"Titan" (Blizzard Entertainment projekti)

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Works for me.
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Blizzardin uusi MMO josta spekuloitiin jo 2007.

Threadiä tein siksi, että peli on nyt kehityksen kantilta rebootattu, aikaisintaan 2016 jotain näkemistä. Valmistuukohan koskaan? Tosin ehkä hyvä että Blizzardilla on oikeasti jotkin standardit ja peli kylmästi uusiks jos ei toimi...
Blizzard delays unannounced MMO until 2016, resets whole project (exclusive)
Maaliskuussa 2011 Sams antoi haastattelun Gamasutralle ja paljasti että peli oli pelattavissa ja kertoi visiosta, jonka mukaan projektin pelin olisi tarkoitus kasvaa vielä 10, 15 tai 20 vuodenkin kuluttua julkistuksestaan ja asettaa uusia ennätyksiä toimialalla.
Melkoiset visiot on kyllä ja silloin on ihan syytäkin tehdä kerralla kunnolla. Vaikuttaa sen verran massiiviselta projektilta, että ei kai sitä ihan helposti lopeteta kesken? Onnistuessa tiedossa olisi varmaan melkoiset rahavirrat.
Sääli vain että menee noin kauan, odottelin tästä jonkinlaista uutta isoa tapausta joka tempaisi mukaansa. Nyt näyttää että pitää seuraavatkin vuodet kuluttaa WoWin parissa. Ei muuta kuin tili takaisin auki. :D
Joo, osa Titanista leikattiin sitten pelkäksi FPS peliksi mistä tuli Overwatch. Se oli tosin vain max puolet konseptista.

Projektin peruuntumisen jälkeen tuosta Titan projektista on jotkut vähän jopa kertonut.
Sehän meinasi tosiaan olla ihan kunnon MMO, missä voi elää niin "normaalia elämää" kuin sitten käydä sotimassa. Eli siis voit olla vaikka mekaanikko, ja sitten välillä otat rynkyn käteen ja käyt sotimassa. Vaihtoehtoisesti voit vaan tehdä sitä ammattia.

Eli pitkälti The Sims + Team Fortress, mutta toki pelimaailma MMO tapaan pelaajien jakama.


The main concept was this: you, the player, would maintain a mundane job—butchering, engineering, entrepreneurship—during the day, while waging clandestine warfare against opposing factions at night (or between work hours).

One potential scenario, described to me by a person who saw the game, might have gone something like this: You’re working for a corporation, helping run a shop, when you’re called for a mission by your faction, so you run into an elevator, switch outfits superhero-style, and go off to fight enemies with a group of friends or allies. Or you can just ignore the combat and keep doing your job, which could mean anything from tinkering with vehicles as a mechanic to running your own business as an entrepreneur.

Players would be able to select from classes with names like Reaper, Jumper, Titan, Ranger, and Juggernaut, each of which had its own special combat abilities and items, according to a source. Jumpers, for example, would be agile scouts with a teleport ability and the ability to quickly leap in and out of combat. Titans were tanks, while Rangers were snipers with cloaking and other abilities (think Nova from StarCraft II and the ill-fated StarCraft Ghost).

Multiplayer games have had non-combat professions and tasks before, but from the sounds of it, Blizzard’s take was more ambitious and interesting than anything we’ve seen in the past. Not only would players have been able to run their own businesses and shops, according to one source, they could maintain relationships with non-player customers and retail staff, even starting families thanks to a complicated AI system that Blizzard hoped to implement. (One source told me that Blizzard had hired a number of former Maxis staff who worked on The Sims in order to help put all this together.)

The goal, according to one person who worked on the game, was to construct cities that felt like living worlds, full of businesses, shops, and NPCs with schedules and behaviors based on what was happening at any given time. One ambitious planned system would have NPCs recognize players based on their previous interactions—for example, a shopkeeper might have interacted with you differently if you were a frequent customer.
Siinähän noita Overwatch hahmoja jo pitkälti kuvailtiin.

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