Videoita. Videon sisällön kuvaus pitää lisätä aina viestiin

3 kpl Basic Nutrition EAA -25%
Joo ja maksiminopeus 40km/h karsii tuota autoilua.
Onhan sillä rajoitteita selvästi, esim. akkua ei voi vaihtaa ja kesto vain 20min. Tietty toi laitos painaa jopa 1.3kg ja on aika pieni, joten en nykyisellä akkuteknologialla kyllä pidempään usko.

Tietty tuo on edelleen todella halpa kun huomioidaan videon laatu.
Piti varmaan toistaa tilaus.

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Yleensähän tämä tosiTV on ihan paskaa. Onneksi kuitenkin välillä esille pääsevät, ne joiden kuuluukin...Siperiasta BGT 2015 kilpailuun...

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+1 luovuudesta mökkimenoissa. :D

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Soon.... :)

Ottivat jo varaslähdön Duchovnyn keikalla muutama päivä sitten. ;)
30 years have passed since Bruce Wayne survived Skynet's nuclear blasts in August of '97. Iron demons now roam the planet, and without the requirement to defend the innocent against crime and injustice, Wayne has sought refuge in the bomb shelter that saved his life; the Batcave.

Having scavenged the wasteland for resources, he discovers the radio of a dead soldier. There is static over a frequency. Flesh and blood is rising up to the west. With The Stinger; a riot control vehicular unit built before the apocalypse along with a refitted bomb blast vest, Batman makes his way across what remains of the United States to join forces with the man determined to neutralize the electronic menace - John Connor.

batman v terminator.webp

My intention for this animation was to teach myself how to animate. I knew absolutely nothing prior with regards to animating. So while I had the "plot" in my head, in terms of actually making it the entire thing was improvised. I get that people know it took me nearly four years to make, but I don't think people reeeally get that. For instance, the scene where the soldier walks up to the wall then gets his head blown off; that took me 6-7 months to do during 2011.

To work on a single project for 6-7 months for either a single person or a group is long enough to take a break from and celebrate. For me, however, it was a sign that not only is this thing going to nearly kill me but that it also won't be over for other 2 and a half years.

I get that because the video is just under five minutes, and therefore just zips by, it's easy to think I worked on this over the weekend. For everybody else it's an entertaining video but for me it's a visual diary of my life for the past four years.

Sadly there will be no follow up videos.
What holds me back from going anywhere further is that I'm human. I suffered mentally and physically and I'm completely discouraged to follow my dreams. So while I'm flattered and overwhelmed by the response, I think I'm just going to ride my 15 minutes of fame and try something else with my life.
by Mitchell Hammond
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M-Nutrition Sports Greens 1, 210 g, Lemon-Lime

Todella tykki viherjauhe

Jetman Dubai: Lentelyä Dubain yllä :hyper:

Tulinkin just tsekkaa joko jaettu, olihan se.

Tää on kyllä niin beyond cool shittii ettei mikään.
Ruotsin sedällä käy munkki.Etsimässä hirvikoiraansa, mutta törmääkin karhuun .Karhu pelästyy...Ja kaikki toki nauhalle.:rolleyes:

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COMING IN 2016 Valentine's Day.
In her first standalone film. Black Widow: Age Of Me.
Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) juggles an internship at Fashion Weekly magazine and a complicated relationship with boyfriend Ultron.

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