- Liittynyt
- 12.12.2021
- Viestejä
- 1 112
Jatkoa edelliseen viestiini. Uudessa seelannissa ei ole käynyt niin hyvä tuuri. Heidän tartuntatautilaki sai varsin jännän päivityksen.
For the purpose of preventing the outbreak or spread of any infectious disease, the medical officer of health may from time to time, if authorised to do so by the Minister or if a state of emergency has been declared under the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002 or while an epidemic notice is in force, by notice,—
ja lista jatkuu.
Health Act 1956 No 65 (as at 01 July 2022), Public Act – New Zealand Legislation
Part 3Infectious and notifiable diseases
70Special powers of medical officer of health
(1)For the purpose of preventing the outbreak or spread of any infectious disease, the medical officer of health may from time to time, if authorised to do so by the Minister or if a state of emergency has been declared under the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002 or while an epidemic notice is in force, by notice,—
declare any land, building, or thing to be insanitary, and prohibit its use for any specified purpose:(b)
cause any insanitary building to be pulled down, and the timber and other materials thereof to be destroyed or otherwise disposed of as he thinks fit:(c)
cause insanitary things to be destroyed or otherwise disposed of as he thinks fit:(d)
cause infected animals to be destroyed in such manner as he thinks fitja lista jatkuu.