Fedor Emelianenko

3 kpl M-Nutrition MANIA!


No siinä esiteltiin venäläisten historiaa muinaisista ajoista tähän päivään asti vähän faktan ja fiktion sekotuksella. Toi oli yks osa sitä.
No niinpä taisi. Mutta onko tuossa joku IHAN THE IDEA. Vai tekemällä tehty juttu vailla mitään sen kummallisempaa viestiä/ideaa.

Eiköhän toi viesti tossa ole se miten sen asian tulkitset. Yhteistyön merkitys etc.

Fedor on myös puhunut venäläisten nuorten työmoraalista aikanaan. Liikaa huumeita, rikollisuutta ja liian moni haluaa päästä aina sieltä mistä aita on matalin.

3 kpl M-Nutrition EAA+

Mango - Hedelmäpunssi - Sitruuna - Vihreä omena

Jose Aldon luulisi myös, Jose Aldo sanoo, Cain is de bes! Ja sit Cain sanoo että Fedor on paras... Eli 1+1 ni saadaan Fedor on kaikista paras! Kaikkihan sen tietääki jo tosin. :)
Jose Aldon luulisi myös, Jose Aldo sanoo, Cain is de bes! Ja sit Cain sanoo että Fedor on paras... Eli 1+1 ni saadaan Fedor on kaikista paras! Kaikkihan sen tietääki jo tosin. :)

Muutamaa hölmöä lukuunottamatta. Ehkä heilläkin kivekset laskeutuu ja alkaa järki juoksemaan.
Jose Aldon luulisi myös, Jose Aldo sanoo, Cain is de bes! Ja sit Cain sanoo että Fedor on paras... Eli 1+1 ni saadaan Fedor on kaikista paras! Kaikkihan sen tietääki jo tosin. :)

Näinhän se on!
Tuohon kun lisätään nämä nettininjojen äänestykset, jotka fedja on viennyt 99% nimiinsä niin asia on selkeä myös rölleille.....

Huomaa shopatuks, koska kaljatuoppi.

James Thompson kertoo tarinan:

Fedor beckoned me towards his table which was in a kind of Lounge area with sofas and chairs crowded around a coffee table. I said hello to the inhabitants who were all Russian males that didn’t speak any English- apart from Fedors manager Vadim Finkelstein who spoke good English. Fedor picked up a sports bag and placed it on the coffee table in front of us all. I could tell from the clinging and clanging of glass that his Mma kit wasn’t in it. A couple of his Russian mates went to get glasses & Fedor started to produce these strange shaped glass bottles from his kit bag. What struck me as odd was that none of these bottles had labels on and you could tell that they weren’t bought down the local off license; they reminded me of bottles you might find in a pharmacy. As Fedor brought out all these bottles of different shapes and sizes I could tell which ones were the strongest (or the favourites) by the gasps and applause each bottle would receive. Fedor delved in to his bag of tricks once again and produced a square bottle which had Smokey dark blue glass and a long narrow neck. But what I really noticed was the reaction of the group, as for a second they were silenced- before hushed gasps of shock and Awe reverberated around the table.

Fedor held this bottle up as if it was the world cup before cuddling it in his arms as if it was a new born child and this brought laughter. He poured a large amount in to one of the glasses -I’m not sure if smoke came off the liquid as it was poured or if I’m just embellishing that part for the story, but what I do remember was that the liquid was clear and handed over the table to me by Fedor with great care. All eyes were now focused on the Englishman and I felt like I was part of some experiment and seeing that I know how seriously Russians take their drinking; I didn’t want to spoil my street cred by asking if they had any Orange juice to mix with it. I was somewhat nervous of the drink that lay before me, so I pictured that what was in the glass was the ‘secret elixir to what made Fedor great’ and by consuming what was in the glass, it would have the same effect on me. With these thoughts I threw back my head and downed it in one.

Now bear in mind this wasn’t a shot glass, it was a normal sized glass filled half full (not half empty). As the contents of the glass filled my mouth, my tongue recoiled and looked for a place to hide. The burning sensation I felt in my mouth, then throat, then chest was overwhelming but I’m English and we too pride ourselves on our drinking ability and even if It was petrol that he’d given me to drink (which is not completely impossible judging by the taste) I was downing this fucker of a drink, not just for my own honour but for the honour of England! I slammed down my glass, gave my head a shake and with the machoness I thought eastern Europeans would recognise, I tipped my glass implying that I wanted another one… which was the last thing I wanted. My new Russian friends loved this and patted my head as I ran my tongue over my teeth to check were still there. Fedor laughed at this and poured me another healthy glass of evil.

Vähä massoista eroava hl pätkä fedjapapasta. Varmaan toimii paremmin pirin kanssa :) MUkana on myös se kohta jossa Fedor sanoo "Pakkiksen Japi... *hahahahaha* hän on foorumin GOAT" paitsi tekstit on väärät..
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