BB PRO Iain Valliere

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4 day out from the 2023 Toronto Pro Supershow Shoulder workout at Olympia Muscle & Fitness in Toronto.
Valliere voitti Toronto Pro kisan.


Grocery haul and final back day at Torque Barbell at 3 days out from the 2023 Toronto Pro Supershow.

Follow me for the day of the 2023 Toronto Pro Supershow! See backstage, onstage, meals, tan etc!

Showing my pre and intra workout supplements I use for training, and training Back and biceps.

Back & Bicep training at Saveon Fitness in Carleton Place, ON. 15 weeks out from the 2023 Mr. Olympia

Leg training at Saveon Fitness in Carleton Place, ON. 13 weeks out from the 2023 Mr. Olympia

Back and Chest workout at Saveon fitness, Carleton place, Ontario

Arms & Shoulder workout - 13 Weeks out from the 2023 Mr Olympia

Leg Training at 11 weeks out from the 2023 Mr. Olympia with Mike Van Wyk at Pure Muscle & Fitness in Burlington, ON.

3 kpl M-Nutrition Anabolic Overdrive 6 kg

Orange - Sweet berry - Rasberry kiwi


Shoulder & Arm Training at 11 weeks out from the 2023 Mr. Olympia with Mike Van Wyk at Pure Muscle & Fitness in Burlington, ON.

It’s been a wild ride.
Yllätyksenä että jo nyt lopettaa 💪lavalla, oisin ajattelut että vielä 2-3 vuotta kilpailee. Iain oli yksi menestyneimpiä 🇨🇦 bodareita.
Tämän hetken menestynein 🇨🇦 avoimenbodari ja tulee olemaan pitkäänkin.

🩲 ripusti naulaan, eikä tule edes osallistumaan tämän vuoden Mr. Olympiaan. Paljon menestystä lavan ulkopuolelle.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Viisas päätös. Alkoi kropassa näkymään jo väsymisen merkkejä suht nuorella miehellä, vaikka toki ura oli vielä nousujohteinen. Saa nähdä mitä Bumstead tekee seuraavaksi kun jotain kryptistä vihjailua lopettamisesta oli someen postannut. Ovatkohan peräti päättäneet asiasta yksissä tuumin, ainakin keskustelua asiasta on selkeästi käyty.

Full day of eating, supplements, Spinning, and answer some of your questions!

The journey to 11 seconds has begun! Justin King From Built Better AZ Joins me at Revive Gym Stuart to take me through a full assessment, and see EXACTLY where my body is at as I begin down this road to sprinting. The information he gathered here will be used to help create my initial block of training. Knowing my exact weaknesses, and formulating a program to improve the metrics that will have the fastest and most direct correlation to runner faster, and safer, sooner!

Sorry for the abrupt ending, video card ran out of memory!

Watch as I eat the Worlds Spiciest Chip; The Paqui One Chip Challenge!
Enjoy my suffering :)

First Workout with Justin King from Built Better AZ at CBUM'S gym. Enjoy!

Just enjoying the post Bodybuilding career joys of mucking a boatload of fast food!
Watch as I rank & attempt to eat 10 fast food Spicy Chicken Sandwiches!

Follow my transition from Olympia Bodybuilder to Sprinter! This is 1 of a 3 day split I’m following (aside from my track workouts) as I transition! Thanks for watching and enjoy!


Vlog style video showing my Hair transplant at NOW Hairtime Istanbul + some of our trip to Dubai for a little vacation and the Dubai muscle show!

Me and Chris train arms at his gym 12 weeks out from the Mr. Olympia, where he goes for his 6th consecutive title.

Back day action in Toronto with Mike Van Wyck.

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