The Ultimate Fighter 19 Finale: Edgar vs. Penn (06.07.2014)

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Ihmettelin jo punnituksessa mitä BJ varpaisillaan mittaili, n.25min kohdalla mystistä.

Viimeksi muokannut ylläpidon jäsen:
Jason Parillo: Never in a million years would I have developed B.J. Penn's new upright striking style - MMA Fighting

"I would never in a million years develop that new style," Parillo said. "Never in a million years."

"I got called a week before the fight to work his corner for the fight, so I, myself, hadn't spent time in camp at all with B.J. ... I answered yes automatically because he's my friend. So I didn't know. They explained to me kind of the gameplan the week of the fight, and I was actually rooming with his boxing coach the whole week, so I was listening to him, talking to him about what they were doing. At that point, it's not my position to make any adjustments, like, ‘no, no, no, let's do this, let's do that,' because it's too late for that. It's too late. He's been doing this s--t for two years. What, am I going to come in the week of the fight and change a whole gameplan? Change a whole style around? That's not going to happen, nor does B.J. want me to make that happen. He doesn't want that to happen, he wants to go in there with want they have planned."

"I wanted him bending his knees. It's called sitting down on your punch in boxing, and that way you can use your legs to help with your head movement, help with your footwork, help with all this stuff. He just says he doesn't like that style anymore because it made him too tired. So at the end of the day, what can I do? He's my friend and I've got to support him. I always have and I always will."

Kannattaa muuten lukea tämä Jack Slackin erinomainen ja mielenkiintoinen (kuinkas muuten) artikkeli BJ:stä pohjautuen pari päivää sitten nähtyyn murhenäytelmään:

Jack Slack: A Ghost Under the Ring Lights | FIGHTLAND
Eikös noihin nimisuomennoksiin tullut joku ohje aikaisemmin ettei niitä tarvita?
Itse en katsonut tuota TUF kautta kun pari jaksoa, mutta niissä jaksoissa BJ näytti jotenkin ihan riutuneelta, äänikin oli ihan erilainen. Ihan kun miehellä olisi ollut joku kuumeflunssa päällä tms. Ihme haamu koko mies.

e. eipä siinä mitään, kaikki vanhenee ja varsinkin alemmissa painoluokissa tuo näkyy paljon radikaalimmin.

ee. Nää counter jabit oli niin siistejä,



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