- Liittynyt
- 21.2.2023
- Viestejä
- 797
Kannattaisi ehkä jo tajuta, että ongelma ei ole ne mamut, vaan Vallinin kaltaiset vapaamuurari "poliitikot", poliisin, armeijan ja rajan johto. Siellä ne viholliset on, jotka ovat euroopan tuhonneet. Jos valtiot olisivat todellisia, niin ne eivät olisi tuhonneet itseään.
UN Replacement Migration : United Nations, Menbere Dessalegne, : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Replacement Migration: Is It a Solution to Declining and Ageing Populations ? UNITED...
View: https://x.com/PoleConnection/status/1798648075227169261

Polish leaders seek clarity on detention of troops who fired warning shots under migrant pressure
Polish government officials have demanded explanations after it emerged that three soldiers were handcuffed and detained by Polish military police in March for having fired warning shots when faced with an advancing group of migrants on the border with Belarus