UFC 205: Alvarez vs McGregor 12.11.16

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Pakkisninjat, kumpi voittaa?

  • Alvarez

    Votes: 48 36,6%
  • McGregor

    Votes: 83 63,4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Conorin räpiköiminen oli parasta viihdettä koko pressissä. Nauroin oikein kunnolla kun Eddie trollaa ja Dana pitää kiinni rimpuilevaa Conoria. Matsista tulee kyllä helvetin hyvä.
En tiiä, jotenki Conor/Eddie läpät väsyttii, aina samaa eikä mitään uutta.

Oisko se taas live-studio #pakkismma la-su yönä?
Virallisia veikkauksia alkaa tulemaan... :-) Pistetään omaksi Eddielle voitto, erä 3 submission tai tko. Käy kuin Naten kanssa, vähän liian iso pala ekalla kertaa, Missä lyötte vetoja silleen että noita lopetuseriä ja tapoja saa valita? Kunnon kertoimella kivempi pelata. :-)
Ai saakeli, loppuu duuni sunnuntaina 0500 ja siitä jäätävässä sivuluisussa himaan ja töllö auki! Harmi, että Viaplay ei näytä 4k:na.
Joku just väitti että näkyy 4K, mutta taisi olla niin että tyyliin vain tietyn merkin 4K töllön oma Viaplay sovellus?
Muistan lukeneeni tuommosta, mutta en nopeasti löytänyt itse faktaa asiasta.

EDIT Jaa, sehän olit sinä joka niin sanoi? :D
Joku just väitti että näkyy 4K, mutta taisi olla niin että tyyliin vain tietyn merkin 4K töllön oma Viaplay sovellus?
Muistan lukeneeni tuommosta, mutta en nopeasti löytänyt itse faktaa asiasta.

EDIT Jaa, sehän olit sinä joka niin sanoi? :D
Joo, minä sen kirjoitin hypepäissäni mutta tarkemmin asiaa tutkiessani se vaatii UFC-appin asentamisen ja PPV:n oston erikseen. Viaplayn sivuilla oli vain HD-merkintä.

There was a time not very long ago when a Conor McGregor press conference was still something engaging. Now, as his popularity has boomed and his face dominates the sides of buildings, he has become a caricature of his worst self: a man seeking attention, devoid of the substance that once made him fun.

During Thursday’s press conference for UFC 205, perhaps the biggest fighting show ever, McGregor wore a white fur coat he said was mink, stomped around in red pajama pants and held a blue folding chair high above his head, threatening to smash it on the skull of his opponent Eddie Alvarez. This follows other fake pre-fight dust-ups including August’s plastic bottle-throwing incident with Nate Diaz that earned him a $75,000 fine from the Nevada Athletic Commission.

It was a contrived bit straight from the WWE playbook of absurd theatrics and it seemed so below McGregor’s nimble wit. Gone were all the vivid “Mystic Mac” descriptions of an opponent’s failings that led him to predict exactly what would happen in the ring. Replacing them were the childish taunts of a man who appears most motivated to rile the fury of favorable crowds who squeal whenever he uses “fuck” multiple times in a sentence. He’s become less McGregor the clever and more Diaz, the foil of early 2016 who never could match McGregor’s splendid needling and responded in kind with sixth-grade insults.

On Thursday we were left with this exchange between McGregor, Alvarez and UFC president Dana White when a reporter asked what McGregor had intended to do with the chair.

“Not a fucking thing!” Alvarez shouted.

“Pound it on his fucking head,” McGregor retorted.

“Chair shots would be very bad,” White said.

The reporter then asked if the whole thing had been contrived.

Neither fighter responded. White blushed, shook his head slightly and chuckled.

McGregor used to be entertaining on these days. There is no doubting his brilliant mind or his gift for turning words into amazing images. It was only a few months ago that he tore into Diaz before UFC 196 calling Diaz “a scared little boy”. On that day he ended his assault by telling the flabbergasted Diaz: “You’re like a gazelle, all bunched up together, hoping that you get spared. I’m a lion in there and I’m going to eat you alive. Your little gazelle friends are going to be staring through the cage, looking at you getting your carcass eating alive and they can do nothing All they will do is say: ‘We’re not going to cross this river again.’”

This time he gave his bold prediction for the Alvarez fight.

“I’m going to rearrange his face.” he said.

It was hardly the most imaginative comment, the kind of thing you would expect from almost anyone but McGregor. But it seems the sort of verbal sparring he prefers these days as his name goes up in lights and more commas are tacked upon his payouts. It’s as if he has decided the charming jousts aren’t worth his time and won’t suffice as the kind of red meat his growing fan base craves as they howl for any kind of show, no matter how cheap or low.

“Suck these big Irish balls,” he twice yelled to Alvarez on Thursday.

Back before he fought Diaz the first time, McGregor sensed he was becoming bigger than the UFC. He declared the organization’s glossy pre-fight productions to be “stale” and suggested that Las Vegas has grown old as venue for his fights. Not long after he lost to Diaz in UFC 196, he announced his retirement, refused to promote fights and toyed with a bout against Floyd Mayweather. While he came back to perform gallantly in a brilliant victory over Diaz in August’s UFC 202, he seems to have lost the adroitness that made him a joy to be around. Replacing it is a bully act that’s too common for a man who has become MMA royalty.

When he was good on Thursday, he was great. There came, in the press conference, a moment when he talked about how he had learned something about himself in the Diaz fights, how he had not properly prepared for UFC 196 and paid the price when Diaz forced him to concede by tapping out. He is doing something momentous by trying to win the lightweight title while also holding onto the featherweight belt after the two welterweight fights against Diaz.

He is the biggest piece of the UFC’s biggest show ever. His presence in their first New York event is a must and the five other featured fighters at Thursday’s press conference had to know the day would be about him. But he continued his old gimmick of showing up late before adding what is becoming too familiar a twist: an overblown vaudeville act. This time it was the exaggerated grabbing of Alvarez’s lightweight belt and placing it beside his own on the dais. This led to Alvarez chasing after McGregor which led to the chair and the whole thing just felt fraudulent.

Surely this isn’t the real Conor McGregor we see now.

Hopefully he comes back soon.

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Todella tykki viherjauhe

Aika selvasti ennaltasuunnittelua pelleilya tuo tuolijuttu, suoraan kopioitu WWE:lta.


Hitto tama tapahtuma on tullut jotenkin ihan puskista mulle - sehan on hemmetti jo huomenna. Toivottavasti matsien taso matsaa nimien kovuuden kanssa. Nyt kun ollaan New Yorkissa niin varmaan aika spektaakkeli on tulossa jota tosin rajoittaa MSG:n pienehko koko.

Pitaa ihan veikkauksena heittaa voittajat ja katsoa miten perseelleen menee :)

Eddie Alvarez vs. Conor McGregor
Tyron Woodley vs. Stephen Thompson
Joanna Jedrzejczyk
vs. Karolina Kowalkiewicz
Chris Weidman vs. Yoel Romero
Kelvin Gastelum vs. Donald Cerrone
Miesha Tate vs. Raquel Pennington
Gastelumin painon missaus on tosi paska juttu. Erittain lupaava ottelija mutta kun tuota nyt sattuu jatkuvasti niin hommat menee pilalle liian usein. Mita tuon kanssa nyt sitten tekisi. Voi Dana sedan kanssa olla aika epamiellyttava keskustelu luvassa.


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