- Liittynyt
- 28.12.2005
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- 2 868
Factors of Growth Potential
I see posts very frequently by guys that are just completely CLUELESS about the role genetics play in how one responds to training. These posts USUALLY come from one of two types of people. Guys with great genetics that have never had training partners that didn’t, or have never worked with a group of lifters over the long-term, and young guys that REALLY, REALLY want to believe that they can be the next Arnold, Yates, or Coleman.
Here are just SOME of the factors that ultimately determine how big and strong you get, and what paths are appropriate to get you there:
Cortisol output
Adrenaline output
Insulin output
insulin sensitivity
Thyroid output
Thyroid sensitivity
Testosterone production
Testosterone/hormone sensitivity
Testosterone to estrogen conversion
SHGB sensitivity
Testosterone to DHT conversion
Estrogen sensitivity
Growth Hormone output
Growth Hormone sensitivity
IGF output
IGF sensitivity
Digestive capability
Basic protein synthesis ability
Muscle fiber composition
Muscle fiber content
Motor unit recruitment/motor unit density
CNS output/CNS recovery
Hard wired stress response
Emotional states
Take a guy that has very little fast twitch fibers, or just very little muscle fibers compared to the average person, or well above average person and this person is NEVER, NEVER going to have anywhere NEAR the growth potential of someone that has more fiber to begin with no matter HOW BIG they hypertrophy them.
Oh, just add steroids and the below average guy is even. WRONG again. In the Soviet Union where the state spent much time researching these issues, they determined that hormone (steroid) sensitivity varied as much as 2 to 4 times. Which means the response and thus results one guy might get from a gram of gear would take 4 grams for another person to achieve. And these were highly technical studies carried out with good controls. Not what a bunch of gym meatheads observed. YES, THAT IS genetics in action.
To say genetics only accounts for a small degree of the achieved results is just PLAIN FLAT OUT WRONG AND ANY GOOD STRENGTH COACH OR SPORTS PHYSIOLIGIST WILL TELL YOU THAT.
17 out of 22 IFFB pro’s had a genetic growth factor that is not found to any degree of the population.
This does NOT mean you cannot make great progress or build a great body, but it does mean that most just simply don’t have the potential to be top bodybuilders. And EVERYONE responds differently. I am not trying to rain on anyone’s parade, and potential can only be known in retrospect AFTER you have tried. But all these posts by guys saying genetics are not important and guys just use them as an excuse is pure BS
Iron Addict
knoCkout: hyvää settiä Iron Addict:illa.. :thumbs:
P.S. onko linkkiä ?
Meikäläinen on kyllä mr. Geneettinen Heikkous. Ekan kerran kun kokeilin murrosiässä penkkipunnerrusta, taisi 40 kg jäädä rinnalle. Sittemmin vuosien saatossa on tullut vähän salilla käytyäkin ja paino on kohonnut sieltä 60 kilon hujakoilta 90 kiloon, tulokset keskimäärin nelinkertaistuneet tai vähintäänkin triplaantuneet kaikissa liikkeissä (kyykky, penkki, rinnalleveto, maastanosto jne. jne.)
Eli kyllä treenillä saa paljon "anteeksi", mutta valtavasti enemmän työtä se vaatii luontaisesti hentorakenteiselta kuin sellaisilta "tykinkuula" - mallisilta tyypeiltä. Luonnostani olen pitkä ja hoikkaraajainen, ainoastaan hartiat on luontaisesti leveät itsellä, eli se "geneettinen ominaisuus" sentää on plussaa.
Summa summarum: järkevällä ja pitkäjänteisellä treenaamisella saa hyviä tuloksia aikaan, olipa se lähtötaso sitten millainen tahansa. Mutta enemmän se vaatii tähän hommaan luonnostaan lahjattomammilta.
Notta, tuo on "hyvää kehitystä", kun aloitustasoihin vertaa..
joku karkea heitto on, että "aloitusraudat" voi kolmin/nelin kertaistaa..
"Helpommin", "ekalla kerralla penkkaava 100 kg penkkaaja", saa lähemmäksi 300 kg pendolinosta kuin yksilö, joka "penkkaa ekalla kerralla 40 kg"..
tämä ei absoluuttista tietoutta kylläkään ole.. "omat mahdollisuudet kehittyä" saa kokeilemalla / treenaamalla..