• 3 kpl Supermass Nutrition PRO BURN (540 kaps.) -24%


Supermass Nutrition: Super Meal 1 KG -30%
Been consistently eating 4500 cals past couple weeks (500g carbs, 280g protein, 150g fat). Definitely feeling the best I have in years. Can't stress enough how important good nutrition and training intensity reflects on your physique. I know loads of people who literally cruise for years and still look like shit cause they train like pussies. Kinda funny how I look immensely better than a lot of people on gear.. It all comes down to eating correctly and training intensely with proper contractions.

Mitä veikkaatte, onkohan Jeffi hiljaiselon aikana ottanut vähän kovempaa kehitystä? Natuna kun ei nuo sen tavoitteet oikein ole mahdollisia. Olympia fysiikkassa pärjääminen vaatii vähän jo enemmän kreatiinia ja glutamiinia
3 kpl Basic Nutrition Whey (3 kg) -25%

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