L0b0 sanoi:
Eipä sillä lihasmassoja säilyttävää ominaisuutta taida olla. Enempi kiinni safkapuolesta ja etenkin proteiinin saannista. Voimatasoja tuo voi marginaalisesti ylläpitää.
Antikatabolinen ja anabolinen...kummatkin kivoja

"creatine concentration which is postulated to lead to increased contractile protein synthesis"
...mikä on aina mukavaa kuulla oli dieetillä tai ei.
/me lataa quote kanuunan
"creatine supplementation during training has been reported to promote significantly greater gains in strength, fat free mass, and performance primarily of high intensity exercise tasks."
Kelly et al. [56] reported that 26-days of creatine supplementation (20 g/day
22x4 days; 5 g/dayx days) significantly increased body mass.
Kreider et al. [58] reported that creatine supplementation (15.75 g/day x 28
days) during off-season college football training promoted
greater gains in FFM
Stone et al. [38] reported that 5-weeks of creatine ingestion (~ 10
or 20 g/day with and without pyruvate) promoted significantly
greater increases in body mass, FFM,
Peters et al. [59] reported that creatine
monohydrate and creatine phosphate supplementation/.../ during training significantly increased body mass, FFM,
Kirksey et al. [60] found that creatine
supplementation (0.3 g/kg/day x 42 days) during off-season
training promoted greater gains in vertical jump height
and power, sprint cycling performance, and FFM
Becque et al.
[62] found that creatine supplementation /.../during strength training led to greater gains in arm flexor muscular strength, upper arm muscle area, and
FFM than strength training alone
Volek et al. [8] reported that 12-weeks of creatine supplementation/.../during
periodized resistance training increased muscle TC and PC, FFM"
"Creatine supplementation
during training is typically associated with a 0.5–2 kg greater
increase in body mass and/or FFM. Although it has been
hypothesized that the initial weight gain associated with creatine
supplementation may be due to fluid retention, a number
of studies indicate that long-term creatine supplementation
increases FFM and/or muscle fiber diameter with no disproportional
increase in total body water."
Lähde: Kreider, Effects of creatine supplementation on performance and training adaptations
no tuota voisi jatkaa pitkään eikä yksikään noista tutkimuksista liittynyt nimenomaan kreatiinin käyttöön dieetillä mutta siitä voi jokainen vetää omat johtopäätöksensä.