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Re: Re: Re: Re: kanamuna

Originally posted by kilkkinen
Varmastikin kolesterolilla on keskeinen osuus mm. sepelvaltimotaudin kehittymisessä

tuohon liittyen:

"While the current North American cardiovascular disease paradigm is centered on blood cholesterol management, cholesterol can't account for the declining CV health of the people. In fact, there is no difference in blood cholesterol levels between North Americans and the Japanese, but North Americans have a 626% higher CV disease mortality rate!"

"Lowering cholesterol in your diet does not appreciably lower blood cholesterol or CV disease risk. In fact, decreasing dietary cholesterol by 35% only translates to a 2-3% drop in blood cholesterol. "

"In a study published in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine, the exercise and nutritional habits of 80,000 women were recorded for 14 years. The researchers found that the most important correlate of heart disease was the amount of trans-fatty acids in the diet. "

Eli kaksi pointtia:
1) nostaako kananmuna edes kolesterolia
2) haittaako korkea kolesteroli

Lainaukset: <a href="http://www.johnberardi.com/articles/nutrition/oep2002.htm" target=_blank>Berardin sivut</a>

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