UFC Fight Night Japan: Hunto vs. Nelson @ Saitama Super Arena - Sep, 20, 2014

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Taa Hunt / Nelson tulee kylla olemaan sellainen turpakaraja etta saaliksi kay jo molempien jamppojen aivoja etukateen.
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Fight Night Japan: Media Day Highlights

Fight Night Japan: Roy Nelson Gym Escape
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It's Friday in Japan and it's probably safe to say it's not going to be the most enjoyable day for UFC heavyweight Mark Hunt.

Hunt, who said he began his training camp at an astounding 340 pounds, weighed 284 on Thursday in Japan, a UFC source confirmed to Yahoo Sports. That means that by the 4 p.m. Tokyo time weigh-in, Hunt will have to shed an additional 19 pounds to make the heavyweight limit of 265 for his bout at the Saitama Super Arena against Roy "Big Country" Nelson.

It's almost certain Hunt is going to spend most of his Friday in the sauna trying to shed 19 pounds.

It's hard to imagine he'll be able to lose all of that weight. If he misses, then it will be up to Nelson if the fight goes forward. Hunt weighed 262 pounds for his December bout against Antonio "Big Foot" Silva that went down as one of the greatest matches in UFC history.

In the event Hunt misses weight, Nelson will have the opportunity to decline to fight, which is highly unlikely. If Nelson declines, he wouldn't be paid, either.

But if Nelson chooses to fight anway, he would get 20 percent of Hunt's purse in addition to his own.

It would be a severe punishment for Hunt, but it's hard to imagine having to lose 75 pounds as Hunt had to do from the start of his trianing camp.

The entire card will be streamed on UFC Fight Pass.
Eihän tuo lähtöpaino ollut kuin reipas 150kg campin alussa:)

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Huntin pojalla vaikuttas olevan myöskin tyrmäysvoimaa http://www.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/video.php?v=wshh6Ls61cDNfhkd6MvH
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It's Friday in Japan and it's probably safe to say it's not going to be the most enjoyable day for UFC heavyweight Mark Hunt.

Hunt, who said he began his training camp at an astounding 340 pounds, weighed 284 on Thursday in Japan, a UFC source confirmed to Yahoo Sports. That means that by the 4 p.m. Tokyo time weigh-in, Hunt will have to shed an additional 19 pounds to make the heavyweight limit of 265 for his bout at the Saitama Super Arena against Roy "Big Country" Nelson......

Eijeijei. Hyvin kyllä kertyy painoa tuohon varteen treenistä huolimatta. Jos se on tosiaan yli 150 kiloa painanut jossain vaiheessa, niin oisko psyykepuolellakin tapahtunut munozit.
Haha. :D Esim. 2001 K-1 GP:ssä Hunt oli ihan loistavassa kunnossa. Sitten taas 2002 vuoden karkeloihin mies valmistautui käymällä Disneylandissa ja oli lihonut varmaan 20 kiloa...

e. Itse painonvedosta, en usko että tulee olemaan ongelma. Eihän noin ison miehen tartte kun käydä paskalla ja juosta pieni aamulenkki niin se on siinä.
On se kyllä aika järkäle, eihän mies ole kun 178cm pitkä. K-1 päivinä vielä potkutkin lähti niin kevyesti, varmaan mukavilta tuntuu noi alapotkut? :D Kyllähän se ylöskin potki hyvin aikoinaan.



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