Tää tuli mullekki hieman puskista,
Texasin lasten sairaalan tyypit pääjehuna vissii tämä hotez on kehittäny rokotteen ilman patenttia, ilman rahallisia intressejä ja laittanut ''reseptin'' jakoon tarkotuksena, että köyhät maat sais rokote kattavuutta. Tää ei ole mrna rokote vaan perustuu vanhaan tuttuun teknologiaan. ''Harmi'' että länsimaihin kestää tulla tämä, kun vaatii turvallisuus dataa niin vitusti enempi.
Tää on tällänen synteettinenproteiini rokote, melko saman kaltanen kuin novavax.
Henkilökohtanen mielipide on, että tää on ihan saatanan magee juttu. Periaatteessa kuka tahansa voi valmistaa tuota.
Over 90%
After the SARS epidemic in 2002,
Baylor College of Medicine researchers began developing a vaccine that could prevent a new outbreak. Despite promising early results, support for the research disappeared. Because the coronaviruses that cause SARS and Covid-19 are very similar, the researchers revived the project in 2020, working in partnership with the
Texas Children’s Hospital. In December 2021, the vaccine, known as Corbevax, gained emergency use authorization in India.
After the Texas researchers demonstrated the promise of the vaccine in preclinical studies, the Indian company
Biological E licensed it in August 2020,
launching a Phase 1/2 trial in November, combining the viral proteins with an
adjuvant made by
Dynavax. On Dec. 29, Biological E and the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations
announced a partnership to advance the development and manufacturing of the vaccine, known as BECOV2, with CEPI initially contributing $5 million to the effort. The United States
agreed to give $50 million to expand the company’s production capacity on Oct. 25.
On April 24, 2021, Biological E
announced it was starting a Phase 3 trial of the vaccine. Biological E
received approval for a Phase 2/3 trial of Corbevax on children on Sept. 2.
On Dec. 28, Biological E
announced that it had gained emergency authorization from the Indian government based on its Phase 3 trial results. They
reported that it performed better than Covishield, the Indian version of AstraZeneca’s vaccine, while causing half the reported side effects. Based on the level of antibodies produced by people vaccinated with Corbevax, the company estimated its efficacy to be over 90 percent against the original version of the variant. The full results of the Phase 3 trial will be published in a scientific manuscript.
Corbevax uses standard protein-vaccination technology that’s widely available around the world, making it relatively cheap and easy to produce. In its Dec. 28 statement, Biological E said that it planned to deliver 300 million doses to the Indian government in early 2022, and deliver a billion additional doses worldwide. Earlier in 2021, the Biden administration
pledged a substantial expansion of Biological E’s manufacturing capability to help meet its target.
Updated Dec. 28