BB PRO Iain Valliere

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We here in Columbus baby! Mel & I get our first back training session in in Ohio leading into the Arnold Classic after a long day of travel.
I talk a bit about my mindset and plans leading into the show. We are filming EVERYDAY here and capturing this whole experience. Tomorrow we will be capturing cardio, meal prep, training everything!

Kaikki kilpailijat käy covid-19 testissä, hiukan vituttais jos ois positiivinen ja tämän takia jäisi kisa väliin :mad:

Getting down to the wire now! 48 hours away from stepping on the Arnold Classic stage for the first time, and I could not be more ready and excited. Today we did out last little workout just to move some blood and food around. Next video will be after its all said and done, and hopefully I'm the 2021 Arnold Champion!


3 kpl M-Nutrition Anabolic Overdrive 6 kg

Orange - Sweet berry - Rasberry kiwi

Erittäin kova suoritus! 🥈
Iainin mietteet Arnold kilpailusta:
Call me Mr. Saturday night baby!
They say It ain’t over till it’s over, and I proved that shit tonight! We came back tonight better, and worked our way up in to that 2nd spot.
Couldn’t be happier with tonight’s outcome, it’s been a long but successfully season and we ain’t done yet boiii @ptuor @melissabum

Little throwback today! Hamstring and back training from a few weeks before the Arnold Classic and Olympia with Martin at Revive Gym.

Quads on deck today and I talk about the recent changes to our training split. Enjoy!

Me, Chris and Julien smash some quads. We got Melissa behind the camera as you can tell by this cinematic masterpiece.


Me, Eddie, and Julien hit some Shoulders and Triceps and I announce my new show plans!

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