BB PRO Kevin Levrone

EAA-valmisjuoma 24-pack

Pineapple Passion Fruit

Jos Kevin voittaa (kun Coleman on kehissä), voisin melkein syödä hatullisen kakkaa!
Juu... ja mä juon pullollisen pissaa.
Ei siinä mitään, etteikö Levrone pääsisi kuntoon, mutta Big Nasty on kyll niin ilkeässä kunnossa, että taitaa olla aika mahdotonta...
Jeeee!! En malta odottaa mitä väliaikaraportit tuovat tullessaan! Eihän se O:aa voita se on selvä mutta ois vaan pirun hienoa jos kaikki menis nappiin ja nähtäis hopeasijalla taas kerran entistä ehompi Levrone. Suorastaan nauttisin siitä kun Cutler ottais siltä turpaan. Hahaa! Mulla on kaikki usko Levroneen, jos se toteuttaa kaikki noi hehkutukset, jos nähdään kovempi Kevin kuin koskaan ja viilaus menee nappiin niin ainoastaan Ronnien hampaat pystyy siihen kaveriin. Yliarviointia ehkä, mutta I have the faith!!!
Pidetäänköhän varsinaista Mr Olympiaa enää ollenkaan, jos kilpailu on kerran Joe Weider's Mr Olympia ja kaikki prot kuuluvat nykyään Pro Divisioniin. Pro Divisonin kisalistassa ei mainita ollenkaan Mr Olympiaa, joten tuleekohan Arnold Classicista vuoden ykköskisa tulevaisuudessa?
Eli fakta: jalkavammaa on, mutta tarinaa taitaa olla vamman syy;)
"He told me that he broke his foot and that his foot was run over by bus because he was pulling a baby out of the street."

Tollasen sankaristoorin vois heittää jos tulis joskus kännipäissään astuttua "vinoon".
Huh! No, oisko tippunu Full Blownin keikalla lavalta? Toivottavasti ei ainakaan daivannut jonkun niskaan sieltä, ruumiitahan siinä tulis. Harmi juttu, toivottavasti kaikki menee pian takaisin raiteilleen.

Edit; ei saatana, nyt kun ajattelee, mikä säikky olo siitä tulis kun näkee eturivissä että 120kg möykky daivaa suoraan kohti... vittu mitä mä totakin nyt aloin ajatteleen. Sattuu jo valmiiks.
Hauska anekdootti muuten: taannoin Kevinin sivuilta kun klikkasi Fullblown-linkkiä, pääsi suoraan jalkafetissi sivustoille. Weird.

3 kpl M-Nutrition EAA+

Mango - Hedelmäpunssi - Sitruuna - Vihreä omena

pexxi sanoi:
Hauska anekdootti muuten: taannoin Kevinin sivuilta kun klikkasi Fullblown-linkkiä, pääsi suoraan jalkafetissi sivustoille. Weird.

Joo, luulin että joku on hakkeroinut ne sivut ja kirjoitin siitä palstallekkin.
Levrone lopettaa?

...tai sitten ei. Mutta muutoksia on ilmassa:

Mayhem Newbie
Group: Members
Posts: 12
Joined: 01 June 2004 Posted: June 28 2004,07:35

At the Md St show last night Kevin was there and looking like Kev does every offseason very small. But what was peculair was that he had announced that he has sold his gym and is moving to Cali to pursue the movies. He said that Arnold S. was actually helping him get some roles and that he was going to be the next action star. From accounts from people close to him he is not going to do the Olympia this year and sounds done with Bodybuilding in order to purse acting. He was rather small but I have seen him many times in the offseason and he is always this way. I dont know but it wouldnt be suprising if we hear a retirement announcement in the future from him..... ";act=ST;f=15;t=17191;
Noh, onnea valitsemalleen tielle. Olisin silti halunnut nähdä Levronen O-stagella ainakin vielä kerran helvetin kovassa kondiksessa.
Onhan Levrone tehnyt jo pitkän uran kehonrakenjana, mutta kuten Muffy sanoi olisi hauska nähdä mieheltä final showdown .

Katsotaan miten Kevin onnistuu leffa-näyttämöllä. Voin kuvitella jo Terminator 4 starring Kevin Levrone. In your face, fullblown style. ;)
Joo, saa nähdä tuon eläkkeelle jäämisen paikkansapitävyys? Levronelta voi odottaa mitä vain...
Edellisen kumoavaa tarinaa...

"First of all, an apology is due to fans who have been faithfully coming back to this site for the past year. We are SORRY! With several business ventures, a change in management, and a backlog of obligations, this site was placed on the backburner. But not anymore. From now on, it will be updated regularly, with news, photos, contest results, and some HOT, new merchandise. To the fans, thanks for your patience.\

\ After taking the entire year off for the first time in his bodybuilding career, expect the return of Kevin Levrone to be better than ever at the 2004 Mr. Olympia. With the opening of his second gym in Maryland now underway, Levrone fans can expect BIG things from Kevin this year. With renewed dedication and spirit, Kevin is going into the 2004 Olympia with one goal: TO WIN\

\ After tinkering with some new ideas for the past few years about retaining size and shape while achieving the shredded condition needed to win, Kevin has decided that he is going back to basics -- the heavy training and brutal workouts that produced the Levrone of the early 90's. When Kevin burst onto the pro bodybuilding scene in 1992, he shocked fans and fellow pros with a monstrous degree of overpowering muscular development in his arms, shoulders, back and legs. After a back injury in 1999 limited his training style to lighter workouts and more focus on conditioning, Kevin suffered not only in the eyes of the judges, but in the eyes of many hardcore fans who missed the SICKNESS OF MUSCLE that was Kevin Levrone circa 1992-1995.\

\ A recent visit to his orthopedic surgeon after six months of rest confirmed that the injury is 100% healed and that Kevin can resume heavy lifting and squatting for the first time in many years. For those who thought Kevin's lifts in his highly acclaimed video "Maryland Muscle Machine" were outrageous (100 lb curls, 495 bench), be forewarned: YOU AINT SEEN NOTHIN' YET! According to Kevin, "That stuff in M3 was a joke. I used to bench 585 for triples and squat 755 for reps back in the day. With the okay from my doctor, fans should expect to see something special this October. Think Markus Ruhl meets Shawn Ray as far as the best combination of size and shape."\

\ And for fans who were blown away by M3: Maryland Muscle Machine, expect an INCREDIBLE NEW VIDEO tentatively entitled "Levrone: Return of the Monster" featuring appearances by NFL stars Ray Lewis and Justin McCareins, music by today's top artists, and feats of muscle and strength that have NEVER BEEN SEEN BEFORE. To pre-purchase your copy of Kevin's first new video in years, click here. The first 100 orders will receive an autographed photo of Kevin Levrone with their order, and then a signed copy of the video when it is released (October, 2004). Thanks to the fans!\

\ Team Levrone}"
No kyllä ainakin hehkutus on hallussa, mutta niinhän se pitääkin olla :)
...harmi vaan, että tolla voimalla ei oo mitään tekemistä lavalla.


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Levronesta uusi kuva

Näytti olevan levronesta muutama uusi kuva en tiiä sitte onko porukka jo nähnyt mutta aattelin postittaa tänne :)





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