Hieno homma Alex noin sitä pitää!
Now restaurant's female manager is talking!
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Restaurant manager told about the drunk and boisterous Alexander Emelianenko
The restaurant "Faina" Emelianenko did not like too noisy company , to celebrate the birthday .
Director of the restaurant , which on the eve of Alexander Emelianenko fought with the visitor , talked about how everything was. According Faina Sapp , Alexander came to the institution already pretty drunk , drank another 50 grams of whiskey , and then walked over to the table where , in the opinion of a soldier sitting too noisy company . The woman claims that the fight started it Emelianenko.
Faina Sapp , director of the restaurant "Faina" : "He was well drunk . He did not like that the guests are sitting , talking loudly . He came up to hit . Man , excuse me for so many years, it is very well-known leader in the area. Imagine if Emelianenko will strike . "
Emelianenko himself says that just attacked him. Ostensibly noisy company made ??a scandal , and then began to throw chairs into a fighter . Trying to leave the premises , Alexander, according to the spokesperson, " hurt someone ." Obviously, this was someone else and 63 -year-old Vasily Mysyutin .
Doctors diagnosed his injury eyebrows . The man gave a statement , and the police took away the world champion in combat sambo to all the circumstances of the incident.
Now it turns out the old man attacked Alex with his sons!
In fact the fight with Alexander Emelianenko criminal delo
He wrote a counter- statement to the police about the beating of his unknown citizen [ video, photo]
In Moscow, for beating arrested and taken to the police mixed martial fighter Aleksander Emelianenko - the younger brother of multiple world champion and Russian sambo Fedor Emelianenko.
- On Wednesday, a cafe on East Street , in the south of Moscow, was a conflict - told " Komsomolskaya Pravda " in the MOI of Russia in Moscow . - Suffered 63 -year-old Muscovite, who was celebrating his birthday . He stated that an unknown hit him and cut his eyebrow. Drunk men did not recognize his opponent Alexander Emelianenko , who, in their opinion, the first just looked at their feast aggressively , and then began to clash with them .
In the fight climbed sons birthday victim - 38 -year-old Roman and 30 -year-old Andrew Mysyutiny . But the 63 -year-old Vasily Mysyutin decided to revive old and lunged at the young 32 -year-old Alexander Emelianenko.
Then arrived the staff cafe . They quickly explained to customers that they Aleksander Emelianenko a frequent guest, and it can seriously injure them . Indeed, Alexander used to dine at the cafe , which is next to his house , and was not used when someone is distracting him from the meal. It turns out that drunken company interfered with the well-known athlete to eat , which led to conflict. Mysyutin written statement to the police. On Thursday, police department employees for the Southern District drove to Alexander home and took him to his control . There's a former welder , World Champion ProFC, multiple champion of Russia , Europe , and around the world in combat sambo , judo, and mixed martial arts announced that it wants to negotiate , and he did not even try to hit someone .
- I just pushed the man of her hand , - said Alexander Emelianenko in the police. - I did not hit him .
In Moscow, arrested for beating Aleksander Emelianenko
- The delayed party yesterday's conflict in a cafe on the street East wrote a counter- statement to the police about the beating of his unknown citizens - reported on Thursday, " Komsomolskaya Pravda " in the MOI of Russia in Moscow .
How seriously injured athlete , the police did not say.
Police officers now have to track down and interrogate all participants of the fight to restore the events that merry feast.
Alas, the big and muscular figure of Alexander Emelianenko this year began to learn even citizens who are not keen on professional sports . Alexander was no longer time to excel outside of the ring. In March, he lit a cigarette on the plane from Moscow to Barnaul and made a flight attendant uproar because of the comments . The athlete had to sober up at the airport and pay a fine for his outburst -700 rubles. And in August, he brought home two girls of easy virtue. Home professionalkami noticed gold medals athlete and have decided that they are worth more than 40 thousand rubles. One of them wrote a statement to the police about the rape and invited Alexander to agree . It is known that the " victim " then took a statement from the police.
The representative of Emelianenko : After a medical examination will decide what to do with the battle on November 8
A spokesman for fighters of mixed style of Alexander Emelianenko , who became party to the conflict in the cafe in the south of Moscow, Irina Staroverova in an interview with " Soviet Sport " announced that he is released from the police station and now goes to the medical examination .
- Alexander is not the police. Now we go to the hospital for medical check-up - said Staroverova .
- With Emelianenko something serious ?
- He has a broken arm and face.
- This may prevent a fight with Mirko Filippovitch ?
- I do not know . Doctors are to decide . Next is going to decide what to do with the November 8 ( on this date scheduled Emelianenko - Philippovich - Ed . ) .
- So what really happened yesterday in the cafe ?
- Alexander does not conflict itself , did not start the first . This is his insulted and provoked some citizens .
- And what are these people been?
- No idea .