Donald Trump

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Mielenkiintoinen juttu viime vuoden maaliskuulta. On täysin selvästi annettu ymmärtää, että vaalikoneisiin murtautuminen (etänä) on täysin mahdotonta, juttu antaa kuitenkin "hiukan" eri kuvan tästä! Olisi kyllä erittäin mielenkiintoista kuulla hänen mietteensä edellisistä jenkkivaaleista.

"Harri Hursti oli lapsinero – nyt hän paljastaa amerikkalaisille, kuinka naurettavan helposti heidän presidentinvaalinsa voidaan hakkeroida"​

"Hurstin mukaan myös tulevissa vaaleissa hakkeri voisi muuttaa tuloksia kenenkään sitä huomaamatta. Eikä siihen tarvita Venäjän valtiota, vaan riittävä osaaminen on jopa yksittäisillä ihmisillä.

– Tämä on se hirvittävä tilanne, Hursti sanoo.

– Tämä on asia, josta olen sanonut vuodesta 2005 asti. Nämä asiat ovat vielä triviaalin helppoja. Ei tämä vaadi erikoisosaamista tai massiivisia resursseja."

Mitenhän mahtoi olla tumpin tilastot täällä?
– Vastaus on paperiäänestys ja tulosten pakollinen tarkistus lainsäädäntöön.
Osassa maata on jo herätty. Def Conin jälkeen Virginian osavaltion vaalikomissaari Edgardo Cortés havahtui ja sai ajettua läpi lain, joka palautti osavaltioon paperiäänestyksen.
Sami Kymäläinen:
Jumaliste tämähän alkaa hienosti.
Parempi väki juhli, kun Biden valittiin presidentiksi. Nyt on vihdoin aika poistaa rasismi ja syrjintä maailmasta ja aloittaa tasa-arvon kultakausi!
Samaan aikaan Biden: Aiomme jakaa koronatuet tarpeen sijaan ihonväriin ja sukupuoleen perustuen.

Sami Kymäläinen:
Jumaliste tämähän alkaa hienosti.
Parempi väki juhli, kun Biden valittiin presidentiksi. Nyt on vihdoin aika poistaa rasismi ja syrjintä maailmasta ja aloittaa tasa-arvon kultakausi!
Samaan aikaan Biden: Aiomme jakaa koronatuet tarpeen sijaan ihonväriin ja sukupuoleen perustuen.

Kannattaa joskus yrittää lukea ja ymmärtää kokonaisuuksia, sen sijaan että valitsee yksittäisiä kohtia negatiivisuuden lietsomiseen.

Joe Biden: (11:34) Folks, a big focus has also being small businesses and how to correct the current administration’s failures to get relief to main street, small businesses that are most in need. Mom and pop stores are the backbone of the economy. And they’re also, as you all know, they’re the glue that holds communities together. It holds them together. But today, more than one in four small businesses are not open. At least 400,000 are closed for good. As the month goes by, a third of Black-owned businesses and more than a fifth of Latino-owned businesses and more than a quarter of Native American-owned businesses, have less than one month of reserves to cover expenses. Previous rounds of economic relief last year helped millions of small businesses stay afloat and keep employees in the payroll. But there were clear problems. Black and Brown owned, small businesses had less access to that relief. Mom and pop shops were often the last in line, while big well-connected businesses jumped in front of the line and got more relief and got it faster. Joe Biden: (12:48) And at every turn this administration, the Trump administration, has undermined accountability for every tax dollar spent. Weakening oversight, firing inspector generals. So it’s no surprise an independent watchdog found that tens of thousands of ineligible companies receive relief they should not have, including from fraud and abuse, siphoning off support for very small businesses that need it so badly. But the good news is that the relief package passed last month provides additional aid to small businesses and workers.

Joe Biden: (13:28) But as I said from the beginning, the need to make sure that relief and future relief reaches everyone who needs it, we need to do more. These relief dollars will start to flow quickly potentially while the current administration is still in office and they may send out money that they won’t have any control over, but for what we have to control… need control over, I want to be very clear what my priorities are. For distributing this emergency aid swiftly and equitably. Our focus will be on small businesses on main street that aren’t wealthy and well-connected, that are facing real economic hardships through no fault of their own. Our priority will be Black, Latino, Asian, and Native American owned small businesses, women owned businesses, and finally having equal access to resources needed to reopen and rebuild.

Joe Biden: (14:23) But we’re going to make a concerted effort to help small businesses in low income communities. In big cities, small towns, rural communities that have faced systemic barriers to relief. Think of the mom and pop owner with a couple of employees, who can’t pick up the phone and call a banker, who doesn’t have a lawyer, an accountant, to help them through this complicated process to know if they’re even qualified or who simply didn’t know where this relief is available in the first place. We went through this, Don, when we were trying to bring… When we brought Detroit back off it’s knees.

Joe Biden: (15:02) As we saw in this morning’s job report, restaurants, bars, and hospitality industry have been slammed by this virus. We’re going to direct relief to those businesses and others that have been so badly hit. Hit the hardest. We owe them that support to help them get through the other side of this crisis. And I promise you, we will investigate and prosecute waste and fraud in these programs. So the money goes to the companies that deserve it and will use it to help their employees and their communities. When my president, President Obama, asked me to handle implement the recovery act, along with Don who helped me a great deal, we invested more than $800 billion in our economy to help recover, rebuild and less than two thirds of 1% waste, fraud or abuse occurred. We know how to do this. We know how important predictability and clarity are to small businesses. From day one, this administration worked to ensure that small businesses and financial institutions in every community understand the rules for these programs, the resources available to them, where they can turn for technical assistance if they need it. We will have navigators who help guide them through each step of this process until the money they need is in their bank account.
Kannattaa joskus yrittää lukea ja ymmärtää kokonaisuuksia, sen sijaan että valitsee yksittäisiä kohtia negatiivisuuden lietsomiseen.

Joe Biden: (11:34) Folks, a big focus has also being small businesses and how to correct the current administration’s failures to get relief to main street, small businesses that are most in need. Mom and pop stores are the backbone of the economy. And they’re also, as you all know, they’re the glue that holds communities together. It holds them together. But today, more than one in four small businesses are not open. At least 400,000 are closed for good. As the month goes by, a third of Black-owned businesses and more than a fifth of Latino-owned businesses and more than a quarter of Native American-owned businesses, have less than one month of reserves to cover expenses. Previous rounds of economic relief last year helped millions of small businesses stay afloat and keep employees in the payroll. But there were clear problems. Black and Brown owned, small businesses had less access to that relief. Mom and pop shops were often the last in line, while big well-connected businesses jumped in front of the line and got more relief and got it faster. Joe Biden: (12:48) And at every turn this administration, the Trump administration, has undermined accountability for every tax dollar spent. Weakening oversight, firing inspector generals. So it’s no surprise an independent watchdog found that tens of thousands of ineligible companies receive relief they should not have, including from fraud and abuse, siphoning off support for very small businesses that need it so badly. But the good news is that the relief package passed last month provides additional aid to small businesses and workers.

Joe Biden: (13:28) But as I said from the beginning, the need to make sure that relief and future relief reaches everyone who needs it, we need to do more. These relief dollars will start to flow quickly potentially while the current administration is still in office and they may send out money that they won’t have any control over, but for what we have to control… need control over, I want to be very clear what my priorities are. For distributing this emergency aid swiftly and equitably. Our focus will be on small businesses on main street that aren’t wealthy and well-connected, that are facing real economic hardships through no fault of their own. Our priority will be Black, Latino, Asian, and Native American owned small businesses, women owned businesses, and finally having equal access to resources needed to reopen and rebuild.

Joe Biden: (14:23) But we’re going to make a concerted effort to help small businesses in low income communities. In big cities, small towns, rural communities that have faced systemic barriers to relief. Think of the mom and pop owner with a couple of employees, who can’t pick up the phone and call a banker, who doesn’t have a lawyer, an accountant, to help them through this complicated process to know if they’re even qualified or who simply didn’t know where this relief is available in the first place. We went through this, Don, when we were trying to bring… When we brought Detroit back off it’s knees.

Joe Biden: (15:02) As we saw in this morning’s job report, restaurants, bars, and hospitality industry have been slammed by this virus. We’re going to direct relief to those businesses and others that have been so badly hit. Hit the hardest. We owe them that support to help them get through the other side of this crisis. And I promise you, we will investigate and prosecute waste and fraud in these programs. So the money goes to the companies that deserve it and will use it to help their employees and their communities. When my president, President Obama, asked me to handle implement the recovery act, along with Don who helped me a great deal, we invested more than $800 billion in our economy to help recover, rebuild and less than two thirds of 1% waste, fraud or abuse occurred. We know how to do this. We know how important predictability and clarity are to small businesses. From day one, this administration worked to ensure that small businesses and financial institutions in every community understand the rules for these programs, the resources available to them, where they can turn for technical assistance if they need it. We will have navigators who help guide them through each step of this process until the money they need is in their bank account.
Yritin tavata uudestaan tuota twiittiä, mutta en siitä löytänyt mitään muuta.....
Biden tuossa twiitissään toi vain julki sen, mitä oikeasti käytännössä tapahtuu/tehdään. Vai väitätkö että Biden valehtelee?

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Uusi karavaani on lähtenyt liikkeelle,saas nähdä mimmonen spektaakkeli tästäkin syntyy!
Tuskin tulee enää spektaakkelia. Viimeksi Trump ja kumppanit tuntuivat unohtavan nämä karavaanit heti kun vaalit oli pidetty.

Tästä tulikin mieleen, onko mitään päivitystä Hunter Bidenin läppäriin liittyen? :LOL:
Heh nyt ne käy jo solttujen taustoja läpi kun pelkäävät selkäänpuukottajia.
Toki voihan siellä joku foliohattu murhaakin suunnitella jos kovin uskoo vaalit varastetuiksi. Tulis melkonen härdelli. Sen nojalla sitten oikeistolta sananvapaus pois ja uudelleenkoulutusleirejä kiinan malliin.
Ei vaan persut postailee persun twiittaamia Bidenin twiittejä eivätkä ymmärrä twiitin sanomaa.
Siis siinä twiitissä eksplisiittisesti sanotaan, että Bidenin hallinto aikoo priorisoida apua yrittäjille etnisen alkuperän ja sukupuolen perusteella.
Mikä sanoma tässä on hukassa? Asiasta on kommentoineet maailmalla kyllä melko monet ihmiset, en usko että Suomen perussuomalaiset ovat tämän twiitin alunperin nostaneet esille.
Siis siinä twiitissä eksplisiittisesti sanotaan, että Bidenin hallinto aikoo priorisoida apua yrittäjille etnisen alkuperän ja sukupuolen perusteella.
Siinä myös tasan yhtä ekspliittisesti sanotaan: "and finally having equal access to resources needed to reopen and rebuild".
Mikä sanoma tässä on hukassa? Asiasta on kommentoineet maailmalla kyllä melko monet ihmiset, en usko että Suomen perussuomalaiset ovat tämän twiitin alunperin nostaneet esille.
Jos sen twiitin jaksaa lukea ihan loppuun asti, niin ymmärtää ehkä paremmin mitä siinä oikeastaan viestitään - tuetaan niitä pienyrityksiä, jotka eivät päässeet edellisistä tukipaketeista osalliseksi. Ja tässä vielä sama pihvi tuosta pidemmästä tekstistä esiin kaivettuna, niin ei jää paljoa tulkinnan varaa:
"Previous rounds of economic relief last year helped millions of small businesses stay afloat and keep employees in the payroll. But there were clear problems. Black and Brown owned, small businesses had less access to that relief. Mom and pop shops were often the last in line, while big well-connected businesses jumped in front of the line and got more relief and got it faster"

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