- Liittynyt
- 14.8.2004
- Viestejä
- 6 227
Mielenkiintoisin kohta jäi tuossa jutussa edelleen auki:Venäläistä fake newsia, he sanoivat
What Hunter Biden left OUT of his tell-all memoir revealed
Hunter Biden released his 'tell-all' memoir Beautiful Things on Tuesday, but left out shocking details. DailyMail.com can reveal those secrets from contents of his abandoned laptop..www.dailymail.co.uk
"Emails leaked from the computer sparked a scandal before the 2020 presidential election in October, but were dismissed as Russian disinformation by the Bidens and other senior Democrats, social media giants Twitter and Facebook, and several major media organizations."
Löytyikö ne Giulianin pdf-muodossa tyrkyttämät sähköpostit sitten sieltä vai ei?