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Kuka tää "Olmi" on, joka esiintyy Kummeleissa? Jonkun sortin kehonrakentaja näyttäis olevan kyseessä, mutta kuka? Kertokaa viisaammat.


3 kpl M-Nutrition Anabolic Overdrive 6 kg

Orange - Sweet berry - Rasberry kiwi

Onhan noi ihan ketteriä. :D

World Chase Tag is an organization that pits amazing athletes against each other in a game that every last one of us has played at some point in our childhoods: the game of tag (or as they call it, “chase tag”). The idea of adults playing tag competitively might sound kind of weird until you realize that skilled athletes playing the schoolyard game basically translates into competitive one-on-one parkour.​

Jahdattavan pitää pystyä 20 sekuntia karata. :P



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