BB PRO Branch Warren

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Kohta voi kysyä mikä lihas ei olisi rikki, näytti että vaivaisi sama ongelma kuin Scott Steiner eli joku ihme väli/aukko rintalihasten välissä. Ei siis enne ollu. Vissiin joku hermosto ongelma.
Olipas pökkelö. Videolla aiva ennätysrumat rintalihakset ja paksu keskivartalo. Menee kyl pakkomielteisten jäähdyttelijöiden kerhoon .. Kuitenki tyyppi jolla selkäpuoli ollu aina reilusti jäljessä, rohkealla poseerauksella takareidet keränny huomion siinä poses

Pure Creatine 300 g -25%

Puhdaslaatuinen kreatiinimonohydraatti

Kumma jollei kundit päässeet Stokiksen reisulla tutustumaan myös putkatilohin...?
Eix tuolla (Sweduissa) voida viedä ketä vaan 'liian lihaksikas' lennosta doping testeihin?
Joo, näin kävi Toney Freemanille.

On December 8, 2010, during a visit to Sweden, Freeman was escorted by the police from Sundsvall while undertaking a promotional appearance in a local store. The police knew Freeman and other international bodybuilders were coming to Sweden for a fitness festival from promotional posters. According to Freeman, he was taken to the police station and was denied a legal representative and forced to give a urine sample.[3] Reports allege that Freeman tested positive for testosterone, human growth hormone, and cannabis.[4][5][6][7][8][9] He was released the same day with no charge. On December 31, 2010, Freeman responded to the allegations with an official statement and a video in which he emphasized he had not been treated properly by being denied an advocate or communication with the U.S. embassy.[10][11]

Freeman became the first[citation needed] international professional bodybuilder to be detained by the Swedish police under "muscle profiling",[12] a profiling method used by Swedish police in which suspicion of performance-enhancing drug use is based solely on physical appearance.[13] The possession of such substances as steroids is illegal in Sweden. According to others who have been detained in this manner, police use the size and appearance of the bodybuilder to detain them, then aim to prove their case with blood or urine samples taken at the station.[14] Police staff member Henrik Blusi generalized the actions taken against Freeman to all professional bodybuilders, saying: "If you are a professional bodybuilder you should not come to Sundsvall. We are very well informed here. We are currently conducting the largest doping trial in Europe, and then one should understand that we have an eye out for these things now."[15]
Ajokorttikin lähtee olen ymmärtänyt. Aika kovat sakotkin tulee. En tiedä mitä se auttaa että otetaan randomisti tyyppejä kiinni, nehän pitäisi nämyyjät saada kiinni.

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