Pro Figure, Fitness ja FBB 2008

  • Keskustelun aloittaja Keskustelun aloittaja Anne P
  • Aloitettu Aloitettu

M-Nutrition EAA-valmisjuoma 24-pack

Pineapple Passion Fruit

Oho, Hardbodyn uutisissa myös juttua Monican jäämisestä pois. Johtuu mahdollisesti siitä, että BSN ei halua hänen kilpailevan?! Yleensähän sponsorit nimenomaan painostaa toiseen suuntaan... :eek:

On Saturday night at the Ironman Pro finals, the bodybuilding world gained one star, while the figure world lost one. Onstage, winning the Ironman Pro in dominating fashion, Phil Heath served notice that he is now a force to be reckoned with at any show he enters. Backstage, however, one of the biggest names in figure was making news for an entirely different reason: Valerie Waugaman announced she has decided to retire from figure competitions.

“I’ve taken the figure stage to where I can,” Waugaman said. “If I continue, it’s really all about winning and that’s not really my motto. I’ve done it for three and a half years and I’ve won three pro shows. I would have loved to won an Arnold and an Olympia but, at the end of the day, you can’t always win the big shows. But it isn’t about that. The sport has brought me to a new opportunity in the entertainment business. Right now, I feel the opportunity is large for me to be able to influence children and adults in a positive way in terms of health and fitness and wellness.”

According to Waugaman, the main driving force behind her retirement is the success of the NBC show American Gladiators. Last December, Waugaman earned a role as the Gladiator Siren. The program was a hit with viewers, and recently was renewed for a second season. Filming for the first season finished in late December, approximately one week before invitations to the Figure Internation at the Arnold Classic were handed out. Waugaman received an invitation, for the third consecutive year, and initially planned on competing in the show. However, the renewal of American Gladiators for a second season combined with the effort involved in taping the show forced Waugaman to eventually pull out of the contest. It was then that she began to seriously contemplate retirement.

“Was planning on doing it from the begnnning of the year,” Waugaman said. “But when I started training, I couldn’t even do what I needed to do. I was still recovering [from American Gladiators]. And I’m thinking, I don’t want to go on the stage and be anything less than spectacular. And so I had to step out of the Arnold and right then I realized I think it’s time for me to step off the stage and really focus. If you spread yourself too thin in too many areas and say I want to do it all you’re really not going to be great at anything. And I want to be great.”

Still, you never say never. And Waugaman hasn’t completely closed the door on returning to figure down the road, although she did say a return to competition is not a likely scenario.

“I think it’s open, but I would do it for a different reason altogether,” Waugaman said. “I want to look like that still and I want to challenge my body, but I wouldn’t have to really do it in front of the judges and worry about where I place. I haven’t cut out guest appearances like guest posing routines. I always create my own world up there on stage.”

There will never be another V-Dub ...
IFBB Fitness Pro Sanda Wickham vaihtoi muuten Mike Daviesin siipien alle tulevalle vuodelle. Saa nähdä, mitä "Air" Wickham saa tänä vuonna aikaiseksi. Rakastin Sandran yläkertaa sellaisena, kun se oli siellä 2005/2006 vuosina. Sitten jotkut tuomari valopäät menivät huomauttamaan että "you need to take some size down", ja nyt tuon tyypin yläkerta näyttää kulmikkaalta ja pieneltä. Huoh..

Toisessa kuvassa pientä viitettä siitä, miksi tyttöä kutsutaan Air Wickhamiksi...

DSC_9096.jpg uutisoi näin: spoke with a BSN representative today who confirmed that Monica Brant is no longer with the company. Monica and BSN were unable to come to terms with a contract renewal.

The BSN representative tells us, “We wish her the best. She was a great spokesperson for BSN but we couldn’t come to terms.”

We’ll fill you in with more on this story from Columbus.

Sen jälkeen, kun BSN kielsi Monicaa kilpailemasta Figure Internationalissa, en lainkaan ihmettele tätä käännettä.
No johan menee taas kummaksi tämä touhu. Kaikille Figure ammattilaisille pistettiin menemään infoa, jossa heitä neuvottiin to tone down the hardness. Tämä siis Figure Internationalin jälkeen. Tuleepa mieleen se vuosi, kun FBB kilpailijailijat saivat käskyn "leikata" 20% lihasmassasta....

Sitten uutista liittyen hallitsevaan Ms Figure Olympiaan. Eric Proser aloitti yhteistyön Jenny Lynnin kanssa. Tässä asiasta Ericin itsensä ilmoittamana:

Over the ASC weekend, Jenny Lynn and I spent alot of time discussing her training over the last few years, as well as what areas of her body need to continue to improve. We talked alot about my PRRS method of training and she fell in love with the concept behind it.

By Sunday we had secured a deal for me to personally take over her TRAINING (Hany will still be doing her diet) for her upcoming Ms. Olympia title defense (and beyond).

So, it is official...Jenny Lynn and I are now teamed up and will be working hard to make her the best ever in 2008!

Tone down the hardness? ..toivottavasti ei ...

12.4. kilpailtavassa New York Pro Fitnessissä kilpailevat ainakin

• Maggie Blanchard (Prodebyytti)
• Myriam Capes
• Nicole Duncan
• Kendra Elias
• Heidi Fletcher
• Oksana Grishina
• Donna Louise Jones
• Michele Mayberry
• Lisa McCormick
• Tami Ough
• Bethany Wagner
• Trish Warren
• Nicole Wilkins ( Debytoi nyt fitnessin puolella, kilpaili Figure ammattilaisdebyyttinsä Figure Internationalissa.)

Lista ei vielä lopullinen.

Hyvää materiaalia muun muassa kuvien muodossa FBB/Fitness/Figure faneille tarjoaa nykyisin myös

24.4 päivitetty listä Pittsburgh Pro Figureen:

Catherine Andersen
Teresa Anthony * Lisää Anthonyn debyytistä bodybuilding weeklyssä. LINKKI
Tiviasy Briceno
Heather Mae French
Amy Fry
Shannon Meteraud
Melissa Montanaro-Griffin
Hazal Nelson
Melissa Pearo
Nicole Pitcher-Scott
Rosa-Maria Romero
Tammy Strome
Nicole Wilkins
Heather Green myös mukaan Pittsburghin kisaan.

Heather on kanssa yksi niistä uusimmista tytöistä prosirkuksessa. Sai ammattilaistatuksen viime heinäkuussa nationalsseista, debytoi heti Atlantic City Prossa ollen toinen Andrea Dumonin jälkeen ja näin pääsi heti tykittämään Olympiaan, josta tuli sitten aika vaatimaton sijoitus eli 17. Palm Beachissa sitten Olympian jälkeen viides kovassa kisassa.


Grapefruit Lemonade

Pari päivää sitten tuli tämä New York FBB Pro:n osallistujalista:

Angela Debatin
Annie Riveccio
Aurelia Grozajova - Slovaki
Cathy LeFrancois
Colette Nelson
Debbie Bramwell
Debi Laszewski
Dena Westerfield
Fabi Antoine * Prodebyytti
Guisy Caputo * Italialainen
Heather Foster
Jeannie Paparone
Kim Buck
Liz Mesa
Maria Calo
Mercedes Bazemore
Rosemary Jennings
Sarah Bridges
Saskia Salemink *Pro debyytti
Tina Chandler * Pro debyytti
Tonie Thompson
No niin. Tänä viikonloppuna siis New York Pro Fitness. Tässä lopullinen ja täydellinen osallistujalista:

• Maggie Blanchard, USA
• Myriam Capes, Canada
• Jennifer Cassety, USA
• Nicole Duncan, USA
• Kendra Elias, USA
• Heidi Fletcher, USA
• Oksana Grishina, Russia
• Donna Louise Jones, Australia
• Michele Mayberry, USA
• Lisa McCormick, USA
• Tami Ough, USA
• Bethany Wagner, USA
• Trish Warren, USA
• Nicole Wilkins, USA

Isaac Hindsin mietteet tulevasta kisasta tässä.

On kyllä todella prodebyyttitäytteinen kisa tulossa. 2007 prostatuksen saavuttaneita tuosta listasta mm. Nicole Wilkins(debytoi sen sijaan ammattilaisfiguressa Arnold Classicissa), Bethany Wagner, Maggie Blanchard, Michele Maybarry..

Jokohan Heidi pääsis kuntoon ja veisi kisan..?

Tulokset New Yorkin kisasta:

1. Heidi Fletcher
2. Trish Warren
3. Nicole Wilkins
4. Nicole Duncan
5. Kendra Elias
6. Bethany Wagner
7. Oksana Grishina
8. Maggie Blanchard
9. Myriam Capes
10. Tami Ough
11. Jennifer Cassetty
12. Michelle Mayberry
13. Lisa McCormick
13. Donna Jones

Heidi Fletcherille siis elämänsä ensimmäinen prokisan voitto:thumbs:

Kuvat MD:llä. Tosin ainakaan vielä nimet ja kuvat eivät kohdanneet. Kannattaa katsoa myös nuo vertailukuvat.
Tässä vielä tuo lopullinen kilpailijalista Pittsburghin ammattilaiskisaan:

1. Catherine Andersen
2. Teresa Anthony *Pro debyytti
3. Huong Arcinas
4. Tivisay Briceno
5. Heather Mae French
6. Amy Fry
7. Bernadette Galvan
8. Heather Green
9. Donna Louise Jones
10. Shannon Meteraud
11. Melissa Montanaro-Griffin *Pro debyytti
12. Hazal Nelson
13. Melissa Pearo
14. Nicole Pitcher-Scott
15. Rosa-Maria Romero
16. Brenda Marie-Smith
17. Tammy Strome
18. Laura Sutter
19. Briana Tindall
20. Nicole Wilkins
21. Allison Jones-Williams

Tuleekohan tästä kisasta Amy Fryn ensimmäinen ammattilaisvoitto..?


The prejudging has ended and the top three will be Amy Fry, Nicole Wilkins and Teresa Anthony. It most likely be in that order. They are all three great but I am most impressed with the pro debut of Ms. Anthony. She will most likely qualify for the Olympia her first time out. Very impressive showing. Nicole and Amy are both beautiful. The tall girls ruled this morning. The remaining top five are a toss up but it looks like Shannon Meteraud and Heather Mae French will get the nod. Huong Arcinas looked great despite being the shortest competitor on stage. Heather Green should place in the top ten as well as Catherine Andersen. I’ll report more later when back to the hotel. The ladies all came in softer and definitely listened to the mandate. Check out the photos on later.

Toivottavasti tuo "softer" ei ole kovin SOFT...
1. Amy Fry
2. Nicole Wilkins
3. Teresa Anthony
4. Heather Mae French
5. Shannon Meteraud
6. Heather Green
7. Catherine Andersen
8. Huong Arcinas
9. Bernadette Galvan
10. Allison Jones-Williams
11. Hazal Nelson
12. Tivisay Briceno
13. Melissa Pearo
14. Nicole Pitcher-Scott
15. Rosa-Maria Romero
16. Melissa Montanaro-Griffin
17. Brenda Marie Smith
18. Laura Sutter
18. Tammy Strome

Kuvia MD:llä.

Oli näköjään purrut se ohje tulla "softer". Henkilökohtaisesti en pidä. Lähinnä tulee se ajatus mieleen, kun kuvia katsoo, että keskenkuntoisia tyttöjä. Onneksi sitä elää amatöörivaltaisessa Euroopassa, niin saa tyttösetkin olla kunnolla kunnossa.
Hardbody.comissa Meriza DeGuzmanin kuntovilautusta 3 viikkoa ennen Cal Prota.

IFBB Figure Pro, Meriza DeGuzman checked in recently and shared a few notes worth mentioning. Meriza is heading into the Cal Pro on Memorial Day weekend and people will be seeing a new, refined package from the looks of things. Four years ago, she attended this event and it changed her life forever. It was this very show, which was the first pro figure show she’d watched, where she decided to try her hand at figure. She was kind enough to share a preview of what we’ll see the end of this month at the IFBB Pro Figure show held in Culver City, CA. This mom has shown that with a little hard work anything is possible. She’s balanced out her physique and added a bit of size to her short frame. It looks like she means business this year. Meriza has also been working with Ms. Figure International, Gina Aliotti, on her posing and polishing her presentation. Props to another “shortie” who looks to stand tall on the figure stage in 2008.


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