Koronavirus, COVID-19

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Tulee kyllä ihan dejavut
Täähän on ihan uusitaa kahdenvuoden takaa.

-Kiinassa "rutto"
-Kiinalaiset lentelee pitkin maailmaa
-Emme voi estää heitä T: päättäjät
-OHO nyt on taas rutto ja ollaa lukossa loppuvuosi ja ette mene salille T: päättäjät

Ei sillä että pitäisi tosiaan tehdä yhtään mitään tai edes noteerata koko asiaa, mutta jotenkin tässä on tutut juonikuviot näkyvissä taas.
Tulee kyllä ihan dejavut
Täähän on ihan uusitaa kahdenvuoden takaa.

-Kiinassa "rutto"
-Kiinalaiset lentelee pitkin maailmaa
-Emme voi estää heitä T: päättäjät
-OHO nyt on taas rutto ja ollaa lukossa loppuvuosi ja ette mene salille T: päättäjät

Ei sillä että pitäisi tosiaan tehdä yhtään mitään tai edes noteerata koko asiaa, mutta jotenkin tässä on tutut juonikuviot näkyvissä taas.
Tuntuisi onneksi porukkaa olevan enemmän hereillä. Ei varmaan 4. piikin koronapassi saisi valtavaa kannatusta. EHKÄ!
On kyllä taas oikein markkinointikikka neljänsille annoksille.

Ja Broas arvailee:

– Jos viruksen muuntuminen jatkuu näin aktiivisena, kertoo se siitä, että uusia aaltoja voi tulla. Terveiden aikuisten rokottaminen voi tuoda suojaa vähentämällä tartuntojen määrää, Broas sanoo.

Uusi koronavariantti leviää maailmalla kulovalkean tavoin – infektioylilääkäri suosittelee neljänsiä rokotteita taudilta suojautumiseksi

WSJ kirjoittaa vähän kriittisemminen boostereiden ”hyödyistä”. Näistähän tälläkin palstalla on jo kauan kirjoitellut. Alkaa olla pian salonkikelpoista viestiä.

Public-health experts are sounding the alarm about a new Omicron variant dubbed XBB that is rapidly spreading across the Northeast U.S. Some studies suggest it is as different from the original Covid strain from Wuhan as the 2003 SARS virus. Should Americans be worried?

It isn’t clear that XBB is any more lethal than other variants, but its mutations enable it to evade antibodies from prior infection and vaccines as well as existing monoclonal antibody treatments. Growing evidence also suggests that repeated vaccinations may make people more susceptible to XBB and could be fueling the virus’s rapid evolution.

Prior to Omicron’s emergence in November 2021, there were only four variants of concern: Alpha, Beta, Delta and Gamma. Only Alpha and Delta caused surges of infections globally. But Omicron has begotten numerous descendents, many of which have popped up in different regions of the world curiously bearing some of the same mutations.

“Such rapid and simultaneous emergence of multiple variants with enormous growth advantages is unprecedented,” a Dec. 19 studyin the journal Nature notes. Under selective evolutionary pressures, the virus appears to have developed mutations that enable it to transmit more easily and escape antibodies elicited by vaccines and prior infection.

The same study posits that immune imprinting may be contributing to the viral evolution. Vaccines do a good job of training the immune system to remember and knock out the original Wuhan variant. But when new and markedly different strains come along, the immune system responds less effectively.
Bivalent vaccines that target the Wuhan and BA.5 variants (or breakthrough infections with the latter) prompt the immune system to produce antibodies that target viral regions the two strains have in common. In Darwinian terms, mutations that allow the virus to evade common antibodies win out—they make it “fitter.”
XBB has evolved to elude antibodies induced by the vaccines and breakthrough infections. Hence, the Nature study suggests, “current herd immunity and BA.5 vaccine boosters may not efficiently prevent the infection of Omicron convergent variants.”
A New England Journal of Medicine studypublished last month provides more evidence of the vulnerability caused by immune imprinting. Neutralizing antibodies of people who had received the bivalent were 26 times as high against the original Wuhan variant as they were against XBB and four times as high as they were against Omicron and the BA.5 variant.

Similarly, a study this month in the journal Cell found that antibody levels of people who had received four shots were 145 times as high against the original Wuhan strain as the XBB variant. A bivalent booster only slightly increased antibodies against XBB. Experts nevertheless claim that boosters improve protection against XBB. That’s disinformation, to use their favored term.
A Cleveland Clinic study that tracked its healthcare workers found that bivalent vaccines reduced the risk of getting infected by 30% while the BA.5 variant was spreading. But, as the study explained, the reason might be that workers who were more cautious—i.e., more likely to wear N95 masks and avoid large gatherings—may have also been more likely to get boosted.
Melkoista soopaa sitä lehteen painetaan:
katso liitettä 249959
Jeps, näköjään täytyy jo ammentaa kontenttia uskovaisten syvästä päädystä, kun ilmeisesti yksikään ammattilainen ei tällaista enää suostu kirjoittamaan. ”Kuopiolainen” on riittävä meriitti että saa kertoa muille miten asiat on.
WSJ kirjoittaa vähän kriittisemminen boostereiden ”hyödyistä”. Näistähän tälläkin palstalla on jo kauan kirjoitellut. Alkaa olla pian salonkikelpoista viestiä.

Public-health experts are sounding the alarm about a new Omicron variant dubbed XBB that is rapidly spreading across the Northeast U.S. Some studies suggest it is as different from the original Covid strain from Wuhan as the 2003 SARS virus. Should Americans be worried?

It isn’t clear that XBB is any more lethal than other variants, but its mutations enable it to evade antibodies from prior infection and vaccines as well as existing monoclonal antibody treatments. Growing evidence also suggests that repeated vaccinations may make people more susceptible to XBB and could be fueling the virus’s rapid evolution.

Prior to Omicron’s emergence in November 2021, there were only four variants of concern: Alpha, Beta, Delta and Gamma. Only Alpha and Delta caused surges of infections globally. But Omicron has begotten numerous descendents, many of which have popped up in different regions of the world curiously bearing some of the same mutations.

“Such rapid and simultaneous emergence of multiple variants with enormous growth advantages is unprecedented,” a Dec. 19 studyin the journal Nature notes. Under selective evolutionary pressures, the virus appears to have developed mutations that enable it to transmit more easily and escape antibodies elicited by vaccines and prior infection.

The same study posits that immune imprinting may be contributing to the viral evolution. Vaccines do a good job of training the immune system to remember and knock out the original Wuhan variant. But when new and markedly different strains come along, the immune system responds less effectively.
Bivalent vaccines that target the Wuhan and BA.5 variants (or breakthrough infections with the latter) prompt the immune system to produce antibodies that target viral regions the two strains have in common. In Darwinian terms, mutations that allow the virus to evade common antibodies win out—they make it “fitter.”
XBB has evolved to elude antibodies induced by the vaccines and breakthrough infections. Hence, the Nature study suggests, “current herd immunity and BA.5 vaccine boosters may not efficiently prevent the infection of Omicron convergent variants.”
A New England Journal of Medicine studypublished last month provides more evidence of the vulnerability caused by immune imprinting. Neutralizing antibodies of people who had received the bivalent were 26 times as high against the original Wuhan variant as they were against XBB and four times as high as they were against Omicron and the BA.5 variant.

Similarly, a study this month in the journal Cell found that antibody levels of people who had received four shots were 145 times as high against the original Wuhan strain as the XBB variant. A bivalent booster only slightly increased antibodies against XBB. Experts nevertheless claim that boosters improve protection against XBB. That’s disinformation, to use their favored term.
A Cleveland Clinic study that tracked its healthcare workers found that bivalent vaccines reduced the risk of getting infected by 30% while the BA.5 variant was spreading. But, as the study explained, the reason might be that workers who were more cautious—i.e., more likely to wear N95 masks and avoid large gatherings—may have also been more likely to get boosted.
Akateemikko puolustaa mRNA tuotteita henkeen ja vereen:

View: https://mobile.twitter.com/AMVargbo/status/1610146865835827202
Never forget

Onkohan kumpikaan NPC kommentoinut jälkikäteen näitä juttuja vai jatketaan kuin ei oltaisi päätoimisia paskoja enää?
Huvittavaa kyllä katsoa tuossakin kuinka harhainen tyhjä mieli aaltoilee minkäkin hetken trendin mukaan äärimmäisen oikeassa.
Hans ainakin poisti julkaisunsa. Poissa silmistä, poissa mielestä.

Edit. Kyllä se jotain selitteli jälkeenpäin.

Hans ainakin poisti julkaisunsa. Poissa silmistä, poissa mielestä.

Edit. Kyllä se jotain selitteli jälkeenpäin.

" Se, että ottavatko ihmiset rokotetta, on minulle henkilökohtaisesti ihan se ja sama, totta kai ihmisillä on täysi oikeus oman kehoonsa." T: hans

Mutta mitä sanoi

"Quebec lätkäisee rokottamattomille bonuksena tuntuvan veron, mikä ei olisi lainkaan hullumpi idea täälläkään. Jos haluat välttämättä kuormittaa terveydenhuoltoa riskeeraamalla itsesi ja muut, maksat siitä veroa, Välimäki kommentoi uutista julkaisussaan."

Ole oma itsesi rangaistuna T: Hans.

Hans ja muut tekopyhät ulosteet varmaan estää läskienkin tulon ravintolaan eiku

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