- Liittynyt
- 15.5.2002
- Viestejä
- 6 648
Vajaan 2 viikon päästä pohjoismaiden amatööri gp kiertue jatkuu Helsingin ja Loaded cupin jälkeen Oslossa. 6.5 ja paikkana Oslon konserttitalo.
NKF:n julkaisema tiedote kaikille kilpailijoille:
We welcome you to Oslo for the competition, that takes place on Saturday 6th May 2006 at Oslo Konserthus. Here is some information for you:
- You can find a map over where to find the venue on our website www.nkf-ifbb.no or on www.oslokonserthus.no
• Registration and weigh-in will take place on Friday 5th May between the hours of 18 – 20.00 at:
Partner Sol og Treningssenter
Grønlandsleiret 55, 0190 Oslo
Phone: +47 22172444
• Failure to turn up at the registration/weigh-in will result in disqualification. Only transport delays are acceptable. You will receive your start number and access card at the registration/wiegh-in. You will need the access card to get into the Konserthuset. Also delegates will receive their cards at the registration/weigh-in.
• You must bring your bikini/posing trunks/shoes (whatever applies to you) to the registration/weigh-in. Bodybuilders must also bring their music to the weigh-in.
• The 5 best athletes in each class will go forward to the final. Lists over these 5 will be hung up during the break after the pre-judging.
• There will be no weights backstage for warming up. The athletes must take their own warming up equipment, for example rubber bands and towels etc.
• On Saturday:
The competition starts with pre-judging at 10.00 hrs, and the finals at 15.00 hrs. Athletes and delegates must be at the competition venue 1 hour before start.
• Delegates are responsible to help the athletes, and make sure that they are ready on time and on stage when they should be. A program for the day will be hung up around the venue and also several places backstage.
The backstage areas must be kept tidy and free from rubbish. Make sure that the athletes do not soil unnecessarily with the tanning creams etc.
The entrance at the venue which athletes and delegates are to use is at the back/underside of the building – marked “kontorer – sceneinngang”.
If you have any questions please contact President Bjørn Winberg on mobile number: +47 90937310.
Good luck and best regards,
Norwegian Bodybuilding and Fitness Federation
Alkukilpailut alkavat Norjan aikaa klo.10 miesten athletic fitneksen fysiikkakierroksella. Tarkemmat aikataulut kilpailujen kulusta löydät täältä.
Ilmottautuneita kilpailijoita on tällä hetkellä 95 kpl. Päivitetyn ilmottautumislistan näet täältä.
Mikäli olet lähdössä paikan päälle, liput saa etukäteen tilattua ticetmeister.no:sta.
Guest poserina Tommi Thorvildsen:thumbs: Jos tänne trediin sitten kerätään tulokset ja kuvat Oslon kisoista.