- Liittynyt
- 21.12.2004
- Viestejä
- 316
- Ikä
- 42
Pakkis toimii vielä nopeammin tällä Firefoxin versiolla joka on optimoitu oikealle prosessorikannalle. Kokeilkaas huviksenne, paljon nopeampi kuin perus- firefox. Varsinkin suuremmilla yhteysnopeuksilla.
"Moox build for Mozilla Firefox" tietyille prosessoreille. Valitkaapa oikeasta kohtaa se oma ja testatkaa iloksenne. Winrarrilla puratte sitten vaikka c:\program files\mozilla\ -kansioon.
KAIKKI näistä linkeissä olevat versiot ovat suomenkielisiä!
M1 builds are generally optimized builds that also contain code optimized for the MMX instruction set. M1 builds are targeted for the following processors:
- AMD Athlon
- AMD K6-2
- Intel Pentium 2
- Intel Pentium
- http://www.moox.ws/files/mozilla/firefox/localized/fi-FI/MozillaFirefox_1_0_RELEASE_M1_fi-FI.exe
M2 builds are highly optimized builds that also contain code optimized for the SSE instruction set. Given the nature M2 builds, they are designed only for processors that support SSE:
- AMD Athlon XP
- AMD Athlon MP
- AMD Sempron (2200+ - 2800+)
- AMD Duron (1.0GHz - 1.8GHz)
- Intel Pentium 3
- Intel Celeron (533MHz - 1.4GHz)
- http://www.moox.ws/files/mozilla/firefox/localized/fi-FI/MozillaFirefox_1_0_RELEASE_M2_fi-FI.exe
M3 builds are highly optimized builds that also contain code optimized for the SSE2 instruction set. Given the nature of M3 builds, they are designed only for processors that support SSE2:
- AMD Opteron
- AMD Athlon FX
- AMD Athlon 64
- AMD Sempron (3100+)
- Intel Xeon
- Intel Pentium M
- Intel Pentium 4
- Intel Celeron D
- Intel Celeron (1.7GHz - 2.8GHz)
- http://www.moox.ws/files/mozilla/firefox/localized/fi-FI/MozillaFirefox_1_0_RELEASE_M3_fi-FI.exe
"Moox build for Mozilla Firefox" tietyille prosessoreille. Valitkaapa oikeasta kohtaa se oma ja testatkaa iloksenne. Winrarrilla puratte sitten vaikka c:\program files\mozilla\ -kansioon.
KAIKKI näistä linkeissä olevat versiot ovat suomenkielisiä!
M1 builds are generally optimized builds that also contain code optimized for the MMX instruction set. M1 builds are targeted for the following processors:
- AMD Athlon
- AMD K6-2
- Intel Pentium 2
- Intel Pentium
- http://www.moox.ws/files/mozilla/firefox/localized/fi-FI/MozillaFirefox_1_0_RELEASE_M1_fi-FI.exe
M2 builds are highly optimized builds that also contain code optimized for the SSE instruction set. Given the nature M2 builds, they are designed only for processors that support SSE:
- AMD Athlon XP
- AMD Athlon MP
- AMD Sempron (2200+ - 2800+)
- AMD Duron (1.0GHz - 1.8GHz)
- Intel Pentium 3
- Intel Celeron (533MHz - 1.4GHz)
- http://www.moox.ws/files/mozilla/firefox/localized/fi-FI/MozillaFirefox_1_0_RELEASE_M2_fi-FI.exe
M3 builds are highly optimized builds that also contain code optimized for the SSE2 instruction set. Given the nature of M3 builds, they are designed only for processors that support SSE2:
- AMD Opteron
- AMD Athlon FX
- AMD Athlon 64
- AMD Sempron (3100+)
- Intel Xeon
- Intel Pentium M
- Intel Pentium 4
- Intel Celeron D
- Intel Celeron (1.7GHz - 2.8GHz)
- http://www.moox.ws/files/mozilla/firefox/localized/fi-FI/MozillaFirefox_1_0_RELEASE_M3_fi-FI.exe