Chris Weidman

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Jep samalla myös nähdään, että oliko se oikeasti TRT, joka potkaisi Rockholdilta tajun (sitähän spekuloitiin sillon post presserissä, että oliko se potku TRT:n vai Viton aiheuttama) kankaalle. TRT on kuitenkin niin ihmetaikajuomaa, että se saattaa hyvinkin ottaa hallinnan mielestä ja kehosta, ja tavallaan automaattisesti teet kaiken mitä kehässä tapahtuu, kun taas sit heräät wtf ::confused: ilme kasvoilla.
Eihä sitä tiiä jos se jotenki onnistuis tulee höyrypäissään myös tähän matsiin. Oikeet rohdot ja lääkärit ni vois onnistuakki.

Mut kyl mä uskon et on se kovempi ku ennen ilmanki koska kyl tollanen voittoputki nostaa itseluottamusta ja se on kyl niin helvetin tärkee juttu mikäli korkeelle haluu nousta.
Sieltä tulee se yks hyökkäys jonka jälkeen Weidman vie, samalla tavalla tulee meneen kuin Sakurabaa vastaan, mutta Vitor ei selviä täyttä aikaa.

Viimeksi muokannut ylläpidon jäsen:
Voisko noihin recordeihin lisätä tyyliin Vitor Belfort possessed by TRT wins Luke Rockhold by KO via TRT-head kick. Ihan vaan selkeyden vuoksi.

PS. Chrisille edellinen matsi via aggressive Destruction(™) block.
Chris Weidman on Vitor Belfort: 'He's the one who got caught cheating' - MMA Fighting

Weidman ei ole viime päivinä peitellyt mielipiteitään Vitorin puuhasteluista.

"It's more a cloud for him," Weidman said. "He's the one who got caught cheating once. Now he's taking TRT and I don't think it's right. I did hear from other TRT users, not to mention names, but I've heard TRT is a good way to cover up other things. I don't know much about the business that these guys are in, but, that doesn't seem cool to me, for a guy who's not taking anything."

Vihjaako Weidman tuossa, että Vitor peittelee trt:n käytöllä mahdollisesti muiden mömmöjen käyttöä?

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Chris Weidman on Vitor Belfort: 'He's the one who got caught cheating' - MMA Fighting

Weidman ei ole viime päivinä peitellyt mielipiteitään Vitorin puuhasteluista.

"It's more a cloud for him," Weidman said. "He's the one who got caught cheating once. Now he's taking TRT and I don't think it's right. I did hear from other TRT users, not to mention names, but I've heard TRT is a good way to cover up other things. I don't know much about the business that these guys are in, but, that doesn't seem cool to me, for a guy who's not taking anything."

Vihjaako Weidman tuossa, että Vitor peittelee trt:n käytöllä mahdollisesti muiden mömmöjen käyttöä?

Näin vihjaa joo ja en kyllä epäile hetkeäkään :)
Hyvin mahdollista. Enkä yllättyis vaikka Weidmanikin jotai mömmöja vetelee, ei näistä tiiä enää oikee

- - - Updated - - -

Toisaalta ei haittaa, antakaa vitorille vaa kaikkea mahollista, onse ollu niin pelottava viime matseissa että niitä odottaa/kelpaa katsoo
Chris Weidman on Vitor Belfort: 'He's the one who got caught cheating' - MMA Fighting

Weidman ei ole viime päivinä peitellyt mielipiteitään Vitorin puuhasteluista.

"It's more a cloud for him," Weidman said. "He's the one who got caught cheating once. Now he's taking TRT and I don't think it's right. I did hear from other TRT users, not to mention names, but I've heard TRT is a good way to cover up other things. I don't know much about the business that these guys are in, but, that doesn't seem cool to me, for a guy who's not taking anything."

Vihjaako Weidman tuossa, että Vitor peittelee trt:n käytöllä mahdollisesti muiden mömmöjen käyttöä?

Eikös TRT:ssa se isoin ongelma juuri ole, että piikitellään reilummin matsia edeltävinä kuukausina ja vähennetään se sinne sallittuihin rajoihin hyvissä ajoin ennen ottelua? En sitten tiedä tarkoittiko Weidman sitä vai muiden PED-aineiden käyttöä.
Siis varmaan mauler>bones tarkoitti tota, että helpompi peittää douppausta, kun trt:n ansiossa on siellä on jo kehon ulkopuolista testoa. Normaalistihan tuollainen tietäisi käryä.
Tuo TRT meinkinki on aika loistava strategia. Jos jaa kiinni, on tekosyy valmiina. Jos olen oikein ymmartanyt, anaboliset pysyy elimistossa kauan, mutta esim. lyhytkestoiset testot vain vahan aikaa. Eli eka voi koneessa olla laakarin maaraamat testot 365 paivaa vuodessa ja sitten kaydaan vaikkapa leireilla mista niita ei voi loytaa ja ottaa lyhyita minikuureja jotka poistuu elimistosta muutamassa paivassa. Eihan Vitoe tietenkaan ainut ole joka kayttaa. Varmaan lahes kaikki kayttaa jossain muodossa. Jos ei muuten niin pikkuannoksia joilla ei menna viela rajan yli, eli ei riskia kiinnijaamiseen.
TRT kuuri on siis lupa vetää sybteettisiä tai muuten kehoon kuulumattomia douppeja.
Jenkeissähän ei harjoituskaudella testata kuin Olympiaurheilijoita jos niitäkään. Jos taas vaikkapa UFC otttelun jälkeen ottelijan kehosta löytyy jäämiä sinne kuulumattomista aineista vaikka esim tesstosteroinin sallitut rajat eivät ylittyisikään on se automaattisesti käry ellei ole lääkärin lupaa käyttää TRT juomaa. Sama lääkekannabiksen kanssa. Jos on lääkelupa, niin saa kisata vaikka olisi THC jäämiä kehossa, mutta jos ei ole, niin ei saa. Ja luvat on osavaltiokohtaisia, eli lupa TRT juomaan tai lääkepössyihin on oltava niihin kaikkiin osavaltioihin missä meinaa otella. (lääkepössyluvat on vain ja ainoastaan omaan kotiosavaltioon ilmeisesti, TRT juomaluvasta saanee kaikki osavaltiot kattavan)
Weidman on uskomaton vapaaottelija mutta sen persoona ei oikein kolahda. Amerikka ja Jeesus. Sitten vielä Vitorin trt:stä jaksaa mussuttaa. Luultavasti itsekin on kävelevä lääkekaappi, sopisi ainakin tuon uskonto-isänmaa-paskan jatkoksi samaan tekopyhyyspakettiin. Oli todella oksettavaa katsella siinä highlight-videossa kun Weidman kavereineen rukoilivat Jeesukselta, että Chris voittaisi mestaruuden. Jeesus kuoli ristillä, jotta voisi varjella suosikkiottelijoitaan kahdentuhannen vuoden päästä häkkitappeluiltamissa. :urjo:

Chris Weidman beat Anderson Silva twice in less than six months.

When Chris Weidman made his professional mixed martial arts debut on Feb. 20, 2009, Anderson Silva was already two years, four months and six days into his historic reign over the Ultimate Fighting Championship’s middleweight division. Still, from day one, Weidman fixed his sights on “The Spider,” hoping their paths might someday cross.

“When I started MMA about four years ago, he was the champion at 185 [pounds], and when I made the decision to go to 185, I had to believe I could beat the champion of the world or there was no reason for me to do this,” Weidman said during a UFC Fight Club Q&A in April. “From the get-go, no matter who I was fighting coming up, I wasn’t only training to beat those guys I was up against; I was training already at that point to beat Anderson Silva and to be the best in the world.”

As Silva pieced together an unprecedented run of dominance, Weidman honed his skills on the regional circuit. He compiled a perfect 4-0 mark within the Ring of Combat promotion and quickly established himself as one of MMA’s top prospects. Stylistically, many looked upon Weidman as a prototypical foil for Silva. A four-time collegiate wrestling All-American at Nassau Community College and Hofstra University, he defeated “The Ultimate Fighter” Season 8 winner Ryan Bader as a senior and tried out for the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing, only to have a rib injury interrupt those plans.

Groomed under former UFC welterweight champion Matt Serra and respected striking coach Ray Longo, Weidman exhibited a startling aptitude for submissions early in his development. Inside three months, he won his first Grappler’s Quest tournament -- his weight class and the absolute division -- and submitted all 13 of his opponents in doing so. Moreover, Weidman qualified for the prestigious Abu Dhabi Combat Club Submission Wrestling World Championships in 2009 after just eight months of formal training and pushed seven-time Brazilian jiu-jitsu world champion Andre Galvao to the limit in a memorable match in Barcelona, Spain. Though he lost on points, he emerged as one of the tournament’s breakout stars and only gained momentum thereafter.

Weidman entered the UFC in 2011, defeating Alessio Sakara, Jesse Bongfeldt, Tom Lawlor, Demian Maia and Mark Munoz to become the No. 1 contender at 185 pounds. On March 6, it was announced that he would challenge Silva for his middleweight crown in the UFC 162 main event.

“Now that I’ve finally got the opportunity to get there,” he said, “I’m not going to let the opportunity slip through my fingers.”

As the MMA world now knows, those words proved prophetic. Weidman --’s “Fighter of the Year” for 2013 -- knocked out a clowning Silva with a left hook and follow-up ground strikes in the UFC 162 headliner at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas, becoming the sixth middleweight champion in the promotion’s 20-year history. He brought the match to a shocking and decisive close 78 seconds into round two.

Weidman took down Silva in the first round, softened him with ground-and-pound and aggressively fished for two leg locks, first a kneebar and then a heel hook. Once “The Spider” returned to his feet, he started the uncomfortable process of toying with his challenger in a scene that has grown familiar to mixed martial arts followers. However, his taunting caught up to him early in the second round, as Weidman floored and finished him at the feet of referee Herb Dean.

“I felt I was destined for this, but it still felt a little far-fetched,” Weidman said. “I imagined it a billion times, but it still feels surreal. Ray Longo brought in guys in my camp to play with me and do things to mess with my head. It pisses me off when someone tries to do that to me. I knew little by little I was going to creep up on him and then eventually get him. No one is invincible.”

The loss was Silva’s first legitimate defeat since December 2004 and snapped a string of 17 consecutive victories. The 38-year-old Brazilian had never before been stopped by strikes.

“I was convinced Chris could do something to shock the world and beat Anderson Silva,” submission coach John Danaher told Fighters Only magazine. “People don’t realize that in order to do something great you yourself have to be great. You have to have the seeds of greatness inside you to perform great actions.”

After initially balking at the idea, Silva agreed to a rematch. His second encounter with Weidman yielded far more catastrophic results for “The Spider.”

Silva’s bid to reclaim the middleweight crown ended with a horrific leg injury, as Weidman kept his hold on 185-pound gold with a second-round technical knockout in the UFC 168 headliner on Dec. 28 at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas. Silva, his leg broken above the ankle when the champion checked his kick, collapsed to the mat 76 seconds into round two, his writhing in shock followed by cries of agony.

“Ray Longo actually broke a guy’s leg like that in the gym by putting the knee right on that shin when he kicked, just by following [the kick] up slowly,” Weidman said. “It’s not really going shin-to-shin, but getting your knee on the shin. I’ve done it in sparring with some hard kickers to let them know not to kick me anymore. Their legs didn’t break, but they would either take a minute to walk it off or they wouldn’t be kicking me as much. It’s something I’ve definitely been working on, thanks to Longo.”

Weidman nearly finished it in the first round, as he rocked Silva with a right hand in close quarters, trailed him to the canvas and battered him with punches and elbows.

“There was a point where I was hoping the ref would stop the fight,” he said, “but he recovered well.”

Silva weathered the attack, landed some effective shots from the bottom and pushed their rematch to a second round. There, a little more than a minute after the battle resumed, he uncorked the ill-fated kick. An audible snap brought an eerie silence to what had been a raucous crowd and perhaps marked the end of the line for arguably the greatest fighter in MMA history.

“When he landed that kick on my knee, I knew I had checked it [well],” said Weidman. “I thought he would at least be in pain, but when he put his foot back down, and I saw his leg roll up, I knew the fight was over and he wouldn’t get back up. It was a crazy ending.”

One can only surmise that this may have been the last time “The Spider” will compete inside the cage. Silva turns 39 in April. He underwent surgery to repair the damage in the hours immediately following the fight.

“The successful surgery, performed by Dr. Steven Sanders, the UFC’s orthopedic surgeon, inserted an intramedullary rod into Anderson’s left tibia,” Zuffa officials said in a release. “The broken fibula was stabilized and does not require a separate surgery. Anderson will remain in the hospital for a short while, but no additional surgery is scheduled at this time. Recovery time for such injuries may vary between three and six months.”

His two-fight series against Silva now in the rearview mirror, Weidman turns his attention to the other challengers lurking in the middleweight division. A showdown with a resurgent Vitor Belfort figures to occupy his time during the first half of 2014.

“Vitor has been out there taking on all comers, and he’s next in line,” UFC President Dana White said. “No doubt about it.”

Serra does not see Weidman relinquishing his title anytime soon.

“This is the beginning of his story,” Serra told the Sherdog Radio Network’s “Rewind” show. “He could be a very dominant champion. He could be one of those guys that go down as one of the greatest.”
Eikös tuota Vitoria testata lähes viikoittain, näin muistan lukeneeni. Aika hankala piikitellä kovin rajuja määriä..
Eikös TRT:ssa se isoin ongelma juuri ole, että piikitellään reilummin matsia edeltävinä kuukausina ja vähennetään se sinne sallittuihin rajoihin hyvissä ajoin ennen ottelua? En sitten tiedä tarkoittiko Weidman sitä vai muiden PED-aineiden käyttöä.

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