BB PRO Andrew Jacked

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3 kpl Basic Nutrition EAA -25%
Screenshot 2022-08-16 at 16.24.21.jpg

Screenshot 2022-08-16 at 16.24.13.jpg
Saman malliset reidet, tosin Rhodenilla ne erottui, Jackilla taas ei erotu ollenkaan, josta tulee miinusta lavalla.
Ainakin Andrewin koutsi sanoi, että unohti jatkuvasti jännittää reisiä posettaessa. Monessa poseerauksessa näkyy säikeet etureidessä, kun kunnolla jännittää joten oletettavasti poseeraustekninen juttu joka on korjattavissa.
Saman malliset reidet, tosin Rhodenilla ne erottui, Jackilla taas ei erotu ollenkaan, josta tulee miinusta lavalla.
Olen vähän eri mieltä tuosta ettei muka erotu reidet. Videolla näkee että ihan säikeillä ja urat erottui jopa paremmin kuin muilla lineupissa kun muisti vaan jännittää. Edelleenkin ukon kolmannet kisat koskaan ja vajaa dieetti, arnold UK:ssa tulemme näkemään lopullisen kondiksen jos menee hommat nappiin.

That’s a wrap ladies and gentlemen, we are going to the Olympia 🙌🏾, an amazing event hosted by Freddy, stacked full caliber of athletes, the event was a glorious one, First prodebut with a victory and an Olympia Qualification.

Chasing dreams one step at a time. Leg day! Prep files. The journey continues

Few days to showtime, Touchdown Birmingham, Arnold UK weekend stay tuned ….

M-Nutrition Sports Greens 1, 210 g, Lemon-Lime

Todella tykki viherjauhe

Miksi Andrew ei tullut paremmassa kunnossa Arnold Classic UK

Showday of the Arnold Classic UK 2022, I didn’t come in good as I wanted but I guess the reasons behind was even better, why wanting to come in 100% when we can just bring same package and not stress the body too much so that we can go all in for the MR Olympia! That was the new plan, also processing visa time took longer than expected and it caused some slacking in training but no excuses it is what it is, job was done, thank God for life, good health, visa and also finances for going through this phase. Done and dusted


Hi guys, this video was taken at Flex Lewis's gym the Dragon's lair 2 weeks before the 2022 Texas Pro where Andrew took his first pro victory of the year beating the likes of Steve Kuklo and Martin Fitzwater.

Andrew posed in front of Flex Wheeler and Milos Sarcev, Logan Franklin and Regan Grimes.

Since then Andrew has gone on to win the Arnold Classic in the Uk also.

My sincere apologies for my absence so far, we are back now and I’ll keep posting updates of my Olympia Prep Series both here in Dubai and also in Vegas.

Roelly Winklaar took me on a high roller coaster leg day workout. The pump was insane, the inspirational and motivational Words boosted my adrenalin to get me enough strength.

Olympia prep files series counting down the time.

Straight out of the Expo to the Binous1 gym night chest workout with David and meeting with the Titan Crew.

Olympia prep files series counting down the time.

Olympia prep series with ifbb 212 pro RudeBoy, full Arms workout alternating biceps and triceps set in set out.

Had a great session with the Boyz over here in Dubai in binous gym, hit some shoulders had fun in the process too.

Olympia prep files series counting down the time.

Health improving on a daily letting me to push even further and harder, thanks to Flex Lewis 7x Mr Olympia 212 for putting me through his leg session exactly what I needed that extra push taking me past my limit.

Olympia prep files series counting down the time.

Back workout at the dragons lair Las Vegas with The 7x 212 Mr Olympia FLex Lewis. Olympia prep files continues, paying attention to detail for every set and reps of the workout for today. Nothing crazy, no heavy weight just lot of tension, with volumes.

Hamstring day here at elev8tion fitness Las Vegas and guess what? Myself and Stanimal while doing our workout bumped into the Mutant Nick walker, he is a very walking phenom dangerously looking and can’t wait for the final package we all will present on stage at the Mr Olympia come this December 15-18th 2022.

Back Workout feat Stanimal in this freezing city of Las Vegas, nothing crazy just getting blood flow into the right places, reps upon reps with some little bit of Biceps pump to finisher off.

Video was from November 22nd, was seriously hit by the flu and just pushing through the workout with every last strength I’ve got, managed to finish off as programmed and felt accomplished afterwards.

Quick summary of what my activities, training, schedule and nutrition is like in this Olympia prep.
-Cardio fasted,
-stretching & abs
-2 meals before training
-posing again
-meals, meals, meals, and meals …..

Offdays I go out to the strip to clear off my head, change environment, take a walk, get some fresh air and enjoy the scenery.

4sets of Superset 3D Delts shoulder workout with Mike “The BadAss” Sommerfeld at the Camp Dragons Lair Las Vegas.

Olympia prep files series counting down the time.

Fully recovered, 1st YouTube video of 2023, new year, new plans, new goals! Refueling, Rebound Phase, getting back into the groove. Starting to feel much more better after the long haul of cold & flu through out my Olympia prep in Las Vegas . Warmer weather here in Dubai, body responds positively. We are back to the drawing board.
Huikea fysiikka. Olisin laittanut vähintään kakkoseksi. Hienoa että tämmöisia kisaajia nyt on ja että tämmöisillä fysiikoilla myös pärjää kisoissa.

Going into my maintenance and rest phase, been only a month since the Arnold, PCT done (4weeks). Workouts will only be cardio like based giving my body much time to rest and recover after a long haul last year.

New Uplods on My Day In The Life, Off-season Protocols and Future Competition Prep.

Going into my maintenance and rest phase, been only a month since the Arnold, PCT done (4weeks). Workouts will only be cardio like based giving my body much time to rest and recover after a long haul last year.

New Uplods on My Day In The Life, Off-season Protocols and Future Competition Prep.

Vetääks nää muka oikeesti pct:n 😂 Ei siinä että ne lihat sulais jossain parissa kuukaudessa mutta mitä helvetin järkeä tossa touhussa on? 👀
Vetääks nää muka oikeesti pct:n 😂 Ei siinä että ne lihat sulais jossain parissa kuukaudessa mutta mitä helvetin järkeä tossa touhussa on? 👀

Ei vetäny sanan varsinaisessa merkityksessä.
Tossa mainitaan 4 vko niin tarkottaa ehkä että antanu droppien poistua lyömättä mitään. Eihän tossa ajassa ole kerenny ees kaikki poistua saatikka omat pallit lähteä tulille.

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