BB PRO Lee Priest

EAA-valmisjuoma 24-pack

Pineapple Passion Fruit

Lee Priestin haastis :
NO BULL RADIO: Lee Priest, Branch Warren, and Author L. Rea
Monday, 04 February 2008

IFBB Pro Branch Warren stops by to discuss the unique cardio techniques he's employing while preparing for the 2008 Arnold Classic.

Lee Priest calls in to put all the Suicide Rumors to rest, once and for all. Find out what Bodybuilding's Most Controversial Man is up to these days!

Also, don't miss "Building the Perfect Beast" author and owner of ALR Industries, Author L. Rea!

Brandon Ray makes a surprise call in as well!
SUPER WHEY ISOLATE (3,9 kg) -24%
Lee Priest takaisin IFBB:n riveihin!

LeePriest.jpg sanoi:
It’s official – Lee Priest is back in the IFBB, effective immediately.

“Yes, he’s back in the IFBB,” IFBB Professional League Chairman Jim Manion said. “He’s free to enter any contest, he’s free to guest pose. He has to sign his membership card but other than that formality, which I’m sure he will do, he’s officially back.”

Priest had been suspended by the IFBB since 2006, after choosing to compete in another organization, the now defunct Pro Division Inc. Priest had since reapplied for reinstatement. IFBB officials had originally planned to put Priest’s reinstatement up for a vote on Olympia Weekend, but recently decided to expedite that process in order to allow Priest a chance to qualify for the 2008 Olympia. When the decision was put to a vote, the committee voted overwhelmingly in Priest’s favor, as 11 of 16 members voted to allow Priest’s reinstatement.

“I think the timing was right,” Manion said. “I think Lee has been penalized long enough. He’s made a lot of overtures obviously to try to get back in the IFBB. He was probably going to be allowed back in September, so we decided to let him get back involved with the IFBB sooner. I’m sure he can’t wait to jump back on stage and get back into the action.”

Priest had been very outspoken in his decision to leave the IFBB, and, until recently, had been critical of officials for not allowing his reinstatement. However, Priest’s negative behavior has improved greatly in recent months, which led officials to believe the timing was right to allow Priest back in the IFBB.

“I think he made a bad decision [to leave the IFBB] and I think he knows he made a bad decision,” Manion said. “If he does break the rules again this will be his last chance basically. But in my heart I think he regrets it, so I don’t think that will happen again.

“The IFBB does not rely on one bodybuilder. One bodybuilder is not going to make or break the IFBB. Our federation is much too strong for that. Whether that be Lee Priest, who was suspended, or Ronnie Coleman retiring, the IFBB will always be moving forward.”

Now that the path is cleared for Priest's return to competition, expect to see him on stage at the Atlantic City Pro on September 12-13, where he will attempt to qualify for the 2008 Olympia.
Hyvä juttu. Toivottavasti on tykkikunnossa ja painaa suoraan Olympiaan.
Onkos nykykunnosta mitään kuvia?
Helvetin hieno juttu, vaikka eipä se mikään yllätys ollut että takaisin tulee, kun on tällaisesta nimestä kyse.
Olisi kyllä mielenkiintoista nähdä Priest tämän vuoden Olympiassa, toivottavasti nähdään.
Offtopic: Super5, kuka tuossa sun avatarissa on? :D hirveä lepakko.
Luonnevikainen pelle. Malliesimerkki pienen (= lyhyen) miehen syndroomasta, on pakko tehdä jatkuvasti jotain erikoista että huomattaisiin: välirikot sponsoreiden kanssa, tatska naamaan, riidat IFBB:n kanssa jne...

En muuten sitten sanonut että kyseessä olisi huono kehonrakentaja, arvostelin vain herran luonnetta.

3 kpl M-Nutrition EAA+

Mango - Hedelmäpunssi - Sitruuna - Vihreä omena

Luonnevikainen pelle. Malliesimerkki pienen (= lyhyen) miehen syndroomasta, on pakko tehdä jatkuvasti jotain erikoista että huomattaisiin: välirikot sponsoreiden kanssa, tatska naamaan, riidat IFBB:n kanssa jne...

En muuten sitten sanonut että kyseessä olisi huono kehonrakentaja, arvostelin vain herran luonnetta.

Ite oot pelle.:whip:

Loistavia uutisia! Hyvä että aikaistettiin tätä päätöstä, nähdään Lee vielä tän vuoden puolella lavalla(ehkä).
Ihme, että Priest otettiin takaisin. Luulisis tekevän hallaa IFBB:n imagolle, kun Lee laukoo totuuksia lääkkeiden käytöstä ja huippukehonrakennuksen todellisesta luonteesta. Kiva kyllä, jos pääsee turbosmurffi taas lavoille! :rock:
Priesti lekuriin, haukkariremppa edessä.

Lee Priest has announced that he won't be competing, as originally planned, in the IFBB Australian or New Zealand Grand Prix events. Instead, he's opting to have surgery on his torn biceps muscle this coming Wednesday in his home country of Australia.

Priest, who hasn't competed in the IFBB since 2006 where he placed 1st at the IFBB Ironman Pro and 6th at the Arnold Classic will have to wait until 2010 to makes his much anticipated comeback to an IFBB stage. Assuming the torn biceps tendon can be properly reattached, Priest, still in his early 30's, should have no problems making a successful return in the early part of next year. While his physical body seems to be as freaky as ever, one can only wonder whether his mind is still as determined and as confidant as it usually is after this latest setback. However, if Priest's competitive history has taught us anything; it's to never count him out! We, at, wish Lee a quick and successful recovery! samasta aiheesta:

Australia’s top bodybuilder - and best hope for a hometown win - Lee Priest will not compete in the 2009 Australian Grand Prix.

Promoter Tony Doherty has said “Lee is going in for surgery this Wednesday which will make it impossible to compete on March 14th. He will still be there to meet and greet the fans and to have a chat on stage“.

Apparently Lee is having a torn tendon repaired, and will be unable/suggested not to move his arm for 6 weeks. PBW is reporting that Lee will be out for the entire 2009 season.
Täältä löytyy viimeisimpiä kuvia Priestistä.

Haukkari on tosiaan revennyt ja melko häijyltä se näyttääkin.


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Tässä hyvä klippi priestistä. Jumaklavita ku meinas aamukahvit mennä väärään kurkkuun ku kuiva riisti näytti hiukan reiskoja. Yhä tykkään tosta jäbästä ja sanon sen vielä vaikka kaikki dissaakin, priesti on kaikista ammattilaisista se joka joka kerta saa meikäläisen ihmettelemään noita lihaksia. Niin friikki se on pituutensa ja lihaksiensa kokoon nähden. Ei se ikinä voi voittaa mitään kisaa jossa on mukana noita pidempiä jätkiä ja rakenne ei ole ihanteellisin, mutta silti sanon että paras se mun silmään on.


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