Aika moni on sherdogin puolella verranut Nelsonia Huntoon, mut onhan ne hyvin erilaisia teknisesti. Näen Huntin nykyisellään jopa enemmän teknisenä, kuin fyysisenä ottelijana. Laitaa vasten antoi jopa dos Santosille hyviä osumia ja erittäin vaarallinen counterstriker.
Se laiskan näköinen löntystely on hämäystä.
Mark Hunt has certainly come a long way since his days in K-1 and his MMA debut in PRIDE FC. We're no longer looking at a man who needs a brawl to win but a man who will sit back and allow his opponents to come to him, threatening them with leads only if they refuse to engage.
His ring craft has improved tremendously. Where he used to run forward and backwards and get stuck in corners repeatedly in K-1, he now uses his own considerable presence to impose upon the other man and back him into the fence. Hunt learning to herd his opponents into his power punches after years of simply swinging is not dissimilar to the strategic rebirth George Foreman underwent during his comeback.
God-given punching power and grit can hold a fighter back. Such talents turn fighters into wild men. There is a pressure to get close and convince opponents to trade blows, a tendency to eat two to land one. If one of these gifted punchers stays around long enough, though, as Mark Hunt has and George Foreman did, you will see their attitude mature. They will place a greater value on their health, their defence, and their positioning. They learn not to waste energy running after people, but rather to cut off the ring.
- Jack Slack
Huntin ufc-vaiheen alussa pelkäsin, että Nelson tulee löhöämään päällä ja naputtaa crusifixistä tko-voiton ku ei sieltä alta pääse pois. Enää en ole tästä niin varma, koska Hunt on kehittynyt matossa huomattavasti, eikä ole helpoimpia vietäviä.