BB PRO Michal Krizo Krizanek

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Yet another back and traps workout, this time including abs too, at only little bit over 4 weeks out of Empro Classic Spain pro show. With not so special guest anymore - Peter Kovac, 212 pro bodybuilder prepping for his comeback.

Demolishing delts and triceps on our to Empro Classic bodybuilding competition in Spain in just under 4 weeks out with the sparring partner - Peter Kovac, and the coach - Alexander Hlobik.

Working on chest and delts today on our way to Empro Classic pro show and Mr Olympia 2024 qualification. It's only 3 weeks to go so let's make it count!

Only 10 days away from Empro Classic in Spain! Counting down the final days as we're training back, traps and abs with the sparring partner - Peter Kovac and the coach - Alexander Hlobik, at 365 Gym Topolcany, Slovakia.

This is part 2 of Krizo's Road to Empro Classic 2024 bodybuilding competition. Day 3 of the trip - Thursday, 3 days out of competition! Including chest training at Titan Fitness Alicante, cooking and bodybuilding food prep.

One of the biggest bodybuilding/fitness events in Europe - Scitec Muscle Beach. We were there...
Krizo on poissa pelistä vähäksi aikaa.

Missään ei lue tarkemmin, että mitä on mennyt muutakuin olkapäävamma, mutta käsi ja rinta on yltäpäältä mustelmilla. Näyttää enemmän rinnan repeämiseltä.

M-Nutrition Sports Greens 1, 210 g, Lemon-Lime

Todella tykki viherjauhe


The workouts are getting harder and harder as it is now a whole month after the shoulder surgery. Blasting arms today!

A career ending injury? Or just a set back for even bigger comeback? 2 weeks after my shoulder surgery, this is where I am at...Training biceps, triceps and chest in the offseason.

A few months after my shoulder surgery - I am back to all movements and exercises, finally! This is my full back workout in recovery phase.

Answering your questions about Chris Bumstead vs Martin Fitzwater match up at EVLS Prague Pro 2024, the new coach, upcoming plans for 2025 and qualifying for Mr Olympia, and much more!

I visited one of the greatest gyms around and tested new machines by Fitstuff brand. Some of the equipment in this video you wouldn't find anywhere else!

This is where I start my bulking phase to grow muscle for the upcoming 2025 competition season! Chest and biceps on the menu today.

I will do anything it takes to build a dominant back! Joined by an IFBB Pro Classic Physique competitor - Oliver Prochazka.

Last days of the bulking phase before the start of my 2025 contest prep. We're building shoulders and triceps today!

Time to go all in! The countdown begins with back training video today at 12 weeks out of my bodybuilding show!

11 weeks out to the Pittsburgh and NY Pro and we're training chest and biceps today. What's new? How am I progressing? Let's find out...

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