Tito Ortiz

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Vitun idiootti! Tito menny työntämään päänsä ikkunasta ulos niin tietäähän sen mitä siitä seuraa. Aerodynamiikka muuttuu radikaalisti ja auto kiepsahtaa hyvin nopeasti ojan puolelle.


Sherdogista kopsattuja lainauksia ja huomioita Ortizin elämänkerrasta. Ois Titonkin elämä saattanut kulkea melko erilaista polkua...:

"Tito's birth-name is Jacob. "My father gave me the nickname of Tito when I was about a year old. Tito translated into 'tyrant,' and it kind of fitting because even at age one I was a very bold and bratty kid. But it was apparently mostly in a good way."

At age five Tito started smoking weed and drinking beer. These things were provided by his older half-brothers.

At nine years old Tito would stiff glue "all the time" to get high.

Tito has smoked weed and smoked cocaine. He's done mushrooms, methamphetamine, acid and PCP. "By the time I reached sixth grade, I had done just about every drug there was to do except heroin."

Tito's parents were heroin addicts. When Tito was eight years old his mom became a "lady of the evening" to make money to support her and Tito's dad's habit.

Tito's father looks like an old Mexican version of Jimi Hendrix, afro and all. (I suppose I should admit that this isn't a fact stated in the book but rather an observation I made.)

When Tito was younger (exact age wasn't given) he and his brothers would bring a football to the beach. They'd throw the football around and: "...every once in a while one of us would throw the football at somebody's stuff while they were in the water. When we went to retrieve it, we'd grab people's wallets so we'd have money to buy stuff."

Tito joined a gang called F Troops. Tito was only nine at the time and most of the kids in the gang were age 14 to 16. To join he had to get jumped in. "Being jumped in is an initiation beating. You have to walk this line of about eight kids, usually four on a side. As you walk the line they all beat on you and sucker punch you and you have to take it to prove you're strong enough to join their gang. At the end of the line there's always one guy who gives you the final beatdown."

While attending Dwyer Middle School: "I know I set a record at Dwyer for having the most detentions in a single year in the history of the school. I think it was something like 64."

While a junior high student Tito stole the American flag that was hanging in the post office.

Tito lost his virginity at age 16 to a cheerleader.

During summer vacation after his sophomore year in high school Tito was arrested and convicted of grand theft auto.

During his junior year in high school Tito was 6' 1" and weighed 185.

While in high school (exact age wasn't given): "My friends and I would stake out houses. We'd see when people would go off to work and when they would come back. We'd watch a house for three to four days, then watch for another week, and then that third week we would wait for them to go to work, bust out a side window, unlock the house, back a car in, fill the car up with stuff, and take off. We did that for a good four months."

After high school Tito started dealing meth for almost a year.

Tito stole a gumball machine for his girlfriend as a birthday present. Her parents found out he stole it, made him return it, then made him turn himself in to the police where he was charged with a felony.

"Shortly before I started at Golden West College, I was arrested for burglary. A friend and I had gotten drunk one night and decided to go hit some cars for stereos. This time we got caught."

When Tito helped Tank train it didn't involve any striking: "We just did juijitsu and wrestling... I was taking him down at will and he was getting frustrated. Wrestling was his weakness, and he took what I was trying to teach him grudgingly."

After quitting college Tito worked as a clerk at Spanky's Adult Novelty Store during the day and trained for the UFC at night.

Ortiz was paid $7,500 for his fight against Jerry Bohlander at UFC 18.

Before the fight at UFC 18: "...I was approached by this porno production company called Extreme Associates. They said, 'We'll pitch you a couple of grand if you wear this T-shirt after the fight.' The T-shirt said, 'I just fucked your ass.'"

Ortiz was paid $160,000 for his fight against Vitor Belfort at UFC 51.

After his fight with Belfort: "Word had traveled fast that my contract with the UFC was up, and I began getting offers from competing organizations. Pride out of Japan made an offer for a six-fight deal, but it was essentially the same money I was being offered by the UFC. Besides, the competition was a lot stiffer with Pride and there was a good chance that I would be fighting out of my weight division, so I turned it down."

After his third fight with Ken Shamrock his contract was up. The UFC wanted to re-sign him: "It must have killed Dana to give me the contract he did. He gave me a $200,000 signing bonus and raised my fee to a full million dollars a fight."

For his fight at UFC 73: "...they have me a choice of three fighters: Keith Jardine, Forrest Griffin and Rashad Evans. Keith had already lost to Rashad, and I had already beaten Forrest Griffin. I didn't want an easy fight, so I went with Rashad."

"While training for the Rashad Evans fight, I made what was probably the biggest purchase I will ever make. I bought Oscar De La Hoya's house up in Big Bear, California, for $2.1 million."

Vittu näitä Titon touhuja. Tässä olis MikaT2:lle tai Jontelle tuhannen taalan paikka!

Tito Ortiz, who fights Bellator middleweight champion Alexander Shlemenko live on PPV on May 17, recently posted on social media that items stolen from his home had turned up on CraigsList.

Tito Ortiz @titoortiz
This stuff was stolen from my home. I hope this guys does right or jail. Someone is selling a bunch of your things.
Tito Ortiz MMA Stuff UFC Memorabilia - Found in Storage Locker

Tito Ortiz MMA Stuff UFC Memorabilia - Found in Storage Locker (Downey)
I found a bunch of items that belonged to Tito Ortiz (UFC Champ) in a storage locker. Items include pictures, prints, fighting gloves, Punishment banners that appear to be used during his fights, letters to him and Jenna Jameson, fighting contracts, schedules, VHS tapes of his fights, all kinds of stuff. THIS STUFF IS NOT STOLEN, I BOUGHT THEM AT A STORAGE LOCKER AND LEGALLY I AM NOW THE OWNER. I have the receipt as proof. I am taking offers, looking for at least 3K and when you factor in all the items and their value, you are getting a great price. For example there are 350 prints, sell them for $10 each, that alone is $3,500.
Make me a serious offer!!





Paljonkohan Chuck maksaisi jos ostaisi ton kasan, polttaisi sen ja tekisi siitä videon?
Titosta kun on kyse niin eiköhän se ole vain unohtanut maksaa vuokratilansa maksut.

3 kpl M-Nutrition EAA+

Mango - Hedelmäpunssi - Sitruuna - Vihreä omena

Näin tuossa juuri on käynnyt, joko rahat ollu loppu taikka unohtanut. Storage warssissa olis ollu aika eeppinen jakso!

jos Titon kamat menis Storage warssiin niin sielä menis Chuckilla ja Kentsulla koko omaisuus siinä huutokaupassa, kun kummatkin haluaisi tuhota nuo omin käsin.
jos Titon kamat menis Storage warssiin niin sielä menis Chuckilla ja Kentsulla koko omaisuus siinä huutokaupassa, kun kummatkin haluaisi tuhota nuo omin käsin.

Veikkaan että Chuckin tilin saldolla on 4-6 nollaa enemmän ko Kentsulla.
Puututaankohan tähän MikaT2->Jontte->UFCMMA multinikkisekoiluun laisinkaan? Ei tarvi olla kummoinen spekuloija että näkee heti että kyseessä on yksi ja sama sänvitsi.
Puututaankohan tähän MikaT2->Jontte->UFCMMA multinikkisekoiluun laisinkaan? Ei tarvi olla kummoinen spekuloija että näkee heti että kyseessä on yksi ja sama sänvitsi.
Kysymystä voisi laajentaa näin: puututaanko kamppailulajit osiolla mihinkään mitenkään?

Kaikki (ulkomaisia) kamppailijoita koskevat keskustelut ovat etenemätöntä juupas/eipäs mielipideväittelyä muutaman henkilön kesken. Turhien jankkaajien postaukset voisi siirtää väittelyketjuun ja trollit pistää jäähylle.
Kysymystä voisi laajentaa näin: puututaanko kamppailulajit osiolla mihinkään mitenkään?

Kaikki (ulkomaisia) kamppailijoita koskevat keskustelut ovat etenemätöntä juupas/eipäs mielipideväittelyä muutaman henkilön kesken. Turhien jankkaajien postaukset voisi siirtää väittelyketjuun ja trollit pistää jäähylle.

Mä luulen ettei ongelma varsinaisesti ole se, etteikö tuohon touhuun kiinnostaisi puuttua, mutta vaikuttaa ettei ole aktiivisesti tätä kamppailuosiota lukevaa moderaattoria. Pitäisi nostaa modeksi joku joka tätä osiota lukee päivittäin.
Ymmärrän kyllä täysin sen, että jos aihe ei kiinnosta ollenkaan niin ei varmaan kiinnosta tulle tänne näihin ketjuihin trollausta etsimäänkään.
Kysymystä voisi laajentaa näin: puututaanko kamppailulajit osiolla mihinkään mitenkään?

Kaikki (ulkomaisia) kamppailijoita koskevat keskustelut ovat etenemätöntä juupas/eipäs mielipideväittelyä muutaman henkilön kesken. Turhien jankkaajien postaukset voisi siirtää väittelyketjuun ja trollit pistää jäähylle.

Ignore helpottaa ja pahimmat vänkääjäthän istuu toisinaan jäähyllä. Mut kai se jonniinverran pitää antaa jengin riehua, että pysyy forumi aktiivisena. Tietty se harmittaa, että jostain fedorista jaksetaan edelleen vääntää, mutta kaipa se on joillekin joko uus juttu tai elämää tärkeämpi asia(wtf?)
Ignore helpottaa ja pahimmat vänkääjäthän istuu toisinaan jäähyllä. Mut kai se jonniinverran pitää antaa jengin riehua, että pysyy forumi aktiivisena. Tietty se harmittaa, että jostain fedorista jaksetaan edelleen vääntää, mutta kaipa se on joillekin joko uus juttu tai elämää tärkeämpi asia(wtf?)

All publicity is good publicity...
Tonight is the night!!! WAR Tito. Veikkaan että Tito boxailee hieman ensin pystyssä ja sitten vie maahan jonka jälkeen alkaa armoton Ground & Pound jota seuraa giljotiini kuristuslopetus. Velivenäläinen poistuu pökerryksissä hölmistynyt ilme kasvoillaan ja People Champ tekee Grave Diggerin.


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