UFC 87 seek and destroy *SPOILERS*

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Q: How do you respond to critics who say that you have not “paid your dues,” in that the only reason your fights have been televised twice is because of your name and not necessarily your skill?

A: A lot of people lose sight of the bottom line: this is a business. It’s about making dollars by selling tickets, Pay-Per-Views, and merchandise. It’s up to the promoter to decide what is televised. I just train hard, then get in the octagon and fight.

In regard to the “You haven’t paid your dues” stuff: sure, I came into this sport with a name, but I didn’t just build my name and my reputation in pro wrestling. I also came in with twenty years of amateur wrestling experience.
Ei saanut GSP haluamaansa lomaa..
Uuden vuoden eventissä BJ vs GSP


Ja nyt ilmeisesti sittenkin saa sen lomansa:

Exclusive: Penn Camp Says GSP Rematch Unlikely Until Early 2009
Earlier today Michael Moody of MMANews.com spoke with BJ's brother, JD Penn, and he confirmed to us that although BJ is back in the gym and looking for a fight in December, nothing is official at this time and the fight with St. Pierre will likely be pushed back until February 2009 when the UFC holds it's Superbowl Weekend card.

Ilmeisesti vielä turhaa spekuloida koska ukot samaan kehään pääsee, varmaan tuohon uudenvuodenaaton tapahtumaankin saadaan vaihdettua main eventti useampaan kertaan. :D


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