BB PRO Martin Fitzwater


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Seuraavaksi esittelyssä yhdysvaltalainen IFBB ammattilainen Martin Fitzwater. Ikää on vasta 24 vuotta. Martin ansaitsi ammattilais-statuksen 2020 NPC North American Championships kisoissa.


The final video of the series. Martin's second show as a pro bodybuilder. He finished in 5th which isn't what he trained for but that all part of the journey. He will be back and better. Stay following along for the off season series to come. Thanks again for all the likes, comments, messages, and support we really appreciate it.

Martin Fitzwater& Keone Pearson return to Metroflex Gym Arlington to train legs with Brian Dobson.

"Training in the same gym as them (i.e. Branch Warren & Ronnie Coleman), kinda means everything to me. Training where my heroes trained, it's nostalgia, but not only that though, we are training with Brian. Brian is the most notorious trainer. He trained Ronnie (Coleman) forever, he trained Branch and he's the person that killed those guys for years and years everyday and turned them into champions...We're working on becoming champions and doing so we're having Brian whip our ass a couple days a week." -Martin


Day 1 of prep for the Texas Pro

I train shoulders and arms at Metroflex Plano and go over a little of what's going on this prep. I don't go into a ton of detail here but as the series gets going Ill be filling you guys in on everything going on in life.

This video is the first leg session back from Sweden and the first of prep. Body is just getting in the groove of thing and a good session to see where strength is. follow along as I make my journey to the Texas Pro.

n this video I go to the chiropractor and get a deep tissue massage, giving an insight in my recovery. Some is educational some of the video is comedy make sure to tune in through the whole video.

Here I'm 15 weeks out and I'm struggling with a spot in my lat that is locked up. So at the chiropractor i get adjusted, scraped, and dry needled. Then later in the day I get a DEEP tissue massage to finish recovery off.

This is a solo session 15 weeks out at Metroflex Plano. Strength is on the way up and body is responding fast to the diet.

13.5 weeks outs Ariel convinced me I need a Treadmill at the house to make sure I win the Texas Pro and who better to listen to than the Arnold Champ. So here we are setting up a treadmill in the 90 degree garage. Watch the process and see how I'll be doing my cardio this prep!
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