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EAA-valmisjuoma 24-pack

Pineapple Passion Fruit

SUPER WHEY ISOLATE (3,9 kg) -24%
Ei jaksa perehtyä, mutta ilmeisesti ovat muka keksineet vedelle jonkin uuden olomuodon. :jahas: Löytyy valkoinen paperi ja kaikki. Kovasti ovat huijaukseensa panostaneet, jos tuo huijausta on.

It is worthy to note that electrolysis of water to produce hydrogen and oxygen gases is well known and was discovered more than a hundred years ago. However, the problem has always been the power requirements (electrical requirements) to energize the water molecule to convert into separate hydrogen and oxygen gases. Typically the energy requirement was too great to produce an economical and efficient hydrogen fuel source. In addition, most conventional electrolyzers produced only small quantities of separate hydrogen and oxygen gas that were very explosive and dangerous if not handled properly.

Our technology centers on the ability to generate a unique type of hydrogen/oxygen gas mixture (a "unique gas", which we call "Aquygen™" gas) on demand from a lightweight, compact machine that uses the water electrolysis process as its underlying technology basis.

This unique gas is infinitely stable until it comes in contact with a select target media. Then it sublimates, causing a molecular surface exchange of certain elements, reacting with such excitation as to cause temperatures of up to 10,000° F, the temperature of our Sun's surface, which is currently the limits of our ability to measure.
Zone-sarja -42%


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