Suomalaisilla junteilla tuntuu olevan vaikea ymmärtää. jos jollain on isot lihakset ilman mömmöjä. Itselle on aivan sama onko Reemi vetänyt mömmöjä taikka ei, mutta myönnän senkin että tuollainen kunto on 100% mahdollista ilman mömmöleitä. Yleisesti tuntuu olevan sellainen ymmärrys että, jos parilla vajaan tunnin reenillä viikossa ei lihakset räjähdä niin kukaan muukaan ei siihen pysty.
Laitetaan tähän vielä juttu Alistairin omasta suusta vaikka onkin jo vanha:
"People have accused me of using steroids since I was 17. I remember my first fight, my girlfriend was in the audience, and she told me people, jealous guys, were whispering I was taking steroids. That was when I was 17. I was a middleweight back then. All I can say is my side of the story. When I was 20, I was already a natural heavyweight. I weighed 222 pounds. Cutting the weight to light heavyweight worked out in the beginning, but I couldn't do a strength and conditioning program and I was dieting all the time. When I made the decision to move to heavyweight, I went on a food program, and strength and conditioning program, and I gradually gained weight. Eleven years ago, I was 222 pounds. Now I'm 265. That's 40 pounds added in 11 years. I firmly believe everyone is entitled to his/her opinion. We have free speech. If people want to talk that way, let them talk that way. I can't control what people say. If they want to insinuate things, that's fine. I'm too occupied with my own career to bother with it."