Tulevat leffat

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Huh, on kyllä kova tuo uusi traileri. Piti ihan uudestaan katsoa.
Odotan eniten uutta Terminatoria. Jurassic World tulee varmaankin olemaan CGI-ripulia, mutta pakko kai sekin on käydä katsomassa. Kingsman oli kaikessa (lopun) älyttömyydessään hyvä, ja American Sniperin meen katsomaan lauantaina.

Luokkakokouksen katson siinä vaiheessa, kun se tulee Maikkarilta ja telkkari sattuu olemaan päällä juuri oikeaan aikaan. Leffaan en menisi tuollaista paskaa katsomaan, vaikka vaparit saisin.
Luokkakokouksen katson siinä vaiheessa, kun se tulee Maikkarilta ja telkkari sattuu olemaan päällä juuri oikeaan aikaan. Leffaan en menisi tuollaista paskaa katsomaan, vaikka vaparit saisin.
Itsellä ollut tapana noi kotimaiset tsekkaa kun tulee tuonne Viihteen (Sonera/Elisa) vuokraamoon.
Se on ihan sama kattooko noi leffat teatterissa vai himassa.

Eipä siel teatterissa muutenkaan tule katsottua kuin leffat jotka saa lisäarvoa siitä leffateatterin äänentoistosta ja ruudun koosta.
The great news is that the movie is happening, that Sigourney is confirmed and although not solidly confirmed or set in stone- it also looks like Michael Biehn will be back as Hicks. That just leaves a few things left on our check list… R Rating and Michael Biehn’s return being the most important factors for this movie. This could seems like it would be a continuation/sequel as Biehn has facial damage from the acid blood of Xenomorph that dripped onto his Hypersleep Chamber!


What has also become important is that David Woodruff and his company Generation Effects, Inc. be involved with the movie. His display of passion for this project is impressive and he understands what fans want to see, R Rated movies with practical effects. Terminator fans and Alien fans have a love for practical effects which made them believe in machines from the future and aliens in outer-space.

Ite oon aikamoinen fast and furious fani niin varmaan eniten ootan sitä seiskaa, joka tulee ensi-iltaan 4.4. Ja on kyl kovat odotukset tohon Avengeriin!

Uudesta bondista 'SPECTRE' vähän matskua. Itelle tämä ehkä se vuoden odotetuin leffa. Waltz pahiksena ja nyt on sivunäyttelijätkin varmaan jonkun aikaa samat (M, Q, moneypenny). Sam mendes ohjaa niikun ohjasi Skyfall:inkin. Kuvaajana Hoytema, yksi syy minkä takia leffa niin odotettu. Herra kuvannut mm. Interstellar, Her, pappilukkaritalonpoikavakooja. Yksi kovimmista kameramiehestä tällähetkellä. Craig vetää yhen bondin tän jälkeen vielä, sitten varmaan vaihtuu. Jännä myös nähä mikä on theme song. Musehan ois skyfalliin halunnu tehä mutta meni adelelle.
Itsekin odottelen tuota uutta bondia. En lämmennyt muutamalle edelliselle. Casino Royale on mielestäni Craigin bondeista paras, eikä vähiten Eva Greenin takia. Todella kaunis siinä leffassa.
Monica Bellucci olisi pitänyt ottaa bond-tytöksi jo ajat sitten, mutta parempi myöhään kuin ei milloinkaan. Musella olisi ainakin yksi valmis teemabiisi eli Supremacy. Itselle tulee ainakin siitä mielleyhtymä leffoihin.

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Todella tykki viherjauhe

Avengers: Age of Ultron - TV Spot

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The attack begins on August 1!


Over one hundred years ago... Half of humanity was eaten by the titans that suddenly appeared... The humanity that remained created a giant wall, and lived peacefully.

Anticipated by the whole world!!
Live-action film green-lit!
Mikasa: The world is cruel...
Eren: If we mess up, that's the end for humanity.
Title: Attack on Titan

For those worried that Titan creator Hajime Isayama might not be involved, do not fear as the director, Shinji Higuchi, has stated the two are working very close. The story will be based in the world and have characters from the series, but will also include new ones as well.

The film will also be split into two parts in the same fashion as The Hunger Games or The Hobbit. This is not new for Isayama however with his original Manga having been the inspiration for a 25 episode television show (with the second launching sometime next year), and two animated feature films.
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At only a minute long, the footage here is simply just a small taste of what’s to come in the full-length trailer, which will released tomorrow. Though awfully brief, this bite-sized preview gives us a hint of the plot while teasing some of the film’s more impressive set pieces. As expected, it all looks rather exciting and definitely has us eager to see the full trailer when it arrives...

Directed by Christopher McQuarrie and starring Tom Cruise, Ving Rhames and Jeremy Renner, Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation arrives in theatres on July 31st.
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Oikeastaan näytti ihan passelilta perinteiseltä toimintaleffalta tuo Mission Impossible.
Oisko sit meidän aikaa tänään illala kokopitkä traileri.
katso liitettä 126059

Over one hundred years ago... Half of humanity was eaten by the titans that suddenly appeared... The humanity that remained created a giant wall, and lived peacefully.

Anticipated by the whole world!!
Live-action film green-lit!
Mikasa: The world is cruel...
Eren: If we mess up, that's the end for humanity.
Title: Attack on Titan

For those worried that Titan creator Hajime Isayama might not be involved, do not fear as the director, Shinji Higuchi, has stated the two are working very close. The story will be based in the world and have characters from the series, but will also include new ones as well.

The film will also be split into two parts in the same fashion as The Hunger Games or The Hobbit. This is not new for Isayama however with his original Manga having been the inspiration for a 25 episode television show (with the second launching sometime next year), and two animated feature films.

Tuli jotenkin kylmät vääreet tästä. Ikinä en ole kyseistä sarjaa tai edes mitään animea katsonut mutta jotenkin se on tuo japanin kieli ym. mikä tekee tuosta eeppisen.
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