BB PRO Lee Priest

EAA-valmisjuoma 24-pack

Pineapple Passion Fruit

priestin tumput näyttää friikiltä kuten aina. toivottavasti ei vaan kunto lässähdä kisapäivänä niinkuin joskus on käynyt..
hurjat on hanskat jälleen :D toivottavasti pääsee kympin sakkiin.ehkä jopa kuuden?
jos siis saa itsensä kireäksi,toisin kuin 2003
Voisiko joku laittaa kuvia tännekin...... Nuo linkit ovat hanurista. Pakkotoisto on ainoa oikea foorumi - täältä pitää löytyä kaikki klikkaamatta jonnekin muualle!
KUVIA! Kiitos
Alkaa kehon symmetria jo kärsimään noiden käsien takia, saavat esim. rinnan näyttämään pienemmältä kuin se onkaan. Mutta kyllähän noista kuvista hauisfetisistit saavat erektion, osa jopa orgasmin. Hauiksethan ne ovat tärkein kehon osa, muulla ei ole niin väliä....
Heh, ainoat kunnon kuvat käsistä...

Luotan silti, että mies saa itsensä vähintään Australian kuntoon. Kahdeksas?
Priest ulkona Olympiasta

"Posted by Chick on Getbig and also flexonline

OFFICIAL NOTICE: LEE has pulled out of the Olympia!!!

His decision is based on his disapproval with the way the show is run and handled, he beleives he has to stick to his word. The contract for the show is toataly restricting and one sided all the way for the promoters to the point it is dissrespectfull to the athletes in some instances.

The promoters requirements of the Athletes prior to the event is totaly unnessacery and shows no compasion for the compettitors. The athletes have to participate in promotional products for the promoter which have the potential to earn millions of dollars with not one cent being given back to the athlete.

The athlete has to sighn away his rights to image and likeness for promotianl and product endorsement with no financial compensation what so ever, plus in most cases go against there Sponcers obligations and rights.

All the athlete gets to be at the Super Bowl of Bodybuilding is there flight paid for, a room (with no cooking facilitys, and no microwaves) plus a $50 buck meal allowance, and 1 ticket to the event.

If the athlete chooses to stay at a hotel other than the one given to them (because of cooking reqiurements) no transport will be offered to them to get to and from the event.

The judgeing is not independently monitored. The challenge round is a joke and takes away the anticipation of the top 5 plus the money offered in this round should be used to pay for athletes lower down the placeings or should have been put to the Womens Olympia , which has been demoted to haveing their show held in the EXPO hall!

These issues are just some of the problems faceing the Olympia, and are issues shared by alot of the compettitors, its just that lee is a man of his word , so hes out, but not done by any amounts, trust me"

3 kpl M-Nutrition EAA+

Mango - Hedelmäpunssi - Sitruuna - Vihreä omena

Priestiä olisi kaivattu Olympia rivistöön.
Uutta dvd-sarjaa Lee Priestiltä

Mies on siis mukana tällaisessa jutussa:

"Have you ever wondered what it's really like inside the life of a pro bodybuilder? Say, for instance, Lee Priest? Sometimes it's alot like a pumped up version of "America's Funniest Home Videos"!

Sure, you've seen the overpriced workout videos, the boring magazine articles telling us what the pros eat, blah, blah, blah. What is the life of a pro bodybuilder REALLY LIKE? Up until now, we've had to depend on magazines and message boards for the scoop. Well here's a fresh perspective and a different angle with regard to the world of pro bodybuilding.

Here's your chance to take a look at the inside life of a pro caught on camera and put on DVD - not just once but every month all year long! This is video shot by bodybuilders for bodybuilders!

Here's just a sample of what you'll discover on your monthly DVD:

How does the general public really respond to a larger than life pro bodybuilder? Inside of the gym and out.
Witness the grocery store trips and cheat days. Learn what and how much a pro really eats. (Think 5 dozen donuts in one sitting!)
What happens when a pro is involved in a traffic altercation with an overly aggressive but unsuspecting driver? Does it turn violent? Nope, but you'll laugh until you cry!
Get into the head of a pro - the ups and the downs of being a pro bodybuilder. How does a pro REALLY live and where? What kind of cars do they drive and who do they date?
Watch as the skinny wannabe hires the pro to train him with the expectation of turning pro himself! This guy is so uncoordinated he can barely tie his shoes. Another moment of endless hysterics! Don't get us wrong - we're not out to make fun of anyone - we're just the messenger!
How does the opposite sex REALLY perceive a pro bodybuilder?
As the owner of a health food store, wait until you hear the CRAZY requests that one pro's customers

And yes, you'll get cutting-edge breakthrough pro training methods with hardcore gym workout footage as well - but it will come with over the top entertainment. You'll soon see what we mean!
And much, much more! "
Aivan loistava juttu! Lee puhui tästä uudesta pätkästä bb.comin haastattelussaan ja totesi, että nykyisten treenivideoiden ongelma on, että katsojat ovat jo nähneet kaiken treenauksesta, mutta markkinoilla ei ole pätkiä, jossa näytetään kehonrakentajan elämää. Olen täysin samaa mieltä, kaikki hc-temput on nähty, yli 350kg:n maastavedot, kyykyt ja viiden kiekon penkit, mutta vain Shawn Rayn Inside&Out on tarjonnut palasen kehonrakentajan elämää ja kyseinen video on ehdottomasti parhaimpia "treenivideoita", mitä olen nähnyt. Tälläsiä pätkiä lisää!
Lee Priest on kyllä todella hauska sälli=), treenileffat mitä siltä on tullut on todella hyvää katsottavaa:). Ei ole Tomi turhaan noita muinoin hehkuttanut.
Varmasti kattomisen arvosia, Lee on kova supliikkimies. Mutta se on eri asia kuka maksaa noista mielellään vaikka 30 egeä?

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