@mikasa90 -rakas, ei puhuta nyt Trumpista, puhutaan WHO:sta.
Eikö Cuomolla mielestäsi ole oikeutta arvostella WHO:ta? Onko kaikki mennyt tosi hyvin? Pitäisikö arvostella sellaisia jotka kehtaavat arvostella WHO:n.. ...työtä?
WHO 14.1.2020:
World Health Organization (WHO)
Jan 14
Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found
no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel
#coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in
the organization had said.It also relied on information from Chinese health authorities who have been accused of obscuring facts and figures during the course of the outbreak.
WHO 23.1.:
Coronavirus Is Spreading, but W.H.O. Says It’s Not a Global EmergencyThe number of cases outside China is small, and the disease does not seem to be spreading within other countries.
WHO 29.1.:
Coronavirus declared global health emergency by WHO
He praised the "extraordinary measures" Chinese authorities had taken, and said there was no reason to limit trade or travel to China.
WHO 3.2.:
WHO chief says widespread travel bans not needed to beat China virus
WHO 12.3.2020:
WHO announces COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic
Today, as WHO/Europe’s Standing Committee of the Regional Committee met, Dr Hans Henri P. Kluge, WHO Regional Director for Europe, briefed the group on the rapid escalation of COVID-19 in the WHO European Region, now placing it at the centre of this pandemic.
As of the morning of 12 March, there are more than 20 000 confirmed cases and there have been almost 1000 deaths in the European Region.
Ei toi nyt mitenkään ripeetä ja moitteetonta toimintaa ole ollut millään mittarilla ja tosiaan vieläkään eivät taida tietää onko kasvomaski hyvä vai huono ja tän bändin koko elämäntyö pitäiis olla tietää, osata ja ennaltaehkäistä tällaisia asioita. Niin ihan kuka vaan tavan tahvo olis voinut noita samoja tiedotteita jälkikäteen jaella tapahtuneet todettuaan.