out. High price to pay for friendship. Or you get offered a fight, you don't want to fight him, but then he gets a fight [somewhere else] and you don't so it costs you money. This [game] is strictly business. That's what it is. I am friendly with other coaches but the bottom line is ‘no emotions’. We are not some ‘black and yellow mafia’, we just are who we are. We are one of the few gyms in the world who comes to fight every fight. There is not one fighter on my team who can say ‘I don't feel like fighting, I will just show up and get the money’. I would say ‘OK, well shake my hand and good luck because you will do it without me. You don't fight for me anymore’. Because I don't think its fair. If you're a man who goes out to work and you have to buy a ticket for your sons, daughters, then you have to get to the arena, drive 100 miles, buy drinks, food - you have had to stand up every day and work, maybe a full week, just for this one evening. And then if the fighters don't produce, that is shame. Because they make five or six times more than this guy who is supporting them and paying to see them. Its like they are f--king him in the ass. Its no good. So that is why we don't slack off. We are there to fight.

You made your point powerfully there. You mentioned a moment ago that you have “a lot of fighters” - how many are we talking?
Gokhan Saki is fighting in the GLORY 11 heavyweight title tournament on October 12 in Chicago. He is looking great in training. A lot of times guys get to the top and start slacking off. He is the opposite, he is working harder. I think he has a good chance of winning - two of the three opponents he might face, he has already knocked out (Daniel Ghita and Anderson ‘Braddock’ Silva). First he fights Rico Verhoeven in the semi-finals. Rico is a guy who people don't really know yet but he is very dangerous. I tried to sign him up for our stable at age 15 but he went with Dennis Krauweel, who is also an excellent trainer. No hard feelings, but now we are standing opposite each other. He has been progressing very well lately but I don't think he is on Saki's level yet. Then, aside from Alistair I have Badr Hari, he is making his return on November 8th against Alexey Ignashov. I still have Melvin Manhoef, he is fighting Samedov. I have Sahak Parparyan, he was supposed to be fighting [at GLORY 10] but his face was broken [in his last fight] and I don't think it was healed up good to fight in this tournament, so we chose a tournament a month or two later. I still have Arthur Kyshenko, he fighting in Germany soon, a tough fight. I have Murthel Groenhart of course. The fight [at GLORY 10] was disappointing for him. He has gotten stuck somewhere. I don't know how we are to evaluate this but first I must discuss it with Murthel before I can say anything. I have Dion Staring fighting in Russia in October. I have Murthel's brother Fernando. I have also my own guys coming up, guys I've had since ten years old. And I'm leaving out a lot of people there, I have a lot more.
Toi Saki kaveri vois käydä koittaa sitä halailua vapaaottelun puolella 3x5 min suukkoja mountista vois avartaa vähän käsitystä. Koitin Andy huudella vähän tuolla FF33 ketjussa tosta Jussilasta, mutta et ilmeisesti huomannu tai sitten siinä ei ollu mitään järkeä. Oli miten oli niin huutelen sitten täällä. Eli
AndyS kun paremmin olet perillä tosta potkiksen maailmasta niin osaatko yhtään avata miten iso saavutus tämä on? Onko nyt kaikki saavutettavissa oleva saavutettu? Vai onko tämä nyt sitten välietappi ja pääsylippu esim GLORY kehiin? Voiko nyt hymyillä matkalla pankkiin? Sen oon käsittäny että WAKO on ilmeisen iso liitto ja urheilullisesti vissiinkin ihan maininnan arvoinen saavutus.
"Tämä" viittaa siis WAKO-Pro mma titteliin.
On kyllä sen verran kova kortti, että täytynee taas vaihteeksi uhrata unet.

Ghita ja Sakihan siellä finaalissa taas tapaa. Spong vs. Carnage aika 50/50.
On kyllä kova kortti ja eikös tänään tuu vielä nyrkkeilyn puolelta Marquez vs Bradley myös? ;)
viel ku löytäs englanninkielisen striimin.. :D kertokaa ihmees jos löyättä. postaan ite kans tänne jos löytyy ku etin just.
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