BB PRO Arnold Schwarzenegger


Saa nähdä miten Trump reagoi tuohon Arskan kuittailuun :D

Itse asiassa, se oli juuri toisin päin. Trump kuittaili Arskalle. The National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C.
Diilin huonontumisesta vaikka taisi alkujaan olla mukana valitsemassa ja antoi tukensa hänelle hommaan.
Trump on pakko kaikissa tilaisuuksissa puhua asioista jotka liittyvät häneen, vaikka ei ole tapahtuman kanssa mitään tekemistä, hänen tapansa toimia :D
Taisi jäädä vaalimode päälle.

Prophet Muscle attacks Arnold Schwarzenegger for using and promoting steroids in the past as Schwarzenegger leaves lunch at Caffe Roma with Heather Milligan in Beverly Hills, CA. A bodyguard has to step in and restrain the man when he becomes so enraged that he reaches to grab Arnold, who is calmly smoking a cigar as he drives away in his $2.25 million Bugatti Veyron convertible.
Arnold Schwarzenegger jokes about smashing Trump’s face into a table

“I said, ‘Let’s sit on it for an hour,'” Schwarzenegger said. “I called my assistant and said, ‘I think what we really should do is request a meeting and go back to New York. And then we just smash his face into the table. And then I think we can’t do that either. I think I have to be above all of that and put him on the spot.'”

:D :D
Prophet Muscle attacks Arnold Schwarzenegger for using and promoting steroids in the past as Schwarzenegger leaves lunch at Caffe Roma with Heather Milligan in Beverly Hills, CA. A bodyguard has to step in and restrain the man when he becomes so enraged that he reaches to grab Arnold, who is calmly smoking a cigar as he drives away in his $2.25 million Bugatti Veyron convertible.

Prophet Paska.

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