Koronavirus, COVID-19

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Roopelin kommentit aiheesta ovat aivan linjassa sen tosiasian kanssa, että piikit tappavat ja vammauttavat, puhumattakaan muista laajemmista seurauksista. Hyssytelläkö kaiken jälkeen pitäisi? Piikit ovat paljastuneet jonkinlaisiksi kokeellisen nanoteknologian bioaseiksi, jotka lanseerattiin aivan järkyttävän bullshitin avulla miljardien ihmisten sisälle. Tarkkaa sisältöähän ei vieläkään tiedetä. Nyt on sitten kovin kiusallista, voivoi ja voihan vittu.
Sekä ihmisten oikeuksia alettiin viemään, lakeja muutetaan mielivaltaisesti ja muutenkin kaikki muu kuin narratiivin ääni piti ja sai hiljentää.

Kuten monesti sanonut tässä aiheessa, että en ihmettele enää yhtään miten natsisaksan jutut meni ihmisiin siellä läpi. Ei vaadi kuin luotua pelkotilaa, massapsykoosia sekä toistoa.
Näytin ton Hesarin artikkelin yhdelle koronapassia kannattaneelle työkaverille. Myönsi artikkelin luettuaan että hävettää oma käytös ja että meni vain massan mukana ottamatta asioista selvää.

Laiha lohtu mutta on tuokin jotain.
Ite taas huomannut, että moni ei usko siltikään tai sitten välttelee koko aihetta.
Mulla on ne pari tuttavaa, jotka on aiemmin kritisoineet kun jätin korona”rokotteet” väliin. Ovat täysin mainstream median oppien mukaisia. Molemmat käyneet letkuissa mRNA lääkkeen jälkeen. Ja tietysti usempi covid tartunta plakkarissa.

Pistin heille tän HS jutun kovidi jälkipyykistä ja pyysin kommentteja. Ja kysyin onko nyt mieli muuttunut. No ei ole muuttunut. 3 kovidi taudin mies vaan kiitteli sitä, että olis varmaan kuollut ilman lääkettä, kun oli yhden tartunnan jälkeen niin heikossa hapessa. Mitään vasta-argumentteja he ei tietenkään pysty enää pistämään, koska HS:n viestistä kyse nyt. Halutaan vaan lopettaa koko keskustelu tästä aiheesta. Pitää kuulemma jatkaa elämää.

Kehotin kuitenkin ottamaan virheistä opiksi, ettei sitten myöhemmin toisteta samoja virheitä. Ilmeisen kova pala purtavaksi, kun huomaa olleensa totaalisen väärässä.
Huxleyn (mm. Brave new world) puhe 1962

The Ultimate Revolution

And first let me talk about the, a little bit about the, improvement in the techniques of terrorism. I think there have been improvements. Pavlov after all made some extremely profound observations both on animals and on human beings. And he found among other things that conditioning techniques applied to animals or humans in a state either of psychological or physical stress sank in so to say, very deeply into the mind-body of the creature, and were extremely difficult to get rid of. That they seemed to be embedded more deeply than other forms of conditioning.
In this context I would like to mention the extremely interesting chapters in Dr. William (sounds like Seargent’s) Battle for the Mind where he points out how intuitively some of the great religious teachers/leaders of the past hit on the Pavlovian method, he speaks specifically of Wesley’s method of producing conversions which were essentially based on the technique of heightening psychological stress to the limit by talking about hellfire(*kuolema tukehtumalla*) and so making people extremely vulnerable to suggestion and then suddenly releasing this stress by offering hopes of heaven(*rokote vapauttaa*) and this is a very interesting chapter of showing how completely on purely intuitive and empirical grounds a skilled natural psychologist, as Wesley was, could discover these Pavlovian methods.
Well, as I say, we now know the reason why these techniques worked and there’s no doubt at all that we can if we wanted to, carry them much further than was possible in the past. And of course in the history of, recent history of brainwashing, both as applied to prisoners of war and to the lower personnel within the communist party in China, we see that the pavlovian methods have been applied systematically and with evidently with extraordinary efficacy. I think there can be no doubt that by the application of these methods a very large army of totally devoted people has been created. The conditioning has been driven in, so to say, by a kind of psychological iontophoresis into the very depths of the people’s being, and has got so deep that it’s very difficult to ever be rooted out, and these methods, I think, are a real refinement on the older methods of terror because they combine methods of terror with methods of acceptance that the person who is subjected to a form of terroristic stress but for the purpose of inducing a kind of voluntary quotes acceptance of the state the psychological state in which he has been driven and the state of affairs in which he finds himself.
You’ll find for example that the experienced hypnotist will tell one that the number of people, the percentage of people who can be hypnotized with the utmost facility (snaps), just like that. is about 20%, and about a corresponding number at the other end of the scale are very, very difficult or almost impossible to hypnotize. But in between lies a large mass of people who can with more or less difficulty be hypnotized, that they can gradually be if you work hard enough at it be got into the hypnotic state, and in the same way the same sort of figures crop up again, for example in relation to the administration of placebos.
I mean it’s very fortunate that we have people who are moderately suggestible in the majority and who therefore preserve us from dictatorship but do permit organized society to be formed. But, once given the fact that there are these 20% of highly suggestible people, it becomes quite clear that this is a matter of enormous political importance, for example, any demagogue who is able to get hold of a large number of these 20% of suggestible people and to organize them is really in a position to overthrow any government in any country.
And I mean, I think this after all, we had the most incredible example in recent years by what can be done by efficient methods of suggestion and persuasion in the form of Hitler. Anyone who has read, for example, (Sounds like Bulloch’s) Life of Hitler, comes forth with this horrified admiration for this infernal genius, who really understood human weaknesses I think almost better than anybody and who exploited them with all the resources then available. I mean he knew everything, for example, he knew intuitively this pavlovian truth that condition installed in a state of stress or fatigue goes much deeper than conditioning installed at other times. This of course is why all his big speeches were organized at night. He speaks quite frankly, of course, in Mein Kampf, this is done solely because people are tired at night and therefore much less capable of resisting persuasion than they would be during the day. And in all his techniques he was using, he had discovered intuitively and by trial and error a great many of the weaknesses, which we now know about on a sort of scientific way I think much more clearly than he did.
This is, I say, in this field of pure persuasion, I think we do know much more than we did in the past, and obviously we now have mechanisms for multiplying the demagogues voice and image in a quite hallucinatory way, I mean, the TV and radio, Hitler was making enormous use of the radio, he could speak to millions of people simultaneously. This alone creates an enormous gulf between the modern and the ancient demagogue. The ancient demagogue could only appeal to as many people as his voice could reach by yelling at his utmost, but the modern demagogue could touch literally millions at a time, and of course by the multiplication of his image he can produce this kind of hallucinatory effect which is of enormous hypnotic and suggestive importance.
Täytyy olla melkoinen salaliittodenialisti jos on sitä mieltä, että kaikki tapahtui sattumalta kaikissa maissa yhtäaikaa ja ihan samalla tavalla.

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QfWcg41yqpo

Pistin heille tän HS jutun kovidi jälkipyykistä ja pyysin kommentteja. Ja kysyin onko nyt mieli muuttunut. No ei ole muuttunut. 3 kovidi taudin mies vaan kiitteli sitä, että olis varmaan kuollut ilma
Kehotin kuitenkin ottamaan virheistä opiksi, ettei sitten myöhemmin toisteta samoja virheitä. Ilmeisen kova pala purtavaksi, kun huomaa olleensa totaalisen väärässä.
Kognitiivinen dissonanssi on se millä valta pysyy näillä. Petos on liian suuri ymmärrettäväksi.

Kirjoittaja taitaa vähän tiedostamattaan kirjoittaa tässä ihan oikein. Plandemian aikana ihmiset alkoivat todella uskoa salaliittoteorioita maskien ja korona”rokotteiden” toimivuudesta.
Briteilläkin pukkaa terveyshaasteita.

Some of the excess may be people whose deaths were hastened by the after-effects of a Covid infection.
A number of studies have found people are more likely to have heart problems and strokes in the weeks and months after catching Covid, and some of these may not end up being linked to the virus when the death is registered.

Onneksi on selkeää mistä tilanne ei ainakaan johdu.

No evidence of vaccine effect

The rise in cardiac problems has been pointed to by some online as evidence that Covid vaccines are driving the rise in deaths, but this conclusion is not supported by the data.

Kieltämättä hyvä strategia piikittää lähes koko kansa, jos on vähän epävarmuuksia piikkien toiminnan kanssa. Sitten voi pistää ongelmat muiden syyksi helpolla.
Briteilläkin pukkaa terveyshaasteita.

Some of the excess may be people whose deaths were hastened by the after-effects of a Covid infection.
A number of studies have found people are more likely to have heart problems and strokes in the weeks and months after catching Covid, and some of these may not end up being linked to the virus when the death is registered.

Onneksi on selkeää mistä tilanne ei ainakaan johdu.

No evidence of vaccine effect

The rise in cardiac problems has been pointed to by some online as evidence that Covid vaccines are driving the rise in deaths, but this conclusion is not supported by the data.

Kieltämättä hyvä strategia piikittää lähes koko kansa, jos on vähän epävarmuuksia piikkien toiminnan kanssa. Sitten voi pistää ongelmat muiden syyksi helpolla.
Not supported by the data = haven't been looking either, piss off..


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